Faraway Survivor

Chapter 190: Interlude 70 The Third-Party

-What are you talking about, Athena? (Perseus)

The man shouts at the woman in front of him.

-... (Athena)

-Why did the "Order" allow them to join our side? (Perseus)

Athena shakes her head and replies to the man.

-I can't overturn their decision, Perseus. (Athena)

-... (Perseus)

After Athena finished talking to Perseus, she went out and left Perseus behind alone. Perseus bites his lips until it bleeding.

-Why did they allow them to join us? (Perseus)

Terrible blood lust comes from Perseus.

-I can't have my revenge on them if they did that. (Perseus)

After a while, Perseus decides to return to his room.

-I'm back. (Perseus)

However, no one inside the room replies to Perseus. He walks to the stone of a woman placed carefully in the room's corner.

-Andromeda. (Perseus)

Perseus takes a wine bottle out from under the bed and drinks it. He sits down at the statue and starts crying.

-I miss you so much, Andromeda. (Perseus)

If the others look at the current Perseus, they will not detect a trace of a mighty god. All they can find here is a depressed and lonely man.


Since the day Perseus received the news that Jormungandr's army joined the "Order." He spent days and nights drinking.

-Justice, they say. (Perseus)

He throws the bottle at the wall nearby.

-Where is my justice, then? (Perseus)

The man angrily curses the "Order" out loud.

-Those jerks forgive their crime because they joined "Order."What kind of bullsh*t is that? (Perseus)

-How about taking revenge on them? (???)

-Who's there? (Perseus)

But no one replies to him when he asks out loud. He scratches his head and sighs.

-Maybe I have drunk too much. (Perseus)

If there is nothing happens, Perseus's daily life will remain like that without changing. Until one day, her sister knocks on his bedroom.

-Perseus. (Athena)

The man answers in a drunk voice.

-Yes? (Perseus)

The man lazily raises his body and walks toward the door. He opens the door and finds his cousin Athena is standing on the other side.

-Why are you here? (Perseus)

-I need you to do something. (Athena)

The man replies to her with sarcasm.

-Do you think I can help you in this state? (Perseus)

-I think you can. (Athena)

Athena smiles and answers him.

-There is a help signal that comes from a force that belongs to "Order. " (Athena)

-Then what? I'm not in the mood to rescue anyone. (Perseus)

-The signal comes from Jormungandr's army. (Athena)

The moment the man heard that name, he turned sharply and stares at Athena.

-... (Perseus)

He lets out a sigh and turns back to the room.

-I can't do anything after all. In "Order", we can't harm people in the same faction. (Perseus)

-... (Athena)

The girl places a crystal on a table in his room and turns around.

-I will leave the guide crystal here. You can find Jormungandr's army using this stone. (Athena)

-... (Perseus)

Perseus sits down and stares at the crystal lying on the ground.

-Hah! (Perseus)

He makes up his mind and picks the crystal up.

-I will use my own eyes to judge them. If they are devils, I will slay them even if I have to go against the "Order." (Perseus)

Perseus opens his wardrobe and takes out a shield and winged sandals.

-Where did I leave my sword? Is it nearby? (Perseus)

It takes a while for Perseus to find a sword in the corner of his room.

-I feel something wrong with the sword. (Perseus)

He wields the sword and tries swinging it.

-Maybe it's just my imagination. (Perseus)

Perseus leaves the room and heads to the battlefield. However, he doesn't notice the mysterious energy is lurking inside his sword.


Athena came out from the shadow of the room and watched over Perseus figure leaving the room.

-Hahahaha. He took the bait. (Athena)

Another shadow appears from right behind the laughing Athena and speaks.

-You are playing with those gods again, sister. (Yoso)

-Oh! (Athena)

Athena turns around and replies to the shadow.

-What are you doing over here, Yog-Sothoth? I thought you would spend your time and play with your favourite mortal right now? (Athena)

-I'm just passing by. (Yoso)

-You have a lot of time on your hand. (Athena)

Athena glares at Yoso and says.

-I don't know what you are planning, Yoso. But don't you dare to ruin my game. (Athena)

Yoso replies to the girl in a monotonous voice.

-I won't. (Yoso)

-Good. (Athena)

-How long do you want to wear that fake skin? (Yoso)

-Right, I almost forget about it. (Athena)

Athena takes off her skin as if it is made from clothes. What appears from inside the skin is a dark shadow with a human figure.

-That man couldn't notice the difference between his actual cousin and me. (Shadow)

-Your disuse is perfect as always, sister. (Yoso)

-Right. (Shadow)

The shadow turns to Yoso and tells her.

-I'm going to leave now, Yog-Sothoth. I want to witness his massacre directly. (Shadow)

-Okay, sister. (Yoso)

The shadow disappeared and left Yoso behind.

-I can't directly intercept with the battle to help Farah. (Yoso)

A faint smile suddenly forms on Yoso's face.

-However, the future me likely know what to do. (Yoso)


Sorry for the late TvT. There will be one more chapter tonight.

Thanks for reading OwO

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