Faraway Survivor

Chapter 192: Hero Always Comes At The Right Time-2

With the chanting of Perseus, an arena appears from the ground and surrounds War.

-Hoh, your ability looks really interesting. (War)

Perseus says to War in an arrogant voice.

-Enjoy your time as much as you can, mortal. (Perseus)

-Huh? (War)

-Without divine power, you will crumble before my god realm. (Perseus)

When War looked around, she noticed a massive number "5" floating in the middle of the air.

-Sand warriors assemble. (Perseus)

Many sand warriors raise up from the ground as Perseus commands. Each of them holds a weapon in their hand.

-I thought it would be one on one. I never thought you would call out an army to fight with me. (War)

-I don't need to fight you directly. My sand warriors are enough to handle you. (Perseus)

War can't help but laugh out loud.

-Good excuse! You're afraid of me, aren't you? (War)

The man angrily rebukes to War.

-Die, mortal! Archers shoot her! (War)

The sand warriors who wield bows start shooting at War.

-I will finish this fast since I need to save "White." (War)

War uses her leg to stomp on the ground to produce a shock wave. The shock wave was strong enough to prevent all the arrows in the middle of the air.

-Vanguard, Charge at her! Archer continues shooting at her. (Perseus)

Many sand warriors hold all kinds of weapons in their hand charges at War.

-Woah, what a warm welcome. (War)

-You need to finish soon, War. (Death)

-I know. (War)

War scratches her head and looks at the current situation.

-Those sand warriors will come back even if I try to destroy them. (War)

War reaches out her hands in the air and channelling.

-The born of new life: Weapon creation. (War)

After War had finished the chant, a sword with no particular characteristic appeared in her hand.

-Hahaha, what can you do with that kind of mass-produce sword? Are you going to tickle me, mortal? (Perseus)

>New blade was born.

Please fight along with the blade to nurture its power.

War wields the sword and defends against all the attacks that come at her.

>The sword has gained an additional effect.

For every time you successfully defend against an attack, your STG will be increased by 5%.

The effect will last until you leave the battle.

-That's good. (War)

Perseus seems to notice something unusual is happening.

-Is she getting stronger? (Perseus)

Perseus loses his patience when he looks at the number float on the top of the arena.

-Why can't they land a single hit on her? If my army can hit her five times, she will die. (Perseus)

Perseus pours more divine powers into his army. Thanks to the divine powers, the sand warriors now can easily keep up with War's speed.

-It's getting tough. (War)

War pours mana inside the sword and slashes at the sand's warrior in front of her. A crescent mana wave comes out of her sword and cuts down all the enemies in front of her.

>The sword has gained an additional effect.

Every time you destroy an enemy, the sword will release a mana wave to attack the one behind the destroyed one.

-That's neat. (War)

With the additional effect of the sword, the battle turns into slaughter for War.

-What kind of monster is this? (Perseus)

However, Perseus will not stand still when he saw War slaughter his army.

-Swallow her. (Perseus)

The black flames come out of the sword in his hand and fly toward War's place.

-Don't get in touch that flame, War. (Death)

-Okay. (War)

Instead of running away from the flame, War runs toward Perseus's place. On the way, War keeps taking down the sand warrior.

-Stop her. (Perseus)

Perseus commands the soldier to hinder her way.

>You have slain 10,000 sand warriors who are infused with divine power.

>Your sword has taken a new form.

The sword in War's hand turns into a curved golden blade.

>*Ruler of the sand* has gained additional effects.

+ You can control sands freely.

+ You can suck the divine power of the enemy. The amount of the divine power you can suck is equivalent to 1/10 amounts of your mana.

War wields her sword and returns all the warriors nearby into the sand. War uses those sands to construct a massive barrier to protect her from the black flame.

-It's useless. (Perseus)

The flame quickly melts down the sand barriers. Perseus looks at the number in the sky and finds out it has changed to "4" now.

-I finally landed a hit on her. (Perseus)

Perseus didn't have a chance to rejoice when he noticed a golden blade flying straight at him. Perseus tried to use his left hand, where he usually held a shield to defend against the blade. But Perseus forgot he broke his shield in the previous fight.

-Ahhh! (Perseus)

The blade stabs right at Perseus chest. Perseus feels he is losing his power and falls to his knee. The arena surrounds Perseus starts to crumble.

-Let me finish you off. (War)

Perseus turns in the voice's direction and finds out War is wielding a gigantic white claymore.

-Say hello to my partner: God Slayer. It was my favourite weapon when I stayed on earth. (War)

War wields the claymore and slashes at Perseus. Perseus somehow mutters his last strength to avoid the claymore. Therefore, the claymore got his right hand instead of his head.

-Damn, I miss the vital spot. (War)

War says in a playful tone.

-Well, you are going to die, anyway. It's a fair price for burning a little hair of White's body. (War)

When War try to kill Perseus, a golden shield is thrown at War and cause her to cease the current action.

-Please, stop. (???)

War glares at the owner of the shield and asks.

-Are you his accomplice? (War)

The golden-haired girl, the owner of the golden shield, displays no hostility to War.

-Please, don't kill him. I will explain everything. (???)


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