Faraway Survivor

Chapter 194: The Despair Trial-1

While I'm lying on the ground, I keep staring at the ball of light.

-The result of your trial is unacceptable. (???)

-Eh? (Farah)

-Those emotions are unnecessary to become a goddess. The upcoming trial will handle that useless emotion. (???)

Light comes out from the ball of light and wraps around me.

-Experience the despair and drop those useless emotions, successor. (???)

Before I lost my consciousness, I could hear a faint voice.

-Emotions are what leads "her" to destruction. Get rid of those useless emotions, successor. (???)


???'s POV

-Tia! (Elana)

A girl with short chestnut hair calls out to me.

-I'm here, sister. (Tia)

I stop washing clothes and turn to my sister.

-What do you need, sister Elana? (Tia)

Even though I call her my sister, she is unrelated to me by blood at all. Sister Elana forms a smile on her face and takes out a small bag.

-Did you get some treats when you came back from town, sister? (Tia)

Sister Elena jumps to my side and hugs me.

-Right, I want to give it to you, my cutie. (Elana)

-Moh, my hand is dirty now, sister. (Tia)

-Who cares about that, Tia? (Elana)

I pout and rebuke the sister.

-You are so unreasonable, sister. (Tia)

-Thank you for your compliment, Mia. (Elana)

-Where are brother Duke and brother Lucas, sister Elana? (Tia)

-They went out and bought some stuff, Tia. They would be back soon. (Elana)

The four of us are orphanages who live in the church on a small hill. Aside from us, one sister has taken care of us since we were young. The sister isn't here now. She told us she would come back by the evening.

I open the wraps of the bag and find out there is a small piece of chocolate inside it.

-Eh! (Tia)

-You always want to eat one, right? (Elana)

-But isn't it expensive, sister? You should save up your money and use it to buy new clothes instead. (Tia)

Sister Elana reaches out to stroke my head.

-Don't worry about that. It was my early treat for your seventh birthday, Tia. (Elana)

-Is that so? (Tia)

I take out the small chocolate piece and bite half of it.

-Whoa, it's so delicious. (Tia)

I give the remaining chocolate piece to my sister and say.

-You should have some too, sister Elana. (Tia)

Sister Elana hugs me more tightly and rubs her cheeks against mine.

-You are such a cutie, Tia. (Elana)

A masculine voice comes from behind when we are hugging each other.

-You two are close, as always. (Lucas)

-You are back, Lucas. (Elana)

-Yes, I'm back. (Lucas)

-Where is Duke? Hasn't he gone back yet? (Elana)

-He was out to get some firewood. He will be back soon, Elana. (Lucas)

Sister Elana smirks.

-Lucas looks pretty lonely. (Elana)

Sister shows me to Lucas and asks him.

-Do you want to hug Tia to relieve your loneliness? (Elana)

Lucas starts coughing and turns around.

-Who wants to hug her? (Lucas)

Sister Elana laughs and says.

-Look who is shy over there. (Elana)

-Huh. (Lucas)

Brother Lucas becomes angry and goes inside the church. Sister Elana and Lucas have the same age, which is 12. On the other hand, brother Duke is 15 this year. That's why sister Elana and brother Lucas often tease each other.

-Don't mind him, Tia. He's just too shy to hug you. (Elana)

I smile at my sister and answer.

-Ehehe, I don't hate him. I know my sister and brother really love me. (Tia)

Sister Elana hugs me even tighter.

-I can't breathe, sister Elana. (Tia)

At that time, another voice called out to us.

-Did Elana bully you again, Tia? (Duke)

The voice's owner is a muscle man who places a bunch of logs on his back. It's our brother, Duke.

-How could this look like a bully to you, brother? (Elana)

-Ahahah! Tia comes here. (Duke)

I was released from my sister Elana's hug and ran to my big brother's side. He reaches his hand out and tries to stroke my head.

-Ehehe! (Tia)

-Tia's smile is the best healing dose. (Duke)

When I'm being patted by the brother, I start to feel dizzy.

-Tia! (Elana)

-She has a high fever again! (Duke)

-Bring her to the bed, Duke. (Elana)

-Okay. (Duke)

I can feel the big brother hold me on his arm and place me on the bed.

-I'm sorry, big brother and sister Elana. (Tia)

Sister Elana, who sits beside holds my hand to reassure me.

-It's not your fault that you were born with a weak body, Tia. (Elana)

I can hear the sound of the door being opened. It's the sister who takes care of us walks inside with a man.

-You are back! (Elana)

The sister replies to sister Elana in a hurried voice.

-I have called the best doctor in the capital to check up on Tia. I never thought her fever would come back this soon. (Sister)

Is it my fault that the sister must travel to the capital to find a person to check up on me? I feel I have bothered them a lot because I let them worried about me.

Sister Elana stands up and gives her seat to the man. The man checks up on my body with a pale light.

-You will be all right, Tia. (Elana)

Sister Elana, who stands right next to the doctor, reaches out and pats my head.

-Everything will be all right. You will become healthy in a few days, Tia. At that time, we will have a birthday party together. (Elana)

I smile at the sister before I lose my consciousness again. When I'm in a coma, I can hear some faint sounds.

-What do you mean by she can only live for one more week? (Elana)

-This girl has possessed an abnormal amount of mana since she was born. However, her body can't stand it, which leads to her constitution become weak. She can survive until now is a miracle. (Doctor)

I can hear sister Elana crying.

-It can't be. How could God be so cruel to this child? Do you know she will have her seventh birthday in 5 days? But now you tell me she would die in one week. (Elana)

-Elana, please calm down. (Duke)

-How the hell can I calm down with this news, Duke? Are you telling me to accept Tia's death? (Elana)

-I... (Duke)

-I have to go. (Lucas)

-Lucas, where are you going at this time? (Duke)

-I'm going to the mountain. (Lucas)

-Why are you leaving for the mountain at this hour? (Duke)

-I have to find something. (Lucas)

Not only sister Elana cries, but brother Lucas also starts crying.

-I must find something. Something on the mountain can help Tia. (Lucas)

-Lucas... (Duke)

I'm sorry, sister Elana, brother Duke and brother Lucas. I'm a bad girl that makes you guys sad.

>Reopen locked memory of the individual: Farah.

>Start phase 2 of despair trial.


Thanks for reading OwO

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