Faraway Survivor

Chapter 204: Finding Farah-2

Stheno was relieved when she heard Beleth's statement. Her journey would be much safe if she had strong people like them on her side.

-Stheno. (Beleth)

-Yes? (Stheno)

-I have been wondering for a long time. (Beleth)

-What's the problem? (Stheno)

-Why do you have a partial blessing while others have a full blessing? (Beleth)

-Ah, about that! (Stheno)

Stheno answers Beleth with a shy smile on her face.

-Whew, there are various reasons for that. (Stheno)

-Hmmm? (Beleth)

-The most significant reason is Jormungandr wants someone to stop her. (Stheno)

-Huh? What do you mean by that? (Beleth)

Stheno askes Beleth.

-Did you know Jormungandr in the past differs from the present? (Stheno)

-Really? In what senses? (Beleth)

-She is calm and a kind person. And she doesn't like to fight others. (Stheno)

Stheno continues.

-But the current Jormungandr like fighting so up. She can fight all day and night and even end up hurting herself. (Stheno)

-What made your master change? (Beleth)

-... (Stheno)

Stheno sighs and tells Beleth.

-It's the "Origin."It's also the thing that makes Jormungandr a goddess. (Stheno)

The twins who overheard the conversation also turned to Stheno.

-"Origin"? (Mia)

-A thing that can make people become a goddess? (Amy)

-Right! (Stheno)

-What is the "Origin", Stheno? (Beleth)

Stheno shakes her head and replies to Beleth.

-I don't know much about it. But Jormungandr calls the "Origin" is the tale of the others. (Stheno)

-Tale? (Beleth)

-It gets a little confusing, right? (Stheno)

-Uhm. (Beleth)

-The "Origin" records what has the owner achieved in their lifetime. (Stheno)

-You mean their achievement? (Beleth)

-Right. It will record the good deed and the horrible deed of the owner in "Origin." Each of them is a remarkable achievement; it is like destroy a planet or save a star. (Stheno)

-Woah, they all sound incredible. But I still don't understand how it can affect your master personality. (Beleth)

-Whew, if the "Origin" belongs to you, it won't affect the owner's personality. (Stheno)

-It's different when it belongs to others, right? (Beleth)

-Yup. (Stheno)

Beleth scratches her head and stares at Stheno.

-Did she choose to absorb it even though she knew the side effect of it? (Beleth)

-Yeah. (Stheno)

Mia can't beat her curiosity and asks Stheno.

-Why did she do that? (Mia)

-Mia! (Amy)

Stheno calms the twins down and tells them.

-It's all right, you two. Jormungandr absorbed it because we really needed strength at that moment. (Stheno)

-What...? (Mia)

When Mia tries to ask further, Amy instantly pokes her cheek.

-Awww, sister. (Mia)

-Don't be like that, Mia. (Amy)

-I got it! Release my cheek, sister. (Mia)

Stheno can't help but smile when she looks at the twins.

-These two are so cute. (Stheno)

-Ahahaha. (Beleth)

-That's everything I know about the "Origin." (Stheno)

At that time, a voice comes from the tent entrance and interrupts their conversation.

-You guys are all here? (Stolas)

The groups turn to the tent entrance and find Stolas is standing there and holding a trace of food.

-Oh, Stolas? (Beleth)

-Sister Stolas! (Amy & Mia)

Stolas nods and says.

-You guys shouldn't burden Stheno like that. She just woke up. (Stolas)

All three turn to Stheno and apologize to her.

-Don't worry about that. It doesn't affect me much since I only tell these three about my story. (Stheno)

Stolas places the trace next to Stheno and tells her.

-I don't know if these would fit your taste. (Stolas)

-Don't worry about that, Stolas. Since I'm a soldier, I am fine with anything. (Stheno)

Stolas nods and stands right beside Beleth.

-What are you guys talking about, Stheno? (Stolas)

-Ah, we are talking about the "Origin." (Stheno)

Stheno told Stolas about what she had explained to Beleth and others. Their conversation lasts until they decide to take a break.


Famine is reaching out to the ball of light on the verge of being broken.

-There is no more response come from this thing. Should I break it? (Famine)

-You could do that, Famine. (Death)

-Then let break it now! I want to get rid of this thing as soon as possible. (War)

Famine holds the ball of light in her hand and uses all of her might to crush it.

-Now I think we should focus on healing our "White." Since White is in pretty terrible shape. (Famine)

-Three fragments you got from that thing can be helpful in healing her, Famine. (Death)

Famine makes three fragments appear in hand.

-Do you mean these three? (Famine)

-Right. (Death)

-These fragments have the same wavelength as the one Farah had absorbed so far. It didn't show any sign of rejection to Farah so far. (War)

-And with these energies come from these fragments, they will be more than enough to heal Farah. (Death)

-Is there any side effect of letting Farah absorb these fragments? (Famine)

Death thinks for a while before answering Famine.

-If we force Farah to absorb these fragments directly, she will temporarily gain a large amount of mana. (Death)

-That doesn't sound too bad. All "White" needs to do is spending those manas until she becomes normal again. (Famine)

-Let's heal Farah right now. (War)

-Right. (Death)

The Famine gives her body back to "White." The hair of the body turns back to pink colour.

>Three Fragments of ??? are forcefully inserted into your body.

>Your body and soul are being healed under the energy that comes from the fragments.

>You Divine Power has been increased by 15.

>Your Int is temporarily increased by one hundred times because of the overflow energies.

STG: 45

CON: ∞

DEX: 40

INT: 350(00)

CHA: ∞

LUK: 1112

DIV: 33 (+15)

-Everything is alright so far. (Death)

-Right. (War)

-At this rate, "White" will wake up soon. (Famine)

>Five fragments of ??? has been collected.

>You have received one of ???'s authority.

>Abyss Knowledge:

+ Temporary increase your DIV by 1/2 of your INT. Cooldown: 6 Months

+ ???

+ ???


Thanks for reading OwO

Sorry, I lost my wifi yesterday so I can't write anything TvT. Therefore, I will post the bonus chapter tomorrow instead.

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