Faraway Survivor

Chapter 222: The Happy Ending For Everyone-3

Mia's POV.

With the help of the new demoness under sister Farah, we can reach the battlefield where the sister is fighting.

-But they don't let us fight along with them at all, sister Amy. (Mia)

We are currently inside a camp that is far from the current battlefield. This is the safest place since the soldiers of sister Beleth's army patrol 24/24.

- I want to help sister Farah too. (Mia)

Sister Amy reaches out and pats my head.

-I also want to help sister Farah too, Mia. However, sister Beleth wants to make sure we won't encounter any danger. (Amy)

Sister Amy continues.

-Even though we can't fight along with sister Farah directly, but we could welcome her warmly once she finished her battle. (Amy)

I pout and try to rebuke.

-But... (Mia)

Sister Amy changes the topic before I even have a chance to continue.

-But it's so awesome for sister Beleth and sister Stolas to summon their army. (Amy)

I tilt my head and ask my sister.

-I don't understand that why the two sisters haven't called their army so far. (Mia)

-Ah, I have asked the two sisters, and they tell me the reason. They can only call their army now, because our sister Farah has become stronger. (Amy)

Sister Amy looks bitter when she says about sister Farah's growth.

-...  (Amy & Mia)

As a twin sister, I can understand the feeling of sister Amy. We sometimes feel inferior to sister Farah. No matter how hard we try, we can't grow as fast as sister Farah.

I shake my head and reaffirm myself.

-I don't want to fall behind sister Farah because I want to become one that protects her instead. (Mia)

-... (Amy)

Both of us stare at each other and sigh out loud.

-Hah! (Amy & Mia)

At that moment, we can hear a loud whistle sound come from outside. We look at each other and decide to check the situation outside of the tent. When we go through the other side of the tent, we find out many people are running.

-What are they doing? (Mia)

-How can I know, Mia? (Amy)

I decide to call out to the nearest person who looks like a soldier. That person is a man at the age of twenty.

-Excuse me? (Mia)

The man turns to us and answers.

-Ah, yes? You guys are master Beleth's guest, right? I'm sorry I'm in a rush now. (Soldier)

The man runs away after he says a few sentences to us.

-Hah! (Mia)

-They seem to be in a hurry. (Amy)

-Right! (Mia)

A soft voice comes from behind us when we are staring at the leaving soldiers.

-What are you two doing here? (Sira)

We turn around and find a beautiful sister standing there.

-Eh? (Mia)

-Ah, I forget to introduce myself. I'm the secretary of demoness Beleth, you guys can call me Sira. (Sira)

-Hello, sister Sira. (Mia)

-It's nice to see you, sister Sira. (Amy)

Sister Sira smiles and replies to us.

-You two are docile like what my master said. (Sira)

Sister Sira takes some candies from her pocket and gives them to us.

-Do you two want some candies? (Sira)

We shake our heads and reply to her.

-We are good, sister Sira. (Amy)

-We are not in the mood for that, sister. (Mia)

Sister Sira makes a sad face and put them back into the pocket.

-Eh, it's too bad then. What are you two doing here, though? (Sira)

-Ah, we suddenly heard the loud whistle noise coming from outside. Therefore, we decided to go out to check the situation. (Amy)

-Oh, you mean the summoning. Our army uses that noise to summon the soldiers for emergency situations. (Sira)

Sister Sira's face darkens when she says that.

-What's happening, sister Sira? (Mia)

-... (Sira)

Sister Sira looks on the other side and tries to contact our eyes.

-Sister! (Mia)

-Please tell us about the current situation. (Amy)

Sister Sira hesitates a bit before deciding to tell us everything.

-The current situation is terrible. The bat monsters resist all the status ailment that all demonesses cast on them. (Sira)

She scratches her head and continues talking.

-Moreover, their number keeps growing even when the demonesses try their best to restrain them. (Sira)

Sister Sira points at the running soldier and says.

-As a result, we must send more soldiers to the frontline. Otherwise, we can't hold against those monsters. (Sira)

-... (Amy)

-Sister Sira! (Mia)

-Huh? What's the problem? (Sira)

-Can I go to the frontline? (Mia)

Sister Sira instantly denies that idea.

-No, I can't. My master will kill me if I let you go. (Sira)

I stare at her with firm eyes.

-No is no! (Sira)

I keep staring at her.

-My decision won't change. (Sira)

Sister Amy suddenly speaks out.

-If you don't let us go to the frontline, we will find a way and go by ourselves. (Mia)

-Hey! (Sira)

-I can't let you two go without a guardian. Those bat monsters can easily injure you two. (Sira)

Sister Amy takes out her claymore and shows it to sister Sira.

-Look! I can defend against them by myself with this weapon. (Amy)

-No, you can't. More bat monster variants had shown up. I don't think you two can fight against them. (Sira)

A voice suddenly interrupts our conversation. I turn around and find a Lamia and a nurse is standing there.

-I can be their guardian, Sira. (Nurse)

-You are... (Sira)

Sister Sira looks at the two people behind me and then turn to us.

-I will leave them to you, Viola. (Sira)

The nurse answers sister Sira.

-Leave it to me, Sira. (Viola)


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