Faraway Survivor

Chapter 238: Let’s Find Out The Secret Of Hana! -2

Farah's POV

-Hmmmmm? (Farah)

I stare intensely at the metallic door in front of me.

-What are you trying to do, master? (21)

I look at 21 with the face asking for help.

-How can I pass through this door, 21? (Farah)

-Eh, aren't you afraid that head will find out, master? She will punish you if she knows. (21)

-He, there is no way Hana can know about it. I looked around the room and didn't find a single camera inside. (Farah)

21 answers me while looking at the corner of the room.

-Heh~ (21)

I follow her line of sight to the corner of the room and find nothing in that place.

-What are you looking at, 21? (Farah)

21 instantly looked away when I asked her that.

-Nothing, master! (21)

I walk toward her place. I stand on the tip of my toe while glaring at 21.

-Your puppy glaring is indeed cute, like what the head maid told me. (21)

I raise both my hands and try to protest against 21. Since I woke up, I could feel both Hana and 21 continuously teasing me. 21 decides to change the topic by answering my previous question.

-Let me give it a try, master Farah.  (21)

-Okay, then. (Farah)

21 goes to the front of the metallic door.

-First, we need to find a way to open the gate. (21)

-Uhm. (Farah)

-It seems we need to use voice to open this door. (21)

-Eh? (Farah)

21 places her hands on my shoulders and tells me.

-You must scream the secret password out loud to open that door. (21)

I turn to the metallic door and mutter.

Hmmm, is that so? (Farah)

In the meantime, I can hear that 21 talks to herself in a tiny voice.

-Why did the head maid make me tell an absurd lie like that? (21)

I call out to 21.

-21? (Farah)

-Yes, master? (21)

21 coughs.

-Ehem, master Farah must think of the password that head maid had set for this door. (21)

-Hmmm, I wonder how long the password is. (Farah)

-I think the password is three words long, master Farah.

-How can you be so sure about that, 21? (Farah)

For some reason, 21 coughs again while turning away.

-It's just my instinct, master. (21)

-... (Farah)


-You are so suspicious, 21. (Farah)

-What are you talking about, master Farah? (21)

-I feel like Hana instructed you from behind the scene! (Farah)

I say it as a joke, but 21 suddenly coughs like crazy. I wonder if it's the truth after all.

-I will leave it for now. (Farah)

-Right! You should focus on opening this door first, master. (21)

-Uhm. (Farah)

I turn back and look at the door.

-Hana is an idiot. (Farah)

-...Master, it's four words, not three. (21)

I form a mischievous smile and stick out my tongue.

-Moh, master. (21)

-Now, let me try other passwords. (Farah)

There is only one possible password I can think of in this situation.

-I... (Farah)

-What are you trying to say, master? (21)

-I love Hana! (Farah)

-Eh? There is no way our head maid will put a password like that, right? (21)

Unlike 21's expectation, the metallic door opened when I said that sentence.

-Eh? (21)

My face becomes bright red since I don't expect the password to work.

-Moh, Hana. (Farah)

-... (21)

-All right, let's go inside. (Farah)

-I am right behind you, master. (21)

We walk inside the room and find there is another room behind the metallic door.

-And there is another door at the end of this room. (Farah)

The moment we step inside, many lasers lights come out from the wall beside us.

-Master, please be careful. (21)

Since there is a space between these lasers lights, 21 and I try to avoid them as much as we can.

-Ahhh! (Farah)

When I try to avoid those laser lights and lose my balance, 21 instantly reaches out to me and hug me.

-21! (Farah)

Because of that, 21 has touched the laser lights while holding. The alarm of the room suddenly rang out loud.

-It seems that we have triggered the security system, master. (21)

Many things that look like cannons come out from the wall surrounding us and aim at us.

-Master, this is going to be hurt. (21)

At this rate, 21 is going to be hurt because of me. I utilize my mana and create a shield surrounding us. I close my eyes while hugging 21 tightly.

-Uhmmm! (Farah)

I can hear something pierce through the shield I made and fly toward us. I try creating more mana shields to stop it, but the thing that flies toward us pierces those shields easily. It only takes a few seconds for those things to hit us.

-Urghh! (Farah)

I expect those projectiles that come from the cannons would hurt us.

-Soft? Eh? (Farah)

But I can feel the softness on my skin when they touch my body. I open my eyes and see there are many teddy bears around us.

-Teddy bears? (Farah)

-It seems that the head maid uses them as ammo since she knew the master would explore this room. (21)

-Ehhh~ (Farah)

I look at those teddy bears and notice they can move on their own. They make many cute gestures while waving their hand at me.

-They are so cute, aren't they? How about exploring the next room with them, master? (21)

I pull the helm of 21's maid uniform and tell her.

-Let's stop for today, 21. (Farah)

-Eh? It's still soon, master. We could explore this place a little longer. (21)

I shake my head and answer 21.

-I don't want to see you hurt because of my selfishness. So, let stop here. (Farah)

-Master... (21)

I smile at 21.

-Let's go back now. (Farah)

The adventure may be dangerous sometimes. However, today adventure result in success since I find so many teddy bears.

-You seem to like these teddy bears, master. (21)

-Ehehe. (Farah)

I pick one of them up and hold them in my arm.

-I don't know,21. But somehow, I feel really happy when I hug these teddy bears. (Farah)

Suddenly, an image flashes in my mind. It's a small girl handing over a teddy bear to a boy. As usual, I can't see the face of the girl and the boy.

-Maybe...just maybe, I used to receive them from someone important to me. (Farah)


A girl with platinum hair knocks on the door in front of her.

-Are you there, Renata? (099)

The voice comes from the other side of the door softly replies to her.

-You can come in, 099. (Renata)

The girl opens the door and walks inside.

-You are at it again, Renata. (099)

The girl sighed when she saw Renata was sewing something in her hand.

-It can't be helped, 099. I want to make these cute teddy bears and gift them to my brother. (Renata)

-I wouldn't complain if you know your limit, Renata. It's really overkilled to make a teddy bear per day. (099)

-What's wrong with that? My brother will be so happy when he receives them. (Renata)

-Hah! (099)

The girl looks around and sees the room is full of teddy bears.

-I won't complain if not for you to waste over 10 rooms to store almost 100,000 teddy bears of yours. (099)

Renata ignores the girl and returns to sew the teddy bears on her hand.

-Hey, don't ignore me! (099)


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