Faraway Survivor

Chapter 246: Interlude 85 The Peaceful Daily Life

Lecia's POV

It is all thanks to a weird girl that appears and defeats all the bat monsters along with the gigantic bat monsters that our village can become peaceful once again. A voice comes from above and calls out to me.

-Lecia, please give me the hammer. (Nina)

I am standing with many tools on the ground. I stare at Nina, who hangs herself on the roof with a rope.

-Here you go. (Lecia)

I pick up the hammer and throw it at her. Nina skillfully catches the hammer without hurting herself.

-Thanks, Lecia. (Nina)

-No problem, Nina. (Lecia)

Nina and I are fixing all the houses that broke because of the last battle. Since we don't have enough human resources, even leaders like Nina and I have to help the construction team.

-I don't feel too bad, though. (Lecia)

These chores are like exercise for us.

-Lecia, I need more nails. (Nina)

I pick up the box of nails. After ensuring those nails can't fall out of the box when I throw them, I put some strength in them and throw them at Nina.

-Catch it! (Lecia)

The box of nails flies beautifully toward Nina's place.

-Hoh! (Nina)

Like last time, Nina catches them with ease. She looks at me with a smirk face.

-This is still too easy, Lecia. (Nina)

At that moment, small rocks come from nowhere and hit our heads.

-It hurts! (Nina)

-Ouch! (Lecia)

We both turn in the direction that stone comes from.

-Ano! (Lecia & Nina)

Ano sighs and says.

-I can never think of the two leaders like you guys playing with tools like that. (Ano)

-Ahahaha! (Nina)

-Well... (Lecia)

We look away from her and try to change the topic. I can hear Ano walking to my side. Ano reaches out and pinches my ear.

-You two can be childish sometimes. (Ano)

-Arghhh! (Lecia)

Ano turns and glares at Nina.

-I will deal with you later, Nina. (Ano)

Ano looks around and talks with a satisfying tone.

-You guys seem to finish most of the house in this area. (Ano)

I nod and answer her with a smile.

-Of course. Even though we played like that for a little, we still finished our work perfectly. (Lecia)

-Hmmm. (Ano)

-What's about other areas, Ano? (Lecia)

-They will finish the reconstruction by tonight. (Ano)

-That's good. (Lecia)

-Anyway, I have something to report to you, Lecia. (Ano)

-Hmmm? What is it, Ano? (Lecia)

-Our soldier recently spotted the one that saved us from the crisis. (Ano)

-Hoh! (Lecia)

After that weird girl defeated the giant monster, she disappeared without letting us have a chance to talk to her.

-I wished we could meet her again. I want to say thank you to her at least. (Lecia)

Ano scratches her head before turning to my side and asking me.

-Lecia? (Ano)

-Yes? (Lecia)

-Did you feel anything when you saw that girl? (Ano)

I put my hand on the chin and think carefully.

-Whew, I could feel a kind of familiarity when I saw her. As if I have seen her somewhere. (Lecia)

-I also have that kind of feeling. (Ano)

-What about you, Nina? (Lecia)

-I am the same as you guys. But when I try to think about her, nothing comes to my mind. (Nina)

-It feels so weird and creepy at the same time. (Ano)

Nina suddenly calls out to us.

-Hey guys! (Nina)

We look up and find Nina is pointing in one direction. We follow where Nina points and discovers an unbelievable sight.

-What the...? (Ano)

It's Kyu with rope tying around her body and pulls a giant block of Ice. Furthermore, I could also spot another person sitting on the top of the Ice block.

-Is the one who saves us from the crisis? (Lecia)

-Yeah... (Nina)

-Can we consider that animal abuse? (Ano)

I could also see the father wolf walking behind and watching over the two.

-The father wolf doesn't seem to be against this. It means that girl does no harm to Kyu. (Lecia)

-We can leave them like that. The last time I saw Kyu's training, the father wolf made Kyu punch at the tree for the whole day. (Nina)

-It sounds so weird. (Ano)

-Well, the wolf is different from the humans. (Nina)

-Still, I never thought that girl knew Kyu and the father wolf. (Lecia)

-It's the first time I've seen them together too. (Ano)

At first, we think of calling out to the girl. However, we eventually gave up the idea when we saw the hard-working face of Kyu and decided to talk to the weird girl later.


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