Faraway Survivor

Chapter 249: The Jealously

Farah's POV

I found Grimm's face looked pretty funny when Mashiro held my hand.

-Eh? (Grimm)

-What's wrong, Grimm? (Farah)

She takes her hand off and points at Mashiro and me.

-You two knew each other? (Grimm)

-Yes? (Farah)

Mashiro replies Grimm with no hesitation.

-Farah...master...and...friend. (Mashiro)

Grimm looks down and lets out a big sigh.

-Ahhh! (Grimm)

She looks like a child that was exposed to her mischief. She calls out to Mashiro.

-Mashiro? (Grimm)

Mashiro tilts her head and waits for Grimm's question.

-What...? (Mashiro)

-Could you not tell her about that "story"? (Grimm)

Mashiro smiles and answers Grimm lightly.

-It...the...secret. (Mashiro)

Grimm's face brightened up when she heard that statement.

-Thank you. (Grimm)

Look at this heartwarming scene. I wonder what had happened when I was not here. But I felt so happy when I saw everyone become friends with each other.

-Ehehehe. (Farah)

-And...Farah! (Mashiro) 

Mashiro turns and looks at me with a smile. She uses her hand to pull me closer to her side. Mashiro approaches my side and lightly kisses me on my lip.

-Huh! (Hana)

-Wah! What? (Grimm)

I can't help but blush, since I can't comprehend what just happened. But I could hear someone approach me hurriedly from behind.

-What did you do to my master? (Hana)

Hana approaches my side and pulls me away from Mashiro. She keeps glaring at Mashiro while hugging me.

-What...do...you...mean? (Mashiro)

-Don't beat around the bush. Why did you kiss my master so suddenly? (Hana)

I understand the kiss between us happened so suddenly. I remember Hana told me it's normal for two best friends to kiss each other. Therefore, I don't understand why Hana spoke to Mashiro with such a harsh tone.

-Do...you...mean...the...kiss? (Mashiro)

Mashiro tilts her head and asks Hana back.

-Is...it...natural...to...kiss...your...friend? (Mashiro)

-Urghh! (Hana)

-I...saw...you...kissed...each...other...in...the...wood. (Mashiro)

-Afuuuu. (Farah)

I can hear a small murmur come from Hana.

-I am such an idiot to teach master about that... (Hana)

I pull Hana's helm and ask.

-What do you mean by that, Hana? (Farah)

Hana avoids answering me directly and looks at Mashiro again.

-Anyway, the master is mine for today. (Hana)

-Then...It...would...be...no...problem...If...I...kiss...her...tomorow...right? (Mashiro)

-... (Hana)

The two keeps staring at each other for a while until Hana decides to speak up first.

-Fine... (Hana)

Mashiro brightens her face and returns her with a beaming smile. On the other hand, Grimm looks at us from her sideline, has her face red as a tomato. She points at us and says out loud.

-You guys are so shameless! (Grimm)

Right after she said she escaped through the door behind her.

-Anyway, it's time to return, master. (Hana)

Hana bends down and places me in her arms.

-See you then, Mashiro. (Farah)

Mashiro looks at me and lightly smile.

-See...you. (Mashiro)

She raises her hand and waves it at me. I also wave back at her.

On the way back, Hana acts a bit different from the usual.

-Master love me, right? (Hana)

Hana asks me with a sulky and very different voice from her usual character.

-Don't you have the answer already, Hana? (Farah)

-I know, master. But I want you to say it clearly to me. (Hana)

I smile and reach out to her head. I pat her head while answering her question.

-I love you, Hana. You are always my number one, Hana. (Farah)

Hana takes my hand and places it on her cheek.

-Master... (Hana)

Hana turns my hand and kisses my palm. I can feel her lightly licking on the palm of my hand.

-Hyaaaa~ (Farah)

-I want my master to be mine only. (Hana)

Hana continues licking my hand. I could feel the warmth and slipperiness of her tongue.

-Hana, It's tickle. (Farah)

Hana pulls me closer and lets my head rest on her shoulder.

-My master. (Hana)

-Hana? Hyaaaaa! (Farah)

Hana suddenly bites me in my ear. The bite is too sudden to make the strength leave my body.

-Nyaaaa~ What...is that for, Hana? (Farah)

Hana starts playing with my ear with her lip. Each time she bites my ear, I can feel an electric shock run through my body. My breaths start to become disturbed and heavier.

-Nyaaaa~❤️ (Farah)

I try to push Hana away, but somehow there is no strength in my arm.

-Show me this face of yours more, master. (Hana)

Hana earnestly teased my ears for a while. I can't go against Hana and let her play with my ear. After the teasing session ended, I helplessly leaned against her body. I let go of my consciousness and fall asleep in Hana's arms.

-I think it's too much for the master since I increased her body sensitivity by 5 times when I created her body. At this rate, my master can't stand "it" if I do "it" for real! (Hana)

At that moment, I could hear the voice of another person.

-You! (Hana)

-What's so surprising about me being here? (???)

-No, it's just annoying to see your face here. (Hana)

-Heh, thanks for your compliment. (???)

-Tchhh, what do you want, Industria? (Hana)

-I want to go out with Farah tomorrow. (Industria)

-... (Hana)

-It's a term in our contract. You won't go against it, right? (Industria)

Hana sounds a bit reluctant before answering the girl's name Industria.

-Fine... (Hana)

Hana's voice turns harsh.

-But if you make my master sad, I will make you regret being born. (Hana)

The girl answers Hana in a firm voice.

-Don't worry about that. I will never make Farah unhappy. (Industria)


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