Faraway Survivor

Chapter 264: Farah’s Escape Plan-3

Farah's POV

Since the beehive is in the northeast of the forest, it will take us around an hour to reach it. In the meantime, mine and Piyu's stomachs keep growling non-stop.


Next to my side is Piyu which lying on four because she was too hungry. I reach out to Piyu and shake her body.

-We are almost there! (Farah)

Piyu answers me in a non-motivated voice.


-Come on, Piyu. Let's play with me in the meantime. (Farah)

Piyu turns in the other direction and refuses to play with me.


-Are you too hungry? (Farah)

Piyu nods and looks at me lazily.

-Do you want some food right now? (Farah)

Piyu's face immediately lightens up the moment I mention food. She raises her body and jumps at me.

-Fuyaaa! (Farah)


-Calm down, I will give you the food. (Farah)

-Piyuuuu! Piyuuu!

I tried to take all the meat dishes from the dimension pocket and showed them to Piyu. She shakes her head and refuses to eat them.

-Moh, Piyu! You are such a picky eater. (Farah)

The only thing I left is the pudding that I saved from yesterday. I intend to save that pudding for today's dinner, so I can eat two puddings tonight.

-Uhmm... (Farah)

I reluctantly take the pudding out and show it to her. This is a unique giant pudding that Hana specially made for me, and Hana put it nicely on an iced dish.

-I will give you half of... (Farah)


Just right before I finish my sentence, Piyu reaches out to the dish and swallows the entire pudding.

-Ehhhhh! (Farah)

Piyu showed a satisfying face after she finished my pudding.

-My pudding... (Farah)

On the other hand, I could feel tears coming out of my eyes.

-Huuuu... (Farah)

Meanine Piyu! Why do you eat all of it by yourself?

-We are supposed to share it with each other. (Farah)

Piyu became panicked when she noticed my abnormal.

-I hate you, Piyu! (Farah)

My statement makes Piyu frozen. I don't care about Piyu anymore and turn around.


Piyu starts using her hand to poke my back. But I totally ignore her while pouting my cheek.


I could hear the sad voice come from behind me.

-Humm! I won't forgive you that easily! (Farah)

After a while, I couldn't feel Piyu poking my back anymore. I turned around and found she had already gone. I could no longer detect her on the back of the mama bear.

-Piyu! Where are you? (Farah)

I show a depressed face and look down.

-Does she hate me now? (Farah)

Mama bear seems to notice my worried. She growled in a cheerful voice to reassure me.

-Thank you, mama bear. (Farah)

I feel a little down since there is no more companion on my side. I keep spacing out from that moment.


Mama bear's growling wakes and makes me return to reality.

-Eh? (Farah)

I look up and notice a gigantic block with a yellow colour in front of me.

-We are here! (Farah)

In front of me is a gigantic beehive. It's much bigger than the building where I am staying with Farah.

-There are many buzzing sounds nearby. (Farah)

The closer to the beehive, the clearer the buzzing is heard. I could see more than twenty bees come from the hive and fly to the opposite side of us.

The only thing different from this bee from ordinary bees is their size. Each individual is big as the current Piyu. They also have a special to create their own clone for 10 minutes.

-They ignored us since they knew we were their familiar customer. (Farah)


It doesn't take long for us to approach the beehive's entrance. Mama bear stops and puts me down to the ground.


-You want me to wait, mama bear? (Farah)

Mama bear nods and stares in one direction.


I follow her eyes and notice an icy mountain in that direction. I sit down on the ground and continue staring in that direction.

-Let's wait for now. (Farah)

After waiting for 15 minutes, I could identify a small figure pulling a gigantic Ice block come from that direction.

-Eh? Piyu! (Farah)

I hurriedly ran to her side and tried to help her.


Piyu showed an excited face when she saw me. I pout at her and say.

-I haven't forgiven you yet. (Farah)


I look at the giant ice block and ask her.

-What are you using this ice block for, Piyu? (Farah)

Piyu calls out to her mother.


-Mama bear? (Farah)

Mama bear lightly pushes both Piyu and me back. She wants us to take a safe distance from the ice block.


Mama puts out her right claw and uses it to cut the ice block in two. She uses the left claw to create a hole in the lower part to make an iced bowl.

-Gruwlll! Gruwlll!

And she places the upper part on the bowl. She uses her powers to crush them into the grinded ices.

-Woah! (Farah)


At the same time, many bees fly out of the hive while carrying many honey buckets. They fly toward the iced bowl and pour them down.

-Woahh! It's honey grinded ices! (Farah)

This must be the reason Piyu disappears so suddenly. Piyu turns to me and pulls the hem of my skirt.


It seems she wants to apologize for eating my pudding.

-Moh! (Farah)

I bend down and pat her head.

-I can no longer be angry at you with this. (Farah)


The two of us stare at each other and start smiling.

-Let's eat, Piyu! (Farah)


Piyu and I head toward the iced bowl and have enjoyable lunch with mama bear.


Thanks for reading OwO.

I'm sorry that I couldn't post a chapter yesterday because of busy. I am currently writing the other chapter now.

If I am able to finish it by today, I will post it shortly. Otherwise, there will be a bonus chapter tmr.

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