Faraway Survivor

Chapter 266: Interlude 94 The Debt

In a tent, there are two people with one Lamia staring at each other. To break the silence, Lamia is the one who starts the conversation.

-Why are you here, Athena? There is no way a goddess appears here for no reason, right? (Jormungandr)

Athena looks at her and sighs out loud.

-It's not like I want to be here and see you here, though. (Athena)

She scratches her face and says with a sarcastic voice.

-I just want to confirm you are alive or not. (Athena)

-Heh, How could a calculation goddess like you care about the insignificant one like me? (Jormungandr)

Athena immediately sneers at Jormungandr.

-You? Insignificant? What a joke! (Athena)

Jormungandr ignores her and stare at the other person.

-And who is that one? I can't remember his name. (Jormungandr)

Athena points at the person and says out loud.

-Do you mean this idiot? This dumb kid calls Perseus. (Athena)

-Is that so? I never heard his name, so I don't remember his name. (Jormungandr)

Perseus ignores Athena's statement and bends down.

-I'm so sorry! (Perseus)

-Huh? What do you mean by that? (Jormungandr)

Athena sighs and replies to her.

-A goddess misled him to put his hand on your subordinate. (Athena)

A terrible mudder aura oozes out from Jormungandr. It's scary enough to make Perseus tremble non-stop. 

-What have you done? (Jormungandr)

Jormungandr slithered to Perseus and grabbed him by his neck. She lifted him up and brought him to in front of her face.

-Answer me! (Jormungandr)

Because Jormungandr is holding his neck, Perseus doesn't have the strength to mutter a word.

-Urgh! (Perseus)

-Calm down, Jormungandr. (Athena)

Jormungandr turns to Athena and glares at her.

-You told me to calm down when a dirty thing like this touched my family? (Jormungandr)

-I know you are angry, Jormungandr. But you need to listen to me first. (Athena)

-Huhm? (Jormungandr)

-Your family is still safe and sound, thanks to that girl. (Athena)

-What do you mean? (Jormungandr)

-The girl that saved you also saved your family from his hand. You didn't want to trouble her by making a mess here, right? So stop it. (Athena)

Jormungandr releases her grip and makes Perseus fall to the ground.

-Fine! (Jormungandr)

Jormungandr turns to Perseus and gives him a caution.

-I will forgive you today because I don't want to trouble the one who helped me. But there is no next time, okay? (Jormungandr)

-...Yes. (Perseus)

Jormungandr slithered back to her seat.

-This becomes a big mess thanks to that crazy goddess. (Jormungandr)

-You mean "Her." (Athena)

-Yeah, one of the craziest ones on the "Chaos" side. Did you also meet her? (Jormungandr)

-Yes, apparently she appears in my appearance. She was the one who tricked the idiot over there. (Athena)

-Tchhh! She could easily invade the "Order" as if it was her home. (Jormungandr)

-I think there are also many "rats" on our side. (Athena)

-Well, because the "Order" is a mess in the first place. Instead of protecting the weak, they spend their force fighting each other. (Jormungandr)

-... (Athena)

-It's impossible to rely on them. (Jormungandr)

Jormungandr points at Athena and says.

-You should be careful too, Athena. You never know when they will stab in your back. (Jormungandr)

Athena's face darkens because of that statement.

-Thanks for your advice... (Athena)

-Is that everything you want to talk to me? (Jormungandr)

-No. (Athena)

Athena takes out an envelope and shows it to Jormungandr.

-Did you receive the invitation too? (Athena)

Jormungandr takes out her envelope and shows it to her.

-Ye, I also received one. (Jormungandr)

Athena hesitates before asking further.

-Should I attend this? (Athena)

-It's all your choice, Athena. I'm not your mom. (Jormungandr)

-... (Athena)

-But I will accept it! (Jormungandr)

-Eh? (Athena)

-I want to peek and see if this force can become the third force that could go against both "Chaos" and "Order." (Jormungandr)

-That's a quite big topic... What is your letter content? (Athena)

Jormungandr smiles and replies.

-The one who sent the invitation told me that I could achieve the dream of my army and me by joining them. (Jormungandr)

-Is that all? (Athena)

-Yeah? (Jormungandr)

Jormungandr turns to Perseus and finds him fidgeting.

-What's wrong with him? (Jormungandr)

-Ah... (Athena)

Perseus knelt in front of Jormungandr.

-Please...Please save my wife. (Perseus)

-What? (Jormungandr)

-Let me tell you his story first. (Athena)

Athena told Jormungandr about everything happened to Perseus so far.

-I see. (Jormungandr)

Athena looks a little troubled since she knows there is only a tiny chance that Jormungandr would agree to save Perseus's wife.

-I will save her. (Jormungandr)

-Eh! (Athena)

Perseus raised his head up, and tears came out of his face.

-I know the feeling of losing your family worse than anything in the world. So I will help you. But It doesn't mean that I forgive you, Perseus. (Jormungandr)

Perseus hits his head to the ground.

-I can trade my life if you want. The only thing I want is my wife's revival.

Jormungandr waves her hand.

-I'm not interested in your wife. However, I will count this a debt between us. When the time comes, you will have to repay me. (Jormungandr)

Tears come out of Perseus non-stop.

-Than...Thank you! (Perseus)

-Shh, take this crybaby out, Athena. (Jormungandr)

Athena grabs Perseus' hand and pulls him out. Before she leaves the tent, she doesn't forget to thank Jormungandr.

-Though this one is an idiot. He is still my family. Thank you for helping him. (Athena)


Thanks for reading OwO

We will have a special chapter to celebrate Christmas tomorrow. Happy Christmas everyone.

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