Faraway Survivor

Chapter 300: Interlude 110 Loyalty

21's POV

After I had finished decoding the message, I spent the next day helping the head maid. Even though I want to spend time with master Farah before she goes back...

-Master's Farah safety comes first. (21)

There is only one short word in the message.

-Pandemic. (21)

Something like a pandemic happens so suddenly in the future. My sisters...or the other numbered maids can't deal with that issue.

-But how could the other sisters of mine deal with that pandemic? (21)

It's impossible to think of that. From the data, I received from the head maid. Each numbered maid has her own speciality. There is no way sister 002 can't deal with the pandemic if it was a normal one.

-There must be a hand of a goddess in this pandemic, 21. So we need to prepare every possible solution. (Hana)

-Yes... (21)

We have no choice but to work in "Time-Room." "Time-Room" is an invention of the head maid. The time inside the room flows ten times slower compared to outside.

-Too much... work (21)

We have to prepare and design many types of equipment to ensure the master's safety. Even the goddess named Industria must join midway to help us.

While I am working diligently, the head maid suddenly arrives by my side and says.

-21, you can stop now. (Hana)

I startle because of the head maid's statement.

-Did...I do something wrong? (21)

The head maid shakes her head and replies.

-That's not it. You should go and enjoy your time with the master. (Hana)

The head maid points at the goddess Industria and informs me.

-That girl and I can handle the rest. (Hana)

-But... (21)

I look at the head maid, then look at the goddess.

-Is it fine for me to... go out and play with the master? (21)

The goddess calls out to me.

-Don't worry too much about it. Just go enjoy your time with Farah. (Industria)

The head maid nods and agrees with that girl.

-Just go. (Hana)

-...Yes. (21)

Under the pressure of the twos, I have no choice but to follow their order.

-... (21)

I leave the rest of my work to them and leave the room.

-It's already morning outside... (21)

I have only one destination in my mind.

-Let's go. (21)

It doesn't take long for me to arrive on the third floor of the building.

-Huh? Why does the door open? (21)

I try to peek inside and find many people inside.

-It's all...master acquaintances. (21)

I can see many beautiful girls inside a room. They are talking with the master happily.

-... (21)

I decide to stand outside of the door.

-It's not good for me to interrupt them. (21)

I'm still a maid, after all. Apparently, her friend notices today is her last day staying in the past. Therefore, they all come here to meet her for the last time.

-But still... (21)

I don't feel like sharing my precious time with my master's side with anyone.

-I have my duty as a maid. I can't forget it. (21)

Her friend doesn't come back until afternoon.

-They are all back now. (21)

I peek inside the room and find my cute master dozing off.

-Uhm... (21)

At this rate, I don't think I will play with the master for the rest of the day.

-Should I just let master sleep? (21)


-I know this will disqualify me as a maid. (21)

I go to the master's side and pick her up.

-But I want to spend more time with you, master. (21)

I lay my master on my back and piggyback her.

-Just... (21)

I will separate my master soon.

-Just stay by my side. (21)

I know master couldn't hear me. It's only a simple wish that couldn't come true.

-I will take you for a walk, master. (21)

I take master outside and start walking around the building.

-... (21)

I'm just walking in silence with the master on my back. I don't want to disturb master's sleep at all.

-I just want to stay by her side. (21)

But the peaceful time soon comes to an end, master gradually awaken.

-21...? (Farah)

She looks around to identify the current situation.

-Ehehe, you are taking me for a walk? Thank you, 21. (Farah)

I can't reply since I can't tell her this happened because of my selfishness.

-Thank you, 21. (Farah)

-Eh? What did I do to deserve my master's thanks? (21)

Master gently smiles and replies to me.

-You helped me with many things 21. You take care of me and always put me on top priority. (Farah)

-That is just a maid duty, master. (21)

Right, they are the only things I have to do as a maid.

-No. (Farah)

Master laughs off my statements and tells me.

-I feel like even if I'm not your master, you will still treat me with utmost care. (Farah)


-Uhmm... I feel a little awkward calling you by the number all the time, 21. (Farah)

Master touches my hair.

-I have thought about it for a long time. I have come up with a name that perfectly fits you.

Is master Farah going to give me a name?

-How about "Kaede" sounds? (Farah)

-Kaede? (21)

Master smiles and says.

-That means maple tree. The leaf of the maple tree has a beautiful green colour. And once it's summer, the leaf will turn fiery red like your eyes. (Farah)

-... (21)

So that's my name. I don't know why but the organ called the heart starts beating like crazy. I put my master down and bent down.

-Master! (Kaede)

-Eh? (Farah)

-This one will swear eternal loyalty to you. (Kaede)

Duty? No...I don't want to follow those rigid things. I only want to stay by my master's side.

>You have achieved a new title: "A doll with a human's heart."


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