Faraway Survivor

Chapter 310: Interlude 115 The Battle Inside The Capital City-2

The goddesses usually give extra skill to the people under them. Those skills are called the "Authority" of the goddess. Each authority skills differ from person to person. And the disciple/servant needs to practice a lot to fully develop their own "Authority."


The commander helplessly stares at the weird man in front of him.

-Youuuu! (Commander)

If not for the comrade standing beside him, he had already lost himself in the middle of the rage. The leader shouts at other angels and commands them.

-Defense Formation and immediately create barrier! (Commander)

-Roger, commander! (Angel B)

The group of angels surrounds the commander and uses him as the centre. They utilize manas and create a firm barrier to protect themselves.

-Barrier has been established, commander. (Angel C)

-Good! (Commander)

The commander nods with satisfaction and glares at the weird man.

-Hoh! That's a good plan! (Weird Man)

-I don't need your compliment, dumbass. What are you guys waiting for? Fire magic at him immediately! (Commander)

-Roger! (Angel D)

The angels cast their spells and fire them at the weird man.

-Light lance! Die! (Angel E)

-Light ball! Take this! (Angel F)

The weird man only formed a smile on his face when he saw those beginner spells come at him.

-Is that all you got? (Weird Man)

The weird man is like a ghost. He disappeared and reappeared on the spot when the spell came close to him.

-No way! (Angel G)

-How can he avoid them all? (Angel H)

The leader had been silent so far, suddenly cast the spell.

-Intermediate Light Magic: Judgment! (Commander)

A gigantic ray of light descends at the place weird man stand.

-Dieeee! (Commander)

The commander let out a satisfying smile and thought he got the weird man with the spell with that move.

-Ahahaha, die! (Commander)

-Commander! (Angel E)

-He did it for our comrade! (Angel D)

However, the commander suddenly hears a familiar come from inside his formation.

-You are making a face like I was dead for real? (Weird Man)

The weird man is standing right in front of him inside their barrier.

-Now, let me reward your effort. (Weird Man)

The man swings his knife at the commander.

-Barrier! (Commander)

The commander reflexively creates a barrier to protect him from the attack.

-What a selfish commander! (Weird Man)

The man changes his attack direction and cuts off the head of another angel from behind.

-Gotchaaaa! (Weird Man)

-Noooooo! (Angel D)

When others try to reach out to the weird man, he disappears again.

-Too bad! (Weird Man)

With the sudden attack of the weird man, the angels become panic and make the entire formation break down.

-Stop! Go back! (Commander)

But all those angels are no longer listening to the commander. They turn away from the weird man and start running away.

-Ohhh! (Weird Man)

The commander can only click his tongue at the current situation.

-These bunches of idiots! Come back! (Commander)

Those angels are a group of inexperienced soldiers. At this moment, they all care about their safety! By looking at the current situation, they realize the commander couldn't save them from the hand of the weird man.

The weird man smiles and comments.

-They are like headless chickens~ (Weird Man)

And he disappeared to kill them off one by one. He only needs one slash to kill each angel.

-Nooooo! (Commander)

The commander couldn't protect his subordinates and could only watch them die one by one.

-Arghhhh! (Commander)

In 30 seconds, the weird man had wiped the entire squad of angels aside from the commander out.

-Youuuuuu! (Commander)

The commander bites his lip and makes the blood come out. He can no longer keep calm and show the anger on his face.

-Next is you! (Weird Man)

The man disappears again and arrives on the commander's back.

-Now, die! (Weird Man)

-Huh! (Commander)

The commander casts the spell and creates a sword of light! He turns back and uses that sword to defence against the weird man's attack.

-I'm not like those idiots! (Commander)

-Are you sure? (Weird Man)

The man once again appeared at the front of the commander.

-I will make a hole in your face then! (Weird Man)

When the weird man tries to stab at the commander's face, a helmet appears and protects him from the knife.

-Hard! (Weird Man)

The knife got repelled by it and made the weird man take a few steps back.

-I got you! Light ball! (Commander)

The commander seizes this chance to fire a light ball at the man's face.

-Hughhh! (Weird Man)

The weird man barely avoids the surprise attack of the commander. However, the attack blows off the upper part of his robe and reveals his face.

-You... (Commander)

The man in front of the commander looks creepy enough to make him frown for a second.

-Are all disciples crazy like you? (Commander)

The places where eyes should be on the weird man's face are hollow darkness.

-Those are necessary sacrifices to gain power! (Weird Man)

-Crazy! (Commander)

The weird man disappears and keeps his distance from the commander.

-You can't attack me now! (Commander)

With the last exchange, the commander could confirm the weird man had no way to damage his amour.

-... (Weird Man)

-I will finish you off soon! (Commander)

The commander reluctantly uses his authority skill since that skill is more anti-army than anti-personal. But to finish this devil who killed his subordinates, it is alright to have a few causalities.

-You will leave your bones in this place... (Commander)

-Hahaha, that's a good joke~ (Weird Man)

But right before the commander could use his skill, he was paralyzed and couldn't move.

-What...? (Commander)

-The drug is finally working! It takes so much time to show the effect of a powerful servant like you. (Weird Man)

-Dru...g? (Commander)

The man laughs and walks toward the commander.

-Do you remember the first knife that I threw at you? (Weird Man)

-No...W...ay. (Commander)

-That's right! You are too careless and confident. (Weird Man)

The weird man stands in front of the commander and says with a sarcastic voice.

-Goodbye, commander! (Weird Man)

The weird man aims at the gap in the helmet and stabs the knife at it.

-So easy? A servant's strength is just that? They are so weak! (Weird Man)

The man laughs out...and he doesn't notice there is a shadow hiding in the nearby building. The shadow shrinks his body and uses his hand to block his mouth.

-Everyone...commander. (Dohert)

Dohert, who luckily survived by going out and scouting the nearby area. Somehow, the weird man can't detect him. It must be either his luck or his..."Authority."


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