Faraway Survivor

Chapter 336: The End Of The Holy Kingdom-1

In the nearby royal castle, the people are under the attack of an undead army. Many soldiers form a line in front of the royal castle gate to fend off those undead groups.

-They are coming! Shooooottttt! (Commander)

The man looks like a commander, stands in the front and commands other soldiers.

-Infuse your arrows with holy power and shoot at them! (Commander)

All the soldiers answer him back in the union.

-Yes! Commander! (Soldier A)

The soldiers infuse their arrows with holy magic and shoot the undead horde in front of them. These attacks quickly reduce those groups of undead to dust.

-We got them! (Soldier B)

-Ohhhh! (Soldier C)

The commander shouts at the soldiers.

-Do not lose your focus. There are more of them... (Commander)

-Yessss! (Soldiers)

As the commander said, another group of undead could be seen from afar.

-Attack them with the holy magic! (Commander)

The priest in the backline of the army focus their magic and shoot at the new group of undead.

-Destroy them! (Priests)

The soldiers look at the magic and expect it will destroy their enemy like last time.

-Huh? (Soldier D)

One of the undead suddenly steps out and raises his gigantic shield up. A giant dark shield suddenly forms in the sky and defends the group from the holy attack.

-What is that? (Soldier B)

The commander looks at that undead for a while.

-For some reason, I feel that paladin is a little familiar... (Commander)

In the meantime, the other soldiers become panic about the unsuccessful attack.

-Calm down! Archer immediately fire at them! Priest, ready your next spell in the meantime! (Commander)

With the commander's order, their formation immediately regains stability.

-Fire! (Commander)

The archers' fire another wave of arrows at the undead group at the commander's command.

-Destroy them! (Soldier C)

-Kill! (Soldier D)

The commander glares at the undead group.

-I don't think he could use that skill consecutively. (Commander)

But this time, a light barrier appears and wraps around the entire undead group. The light barrier easily blocks those arrows and makes them fall to the ground.

-That... (Priest A)

-How could that be...? (Priest B)

The commander observes and finds out a female undead in the middle of the horde cast that magic.

-Commander! That's our holy magic! (Soldier C)

-How could a mere undead cast our holy? (Priest A)

-It's blasphemy! How could they do that? (Priest B)

The commander ignores the priest group behind him and focuses on that two undead.

-They...Ah... (Commander)

The commander shakes his body, and his face becomes bright red.

-You... (Commander)

It's not because of fear of these two undead individuals.

-How could youuuuuu! (Commander)

But pure anger comes from him. The soldiers notice the weird situation and turn to him.

-Commander! (Soldier A)

-What's wrong, commander? (Soldier C)

He pulls the sword, hangs on his hip, and points toward the paladin and the mage undead.

-Look carefully at those undead! (Commander)

-Huh? (Soldier A)

The soldier now pays more attention to those undead.

-That paladin undead! (Soldier D)

-His face looks familiar! (Soldier E)

-Are you blind! That undead belonged to his mighty Karz! (Soldier D)

-Karz! The strongest paladin died in action 5 years ago. (Soldier F)

-How could his body fall into the hands of those necromancers? (Soldier G)

It's not only the soldier surprised at the paladin's appearance. But they were also surprised at the mage undead.

-That was our saint, Higa! (Priest A)

-She suddenly disappeared 3 years ago... (Priest B)

-No way, she felt into their hand! (Priest C)

The commander raises his sword and shouts out loud.

-Enough! What we need to do now is to bring back their body! (Commander)

-Ooohhhhh! (Soldiers and Priests)

-Chargeeeeee! (Commander)

The group's morale immediately becomes highest as they have a goal to achieve. The commander leads the infantry group to charge toward the undead group.

-Slay them downnn! (Commander)

-Destroy them!!!! (Soldiers)

They charge forward and don't show the slightest worry in front of those undead.


Ahma has now arrived at the gate of the royal castle.

-... (Ahma)

She looks at her surroundings and finds her army has increased again.

-More light mage and soldier? (Ahma)

She walks to the undead, who looks like the commander.

-Is there any survivor inside the castle? (Ahma)

The undead lightly nods at her question.

-Bring me to them. Also, take me to the treasury... (Ahma)

The undead walks and leads Ahma inside the room.

-...My victory is near. (Ahma)

Before Ahma walked inside the castle, she turned her back and looked at the noble district. There are full of undead in there now, and she could hear many humans shouting.

-... (Ahma)

But for some reason, Ahma didn't find her happy at all. The moment she achieves her revenge by slaughtering these people, she feels terribly empty inside.

-Why...? (Ahma)

Ahma can't help but ask herself.

-I... (Ahma)

The anger inside her suddenly dies down for some reason.

-I can't stop... (Ahma)

Because if she stopped turning them into a part of a family, she felt something inside her would be broken.

-I am right...I must repay all the things they have done to us. (Ahma)

Ahma follows the commander and eventually arrives in front of a room.

-Are they in here? (Ahma)

The commander nods as he stands in front of the door.

-Huhmmm! (Ahma)

For some reason, the commander steps silently in front of the door and blocks Ahma.

-What are you doing? Get away from the door! (Ahma)

The commander reluctantly follows her order and steps aside. Ahma opens the door and finds many survivors inside.

-Please forgive us! (Noble Woman A)

-Don't kill us! (Noble Woman B)

There are many noble women's hold their children inside the room.

-... (Ahma)

Ahma freezes in that place for a few seconds. She bites her lips and glares at them.

-Hah? (Ahma)

The anger which should die down suddenly burns again.

-Then why don't you spare us in the first place? (Ahma)

-Huh? (Noble Woman C)

-What do you mean? (Noble Woman A)

Ahma ignores them and gives the order to the undead behind her.

-Kill them. (Ahma)

-Noooo! (Noble woman A)

-Mother... (Noble Children)

-Please! At least spare my child! (Noble Woman C)

Many undead go inside the room and are ready to finish off the people inside.

-I'm not wrong... (Ahma)

Ahma turns away and tries to leave the room. But at that moment...

-Stopppp! (Litle Girl)

A little girl with a teddy breaks the ceiling and arrives in the room.

-I won't let you do that! (Litle Girl)

-Huh! (Ahma)

Ahma turns to the little girl and finds her a little familiar.

-You!? (Ahma)

The little girl walks up to Ahma and speaks in a cold voice.

-So, you are the culprit of the undead outbreak! (Litle Girl)

-The girl attacked our camp last time...Kill! (Ahma)

-Haha! (Mia)

Mia takes out more teddy bears from space and speaks out loud.

-I have the same idea as you. Let me destroy you with my teddy bear's army! (Mia)


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