Faraway Survivor

Chapter 348: Please Be Happy, Ahma

Farah's POV

With the help of the people I just summoned, I can manage to pass through these dead people.

-Hurghh! (Farah)

The deeper the forest, the faster the haze melts my protective clothes.

-That's mean I'm on the right way. (Farah)

I stare ahead and listen to the loud crying voice.

-Ahma must be in this way... (Farah)

I run even faster and avoid all those dead people in front of me.

-Leave it to us, Ancestor. 

-We will hold them back!


Am I mistaken, or these people are having fun fighting against these dead people? I shake my head and deny it.

-I must be mistaken... (Farah)

It didn't take long for me to arrive at where Ahma was.

-It's... (Farah)

Ahma is lying in the middle of the dead land.

-It's more like her entire surroundings have been destroyed. (Farah)

The haze around her area looks even denser than where I was standing.

-Let's give it a try... (Farah)

I reach out my right hand and touch this dense haze.

-Urghhh! (Farah)

The haze immediately blows away the gear in my right hand. And the immediately becomes red the moment it comes in contact with this haze.

-It hurts... (Farah)

My hand starts bleeding a lot because of the burnt wound.

-I must keep up with thisss!!! (Farah)

I run toward Ahma's place without caring about the mist. It's better to process as fast as possible.

-Arghhh! (Farah)

I can feel the pains from all over my body. But I don't care about that since my goal is Ahma.

-Ahmaaaaaa! (Farah)

I call her name out loud and reach her hand to her. Ahma twitches a little and looks up from the ground.

-G... (Ahma)

When our eyes met, she screamed loudly and released the shock wave to push me away.

-Goooo awayyyyy!!!!! (Ahma)

I have little preparation against her surprised attack and let myself push back.

-Nooo... (Farah)

I use all kinds of power I can think of to resist this shock wave.

-Goooo awayyyyyyy!!!! (Ahma)

But this time, Ahma releases an even stronger shock wave than last time. I bend down and pierce my hands at the ground. I tried my best to grab this place, so the shock wave couldn't push me away.

-Ahmaaa! Hear me out!!! (Farah)

-No! No! No! I don't want to hear anything...Leave me alone! (Ahma)

For some reason, Ahma looked incredibly guilty when she glanced at me.

-Please... (Farah)

-Noooo! (Ahma)

Ahma keeps releasing even more shock waves to push me away.

-Urghh... (Farah)

I bend down and hold the ground tighter.

-... (Farah)

The only way to approach her in this situation is to move while putting my hands deep inside the ground.

-Please...Don't come here... (Ahma)

I ignore Ahma and keep moving this way. Aside from the shock waves, I could feel my body was burning because of the haze. These burnt are painful enough to make me fainted at any time.

-But I can't faint here! (Farah)

One...Two...Three...I keep counting in my head for every time I successfully move up. I am still far from Ahma...

-But our distances have finally reduced. (Farah)

I have no choice to keep moving ahead.

-Aaa... (Farah)

I don't know how much time has passed since I did this. My sense of pain has now become paralyzed since I could no longer feel any pain.

-I... (Farah)

I turn my head up and find Ahma right in front of me.

-This moment... (Farah)

I jump and try to reach Ahma...

-Go away!!!! (Ahma)

The terrible shock wave sent my fly out of the dead zone.

-Ahahaha... (Farah)

Did I come back to where I first started?

-I... (Farah)

I could feel the tears coming out of my eyes. It's really hurtful and painful. I just want to give up and go back home.

-But I can't do it... (Farah)

If I gave up here, who would be the one saving Ahma? I wipe my tears and stand up again.

-Let's try again! (Farah)

I make up my mind and head toward Ahma again.

Then the shock wave pushed away again. This time I don't even reach halfway there.

One more time...Fail.

One more time...I am too close to her.


How many times have I tried doing this? I'm too tired to think of anything. I once again right in front of Ahma.

-Hah...? (Ahma) 

Ahma looks at me with a tearing face.

-Why don't you give up? Why do you try so hard for a sinner for me? I am unworthy of living! (Ahma)

-I... (Farah)

I raised up my body and reached toward Ahma. Slowly, I move toward her while swallowing my saliva.

-Ha...Haaa... (Ahma)

Ahma keeps crying. This time she is no longer releasing the shock waves and lets me approach closer.

-You are so...stubborn. I almost kill you, not just one...but two. Why do you... (Ahma)

I ignore Ahma and hug her tightly.

-I...I can't represent everyone else to say this... (Farah)

-... (Ahma)

-You have to live...Ahma. (Farah)

-Then what about my guilt? What about those people I have killed? What could I do about that? (Ahma)

-... (Farah)

-And my mother, father? The brother next door...How about the older sister who taught me how to sew? I just want to see them again. (Ahma)

-... (Farah)

-I just want to be happy. (Ahma)

Ahma hugs me back and cries on my shoulder.

-I may be stupid... I could forget the hatred and live an ordinary life. (Ahma)

Ahma grabs my shoulder tightly.

-But I can't forget them...Those ugly bastards kill everyone. (Ahma)

Then she releases her hand and lies her head on my shoulder.

-But you see...I feel terribly empty when I succeed. (Ahma)

-I...can help you. (Farah)

-To ease this feeling...? Everything is too late. (Ahma)

I shake my head and say to her.

-That's not it. (Farah)

-What do you mean? (Ahma)

-Do you believe in me, Ahma? What if I can give what you have desired so far? (Farah)

-That's impossible...(Ahma)

-There is nothing impossible! (Farah)

Ahma hesitated a bit before replying to me.

-Then...Just do it. I have nothing to lose anymore. (Ahma)

-...Leave it to me. (Farah)

I turn my head and kiss Ahma on her cheek.

-You...? (Ahma)

>You have marked the target!

>Change into ???'s form.

Many kinds of tentacles come out of my back and wrap around Ahma.

-Urgh... (Ahma)

I whisper at Ahma.

-Believe in me... (Farah)

Ahma relaxed her body as she heard me.

>Do you want to apply ??? to the marked target?

-Yes! (Farah)

>Calculate the cost...

>500 DIV is needed. Are you still want to apply ??? to the marked target?

-Yes!! Just do it! (Farah)

> DIV is not enough!!!

I scream out loud in the air. I have a feeling I can succeed with this.

-Just do it! (Farah)

>Ting! Received the order!

-Your DIV has been reduced by 500.

>Because your DIV is under 0...

>Your FOB has been increased by 20.

>You have received the curse "Weak Body."

>Weak Body: Reduce 99% of STG, CON, DEX.

The curse can be only resolved by returning your DIV to 0+

>Condition Achieved.

>Start rewriting the reality related to individual "Ahma."

-This time...Please give this pitiful girl a happy ending... (Farah)

The tentacle explodes and creates a terrible light.

>The fate of the entire "Humilitan's planet" has been rewritten.

>Adjust the past and the future of Humilitan's planet.


Thanks for reading OwO

What would change because of Farah's doing?

What would happen to Ahma and others?

This arc would have an unexpected happy ending, right?

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