Faraway Survivor

Chapter 351: I Have Always Waited For You

Farah's POV

If this girl was there when I was fighting against that god, she must have known some information about the current capital city.

-I'm sorry, miss Higa? (Farah)

Saint Higa replied to me with an excited face.

-You can ask me anything. You are...miss Farah, right? I heard your maid called you by that name. (Higa)

-Ah, yes! You can just call me Farah. There is no need for honorific. (Farah)

Saint Higa reaches out and holds my hand.

-Then you should just call me by name! Just Higa is fine! (Higa)

-Uhm...Higa. (Farah)

-Eheheh, what did you want to ask me about, Farah? (Higa)

-Uhm...You know about my situation! (Farah)

-Yeah, you suddenly disappear after the battle. Did you get hurt? (Higa)

Suddenly, a hand comes from behind and grabs my shoulder. It's Ahma's hand.

-Ahma? (Farah)

Ahma looks into my face and asks with a serious voice.

-Did you faint again, Junior? Or do you have a terrible headache? (Ahma)

-No, that's not it... (Farah)

-Then, you should take this, Junior. (Ahma)

Ahma opens the box that saint Higa gave her. There is a thing that looks like a potion bottle inside it.

-Ahma?! (Farah)

Higa stands next to me can't help but be surprised because of her action.

-Oh, my! No way, Ahma! (Higa)

Saint Higa puts both of her hands on her cheeks.

-I understand... (Higa)

Ahma's face also turns red because of saint Higa's reaction.

-Please drink this, Junior. This will heal your wound deep inside your soul. (Ahma)

-What...? (Farah)

Ahma nods and answers me.

-Yup, I heard from your maid that you got a terrible wound in the previous battle. (Ahma)

Ahma scratches her face and turns away.

-That's why I... (Ahma)

I turn to saint Higa and speak my thought.

-This must be very expensive and important for you. Are you fine with letting me drink this? (Farah)

-It's for you in this first place, Junior. (Ahma)

-Ehhh? (Farah)

-My...My...! Fufufu, this is great. (Higa)

Before I could ask Ahma another question, she put the potion in my hand.

-Just drink it, junior. That elixir is called "Remedy Of Life." It's very effective in healing wounds related to the soul. (Ahma)

-But I... (Farah)

-Just drink it, junior! (Ahma)

At this moment, I have no choice to drink the elixir. I take a gulp and empty the bottle. Ahma had a satisfied expression when I finished the bottle.

-Hah... (Farah)

Higa leaves my hand goes to Ahma's side. She reaches out to Ahma's ear and mutters in small a voice I couldn't hear clearly.

-I need that elixir because of her right. That's why you accept to join us in the end. (Higa)

Ahma shakes her head rapidly for some reason.

-That's not it... (Ahma)

-Ehehe, fine. I won't tell anyone. (Higa)

-No, that's not what I mean! (Ahma)

-Right...right! (Higa)

After that, saint Higa turns her attention to me.

-Did you feel anything after drinking that thing, Farah? (Higa)

I shake my head and answer her.

-I don't feel anything different... (Farah)

-It may not be effective immediately. It may take some time! (Higa)

-Yes... (Farah)

-Anyway, what did you want to ask me about? (Higa)

Right, I need to get the information from her!

-I want to ask about the current situation of the capital city. (Farah)

-Well... (Higa)

Saint Higa puts her hand on the chin.

-Most of the things have been resolved. We have caught the king and the chancellor, who are the mastermind of this mess. And they will be executed shortly. (Higa)

-Is that so...? Who will be the new king then? (Farah)

Saint Higa laughs and shakes her head.

-With this incident, our church can gain full power to control the country. (Higa)

-Will the church govern the country? (Farah)

Saint Higa nods and places both her hands together.

-All life is equal, and the strong have to protect the weak. That's our church teaching. We will seize this chance to remove the boundary between the noble and commoner. (Higa)

-... (Farah)

-We will aim to make everyone equal and happy. That's what our goddess and we believe in. (Higa)

Huh? I learned about a holy country that they refuse in believing gods and goddesses. But Saint Higa just mentioned a goddess.

-Anyway! Farah! (Higa)

-Yes!? (Farah)

-Do you want to join the church? (Higa)

-Eh? (Farah)

Ahma instantly pushes her away and complains.

-You should stop your recruitment. That will annoy my junior. (Ahma)

-Hey! Should it be a win-win situation since you will be able to stand by her side all the time... (Higa)

-Hufff!!! (Ahma)

-Hey, stop pushing! I can walk on my own! (Higa)

Saint Higa turns to me and waves her hand.

-See you again tomorrow, Farah! (Higa)

-Don't come back! (Ahma)

After Ahma gets rid of saint Higa, it's time for me to have dinner with Ahma's family. We have a cheerful conversation with them about our life in the school.

-...Ahhhhh. (Farah)

I yawn loudly and rub my eyes. I am currently staying in the guest room.

-It's a tiring day. (Farah)

-Junior... (Ahma)

Ahma suddenly appeared at the door and asked me.

-Are you still awake? (Ahma)

-Uhm! (Farah)

-Would you mind having a night walk with me? (Ahma)

I have nothing to do at this moment. So, I choose to follow Ahma. We eventually pass through the village in silence and enter the forest.

-... (Farah)

When we are pretty far from the village, Ahma breaks the silence and asks me.

-Junior? (Ahma)

-Yes? (Farah)

-Did you...perhaps finally remember those memories? (Ahma)

-Eh...? (Farah)

An image of Ahma asking the same question pops up inside my head.

-This... (Farah)

-With that reaction...Junior... (Ahma)

The light from the moon suddenly shines down at Ahma's body.

-It's a full moon today... (Ahma)

The birthmark on Ahma's cheek slowly disappears. And Ahma's body starts to change...

-Eh...? (Farah)

Ahma becomes bigger until she has the same figure before I messed up with reality.

-I have waited for you so long, Ju...No, Farah. (Ahma)

Tears start coming out of her face.

-Thanks for giving me this second chance. (Ahma)

Ahma bends down and kisses me on my lip. It's a light kiss, but I can feel the warmth of her lips pressing on mine.

-Thanks for making me...a human again. (Ahma)


It has been one year since I started writing this novel.

I never thought I would be able to keep up with the daily update for the entire year. At first, I didn't expect that it would attract a fair amount of readers since I only want to write what I have inside my mind. I just want to write about a fictional character and her adventure.

Being able to keep up with this is thanks to everyone's support until now. I give everyone who has supported me until my sincerest thanks. I hope we can continue staying with each other to witness Farah's journey.

I have also included Higa's illustration, which I forgot in the last chapter.

Thanks for reading, everyone. And please have a great day!

Name: Higa

Sex: Female

Age: 27

Description: The greatest saint in this generation.

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