Faraway Survivor

Chapter 367: Interlude 125 The One Who Was Thrown Away

-Hey! Wait for me! (Fifir)

Aya rushed toward the castle without waiting for Fifir follows right behind her.

-I have to be hurried! (Aya)

It doesn't take long for Fifir to catch up with Aya. Fifir tiredly turns to Aya and asks her.

-Why are you hurriedly? Should Hana's issue be more important than your sister breaking up? (Fifir)

Aya glares at Fifir and answers her in an annoyed voice.

-Farah is sure the most important person in my life. However, my sister is my only family. I don't want to repeat my past mistake again. All those past years, I had mistreated her... (Aya)

-Well... But I still don't understand why you are in such a hurry. (Fifir)

-Whew... (Aya)

Aya speaks in a worried tone.

-The reason I can move along with Farah is that there was Yua by her side. (Aya)

-That lover? Yeah? Why though? (Fifir)

-She was my sister's mental support? (Aya)

-Yes? (Fifir)

Fifir shook her head, since she couldn't process the information.

-That girl needs someone to support her? (Fifir)

Fifir can't imagine a weak Sora in her mind. Since Sora always gives the aura of a cold and a perfect queen. She can do everything perfectly and have the courage to fight against her head maid.

-Hey! It's unbelievable! (Fifir)

From what Fifir had known about Sora, she immediately comes to deny Aya's opinion.

-...Whew, that's the truth, though. Even though my sister looked like that, she was a more fragile woman than anyone else. (Aya)

-... (Fifir)

-Tchhh, I don't think you will believe me, anyway. Let's go... (Aya)

Two of them immediately go into the royal caster and appear in front of Sora's room. The knight who guards outside notices the two's identities and greets them.

-Is my sister inside? (Aya)

-Yes, the queen just headed back from the expedition.

-Alright, let me in. (Aya)

The knight opens the door and lets them go inside the room.

-Sister! (Aya)

Aya calls out to Sora in a worried voice.

-Yes? (Sora)

Sora, who is doing the paperwork, turns her attention to her little sister.

-Hey... (FIfir)

Fifir looks at Sora and comments.

-She does not differ from usual. (Fifir)

-Sister! (Aya)

-What's wrong? (Sora)

Sora puts the pen down and looks at Aya.

-Was the news truth after all? Did you break up with Yua? (Aya)

-... (Sora)

Sora silently looks at her own sister. For a moment, a hint of sadness appears on her face, but it quickly returns to usual.

-That's the truth... (Sora)

-But why...? I think you two love each other so much! (Aya)

An awkward smile appears on Sora's face as she returns to work.

-That's...  (Sora)

-Yes...? (Aya)

-Nothing, you shouldn't care much about it. (Sora)

-Hey! (Aya)

Aya rushes to Sora's side and grasps one of her hands.

-Stop, sister! You can't run away by doing the paperwork. (Aya)

-I am perfectly normal, you know... (Sora)

-Hah! Don't lie to me! I know you best, sister. (Aya)

-... (Sora)

-Did something happen because of that dungeon? (Aya)

-... (Sora)

Aya gives up on asking more since she knows her sister wouldn't answer her.

-Hah... (Aya)

Fifir approaches Sora's side and asks her.

-How was the dungeon look like? (Fifir)

-Whew... (Sora)

Sora puts her hand on her chin and describes the dungeon.

-There are only two floors inside the dungeon. Once we went through the dungeon's entrance, we would be separated and arrived in an empty room. (Sora)

-Hoh? Then the next floor? (Fifir)

-The content changes depend from person to person. But... (Sora)

-Huhm? (Fifir)

-They are all about what that person desired most... (Sora)

-Hey... (Aya)

Sora stands up and walks away from Fifir and Aya.

-It's a trial given by the goddess. Once you failed, you would be forced to be sent out of the dungeon. (Sora)

With a hint given by her sister, Aya dimly guessed what had happened in the dungeon.

-Sister... (Aya)

Sora ignores two of them and heads to the other side of the door. Before she went out, she muttered in a small voice.

-She would throw me sooner or later...It's the best time for me to leave her now. (Sora)


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