Faraway Survivor

Chapter 404: The Final Stage-4

Farah's POV

The girl was immediately flustered when she heard my offer.


I also notice her face turning a little red because of my offer.

-What kind of nonsense are you talking about? We should focus on dealing with these monsters.

-I am being serious over here! (Farah)

The girl clicks her tongue and stabs the white sword on the ground. It immediately creates a barrier to protect us.


The girl bends down and puts her face in front of me.

-I'm sorry for this... (Farah)

I hurriedly kiss the girl on her lip and turn away immediately when I finish.

>Field of Lily is activated: Increased the stats of the nearby female by 100%

I can feel enormous power surging inside my body. The girl looks at her own body and mutters.

-A buff skill, Huh?

I am shy and take a few steps back and let my hand touch the sword on the ground.

-Ehh...? (Farah)

I feel something inside this sword resonate with the current me. I turn my attention to it while remembering what the voice in my head says.

-The key is right next to you... (Farah)

I reach out and put the sword out of the ground. The girl notices my action and tries to stop me.

-Hey! What are you doing?

Before the girl can stop me, her sword shines and combines with the current that I am holding.

>1 more ??? to evolve "Magical girl of bravery."

The girl looks at me with an angry face.

-What did you do?

I reply to her with a wry smile.

-I will borrow this sword a little. (Farah)


Since I had pulled the sword, the barrier surrounding us also disappeared. The girl has no choice but to rush out and fight against the other monsters with the other sword.

-You better do something or give it back to me. Otherwise, we will die here.

I nod and turn to the Sora.

-I will try... (Farah)

After the two swords were combined, my current sword's colour changed to golden.

-What can this sword do now? (Farah)

I wield the sword and swing in Sora's direction.

-Huh! (Farah)

A ray of light comes out of the sword and eliminates all the monsters on the ground. It doesn't stop there and blows away everything behind Sora with a part of her body.

-One swing is almost strong as "Judgment." (Farah)

Then how strong is the current sword if I release the skill? I also notice the monster can no longer regenerate after that attack.


Sora realizes the danger and flies higher.

-The betrayer has become dangerous. Must eliminate right here!

Sora turns up and shoots the water stream into the sky.

-What is she trying to do? (Farah)

I tried to take Sora down with the sword, but something like a wall consistently blocked my attack.

-Let's leave her alone for now... (Farah)

In the meantime, I help the girl deal with the rest of the monster. By the time we finish dealing with these monsters, a change happens in the sky. An enormous dark cloud appears in the middle of the sky.

-Can you give back my sword now? I need it to create a barrier to protect us.

I look at the sword and reply to her with a helpless voice.

-I don't know how to give you the sword back... (Farah)

The girl frowns as she asks me.

-What do you mean?

I show the golden sword to her and answer.

-I don't know how to separate your sword from my current one. (Farah)

The girl sighs out loud.

-You gotta be kidding me.

A loud sound comes from the sky suddenly interrupts our conversation. We look up to the sky and find the dark cloud has turned into a wall of meat. The meat's wall comprises many body parts of humans along with thousands of distorted faces.

-Begone, betrayer!

The meat wall falls from the sky as Sora's command.

-With the attack of this range, we have nowhere to run...

-... (Farah)

I hope this will work...

-Protect us! (Farah)

A giant shield appears in the middle of the sky to protect us from Sora's attack.

-Can that fragile-looking shield save us?

I don't reply to the girl and continue staring at the meat wall. The wall continues falling and eventually hits the shield and everything around us. The shield that can reflect any attack can barely defend against that attack and becomes broken now.

-I can't use the shield for a little while... (Farah)

I look at my surroundings and notice it has become barren land because of Sora's attack. And the meat wall also disappears right after it hits us.

-Sora... (Farah)

I see Sora shooting the water stream at the sky again.

-What can I do now? (Farah)


Thanks for reading OwO

My fever comes back when the evening comes and I don't know why... TvT

I get a little better today thanks to the doctor's prescription and I will recover to normal soon.

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