Faraway Survivor

Chapter 6: The maid’s trap ✔️

When I'm relaxing in the dreamland, a voice comes out of nowhere and asks me:

-Master, you already sleep for more than 12 hours. Do you want to wake up by yourself or let me kiss to wake you up? (Hana)

-Let me sleep a little more muumuu...

-There is no cure for your sleepiness, master. Let me play with you a little then ♪. (Hana)

In the dreamland, I find a big candy and try licking it. The taste of the candy is so tasty, it tastes much better compared to other candies that I ever eat. However, I don’t know if I imagine or not, but the taste of this candy seems to be a little familiar.

-Fufu, the master is honest to yourself only when you are sleeping. (Hana)

When I try licking the candy with my best effort. The candy slowly leaves my side and comes back to bite into my ear.

- Nyaa~ ❤️❤️

I awake immediately and retreat far from “the evil candy?”. It took me a bit of time to notice the culprit is Hana instead of the evil candy.

-What was that for, Hana?

-I just want to try to tease my master a little ♪. (Hana)

-You tease me a lot since I wake up moooo...

-If the master didn’t forget about me then I don’t have to tease you that much. (Hana)

-Ne...ne, Hana, are you still angry about that?

She pats on my head and says:

- I just want to mess with you, master. I already forgive you, master. (Hana)

-Hehe, is that so?

-You are acting like a kid, master. (Hana)

-Then try to pamper me more Hana, hehe.

I think the change of the body has some effect on my mind. I’m much more childish compared to myself in the past. It’s just a little disadvantage to have this cute body. My body has become smaller, and the face looks terribly cute. My hair colour is pink, and the length reaches my shoulder. My hairstyle is twin tail, and they are tied with rabbit hair ties. The first time I look at myself in the mirror. I can’t stop myself from grinning like a fool.

-Earth to master? You are grinning like a fool again, master. (Hana)

-Hey Hana.

-Yes, master? (Hana)

-Can you stop calling me master?

-Then what should I call you now master? Do you want me to use your old name or a new one? (Hana)

-I’m thankful for the name that my parents gave me. However, the old name is too masculine to fit the current me. Do you have any suggestions, Hana?

-Hmmm, How about Farah master? (Hana)

-Eh, what does that name mean?

-” Farah” means traveler in Latin and it has “Far” in it means long distance. So, your name means a Traveler from a faraway place. (Hana)

-Woah, you can think of a great name in such a short time! I like the name so much! Thank you, Hana. (Farah)

-Yes, master you can always count on this great maid. (Hana)

-Hana, you can stop calling me master from now and call me Farah instead. (Farah)

Hana seems to stop for a moment then speak:

-Yes, master Farah (Hana)

-Mooo... I told you to call me Farah (Farah)

-If I can’t call you my master, then my identity will be gone. I will be no longer considered a perfect maid robot. (Hana)

I try persuading her to stop calling me master. But no matter what method I try, she still keeps calling me master.

-Hey Hana, I want to go out and explore this planet. (Farah)

-Master Farah, I'm sorry but I can’t let you go out now. (Hana)

-Heh, I want to meet with other people, though... (Farah)

-Master, you are so weak right now. The stats of yours only equal to 1/10 of mine... except Charm and Luck. (Hana)

-Then you can be my bodyguard to protect me when I'm in danger then. (Farah)

-Master I believe can win easily against a person with the same stats as me. However, fighting with the one strong as me while protecting you is very dangerous. (Hana)

I try using my super-secret skill on Hana to see if I can successfully persuade her.

-Master Farah, I won’t let you go outside because you are looking at me with those puppy eyes. (Hana)

-Pleaseee..... Prettyyyy Pleaseeeee. (Farah)

-As I said I..... (Hana)

I’m also using my strongest weapon “fake tear”.

-Haiz... Alright... (Hana)


-Don’t be happy so fast, I can only let you go out and explore the world with one condition. (Hana)

-Eh, what is it? (Farah)

Hana makes a sinister smile and said:

-Win against me in a spar, master Farah. (Hana)

-No way, you are much stronger than me. (Farah)

-You only need hitting me once then the game will be over. (Hana)

-All right!!! (Farah)

I am confident I can hit Hana at least once. Hana is looking down on me too much.

After that, Hana takes me to the yesterday practice field.

-Master, how about making this spar into a bet? It’s not fair the master is the only one who gets the reward when you win. (Hana)

-Ehhh, all right then you can set your condition. (Farah)

-Heh...If I win you must let me do anything to you for 15 mins. You can’t fight back or escape, is this okay? (Hana)

Now I know why I get such a bad feeling. If I lose the game, I will be “eaten” by her, should I retreat now and think of a better plan next time...

-Eh, master, you seem to be scared? Should we stop the game and leave it to next time? That also means you can longer go out and explore this planet. (Hana)

She is provoking me, there is no way I will chicken out right now.

-No way, I will win against you. (Farah)

Hana smirked and says:

-We better see it in action rather than just talking, master Farah (Hana)

-Here I come, Hana. (Farah)


A lonely girl is staring at the sky.

-The stars are wavering a lot today.

She reaches out her hand to the sky and seems to a little bit sorrowful.

-The 40,000 years peace is coming to an end. Is a better or worse future await us?


A girl sitting on the throne. She is singing a happy song

A girl that dresses like a ninja appears right behind her:

-You seem to be in good mood today.

-I got some happy news for us, Duo

-What is this Unus ?

- Number 6/Sex has awakened. (1)

-Oh, that’s new to me. How do you know that?

-I received through the oracle from the goddess.

-So, how’s about our plan then?

-It's the best time to start it.

-Okay, let me tell others.

(1) Number 6 is pronounced as Sex in Latin.


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