Faraway Survivor

Chapter 66: Justice May Be Deceiving

Currently, I'm in the trial that is held against Yua. Around us, there are various nobles present in the trial there along with the representation of the citizen. The judge of this trial is Sora and Yua is standing in the middle of the room to listen to her judgment.

-Today we will hold a trial against the criminal name: Yua. (Sora)

There are various voices from around the room.

-Execute her! (Noble A)

-She deserves dying! (Noble B)

Sora uses the hammer and hits the table.

-Silence! (Sora)

The whole room becomes silent as Sora commands.

-We will begin the trial. (Sora)

Sora takes out a stack of paper and reads out loud.

-The knight Yua is considered guilty of treason. Many noble have been assassinated under her hand along with the king. The last capital attack attempt of knight Yua doesn't have human damage. However, there are many damage reports about the facilities of the city. (Sora)

Sora looks at Yua.

-Are there any defend against what I have mentioned, knight Yua? (Sora)

Yua answers confidently.

-I have no reason to defend the thing that I have done. (Yua)

The trial's room becomes heated up due to her statement.

-You... (Noble C)

Sora strikes the table again.

-Silence! (Sora)

I look at Aya seating right next to me and grasp her hand.

-What's going to happen to Yua, Aya? (Farah)

Aya caresses my head to reassure me.

-Don't worry, Farah. (Aya)

Sora said.

-Now allow the hero of our country to come out as the witness. (Sora)

The black knight gradually comes from the back of the room. The knight moves to the position next to Yua and starts talking. A deep masculine voice comes out from the black helmet.

-Eh? Who is he, Aya? (Farah)

Aya shakes her head informs me.

-Sister tells me that she will explain everything to us after the trial, Farah. (Aya)

-As the hero who saves our country, I have witnessed the wrong thing knight Yua has done. (Black Knight)

The black knight said out loud his statement:

-She needs punishment! (NobleB)

-Ohhh! (Noble E)

The whole room seems to agree with that black knight statement. I hold the hand of Aya tightly.

Sora looks at Yua and asks:

-Any defends or we will conclude this trial, knight Yua. (Sora)

Yua starts laughing:

-You guys are cowards.

Yua starts pointing people around the room.

-You, you, and you. Are you feeling pathetic? (Yua)

The whole room starts cursing at Yua.

-Accept it, It just true. The sole reason that I don't eliminate you guys is I just feel sad for you guys. (Yua)

Yua points at the man who sits at the left of the room.

-Duke of North Wind. (Yua)

-Huh, What do you want, criminal? (Duke)

-How do you feel when you sacrifice your wife for her current position? (Yua)

The man's face becomes immediately dark due to Yua's statement. Yua continues.

-That man sells his wife to the king to maintain his current position. (Yua)

Yua looks at the audience.

-Do you guys know the fate of his wife? (Yua)

The man becomes furious and tries to stop Yua?

-As everyone knows the uncontrollable lust of the king. As long as he finds a pretty woman, he will try getting it. (Yua)

-No, don't. (Duke)

-The king forces his wife to bear the child of him. However, his wife chose to kill herself when being locked in the dungeon. (Yua)

The man starts crying when he overheard that.

-If I didn't provide my wife to him, he will take away everything that my family builds up. He even threatened to kill off my son. (Duke)

The whole trial room becomes silent.

-You guys must also know the rumor about the former queen. The former queen was kidnaped from the holy country and taken as his wife. She is forced to bear the child of him who is currently the first princess Sora. She can't stand the fact she had the king's child and killed herself after giving birth. (Yua)

-... (Others)

-However, With his uncontrollable lust. The king has a plan to develop up the princess and use her to replace the former queen. (Yua)

The whole room becomes astonishing at what Yua has said.

-Do you think I still do the wrong thing? Everyone I assassinated is as bad as the king. (Yua)

Sora hits the table again.

-Silence! Since what knight Yua has said isn't related to what crime she has done, we will conclude this trial. (Sora)

The whole trial room becomes noisy again.

-This is what we are waiting for. (Noble E)

-Killed her! (Noble D)

Sora said:

-I will give of Yua's punishment. The knight Yua will be exiled...(Sora)

Some people don't wait for Sora to complete the sentence and start protesting.

-She deserves death. (Noble A)

Sora hits the table and warns all the participants.

-Silence or you will end up in jail. (Sora)

Sora continues.

-Knight Yua will be exiled to "death forest."(Sora)

-The place of no return. (Noble E)

-It's fine punishment. She will meet the ending even scarier than death. (Noble F)

-Then anyone against the punishment I gave to her? (Sora)

Sora waits for everyone to answer.

-I will take this silence as a no. (Sora)

Sora hits the hammer at the table.

-The black knight takes her to the prison and readies for her trip to the "death forest."(Sora)

The black knight makes a formal pose of the knight and said.

-Your order is my honor, your princess. (Black knight)

The black knight goes to Yua's place and takes her away.


After the trial is completed, Aya takes me to a room. I can hear a voice come from it.

-Come in, you two. (Sora)

When we come into the room, there are Sora, Yua, and the black knight are waiting for us.

-Yahoo, Farah. Are you worried about me? (Yua)

-I thought you would be taken to the prison, Yua? (Farah)

Yua answer.

-Oh, according to the scripted, I will be exiled from that moment. (Yua)

-Scripted? (Farah)

Yua laughs and informs me.

-You guys know about the recent black knight always appears with Sora, right.? (Yua)

I point at the black knight is standing right next to Yua.

-He is over here. (Farah)

-The truth that I am the black knight. For today only, I have asked a friend of mine to try to be a fake black knight. (Yua)

-Eh? (Farah)

The black knight takes off his helmet. I can see the person inside.

-Avaritia! But how? (Farah)

Avaritia points at the helmet.

-This helmet acts as the tool to conceal the identity of the user and change the user's voice. It's one of the armor in my collections, and I decide to lend it to Yua, princess. (Avaritia)

-So we have been deceived all the time? (Farah)

Sora looks at me and said.

-That's right. Yua will officially start acting as my bodyguard after the trial is finished. (Sora)


Thanks for reading ヽ(・∀・)ノ

The next chapter will be in Yua's POV.

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