Wang Erbao was thinking about the Xiaoyao grass he planted, and seeing that this soul-nourishing wood could never be taken back, he completely cut off this thought.

After discussing with Wang Tao, the two did not return to Qingzhou City, but returned directly to Shanmen.

Thinking about Xiaoyao Cao, Brother Bao perfunctory Wang Tao, and after sending away, he came to the spiritual grass garden in his backyard.

In front of me, the grass that has been planted for a long time is still half dead, and the sallow grass is as if it has been beaten by frost in late autumn, which makes people can't help but think of the thin homeless people who haven't eaten for a few days.

Wang Erbao was distressed and decided to apply some fertilizer to it first, and take off his pants to pee.

Only then did he untie the storage bag, and with a shake of his mouth downward, the light flashed, and the puppet walking corpse of the one-armed young woman and the eagle-eyed old man fell to the ground.

You can't store live things in the storage bag, and there is no need to be taboo if these two have already hung up, but it's a pity to see that the woman should be concave and warped, except for one arm, and it's a pity to really make fertilizer.

He scratched his nose and said in his heart whether to take it while it was hot.

After thinking about it, in the end, his ambition said that there would be a better fairy peach in the future, and this rotten apricot was forgotten, and then he found a shovel to bury the two.

He put away his chaotic thoughts, closed his eyes and opened them, and the Dharma Xiang that was called out behind him shrouded Brother Bao, and in an instant, he was already one.

Looking up at the sky, Wang Erbao chose a height, and then, with his finger on the side of his mouth a little saliva, flicked up, after a few breaths, the clear sky began to be gloomy, the kind of shade for no reason drove away the dryness, dominating the entire valley, a cool breeze blew, and the raindrops began to fall.

He wiped the rain from his forehead, and also regretted that he used too much spiritual power, in fact, he just gave a little rain and mist with a pinch of carefree grass.

Looking down again, the already damp ground began to stir, the grass was tillered into two, and then a handful of them began to spread around, the originally dry Xiaoyao grass was green and vigorous at the moment, and under the investigation of the divine sense, the root system actually spread rapidly under the ground skin, and after decomposing the two people, it was already square in an instant.

Enough, Wang Erbao turned around to get the shovel, but at this moment, he heard shouts from outside the gate.

In the rain, the sound can still be clearly distinguished, and Wang Tao seems to have come at a very bad time.

Wang Erbao frowned slightly, kicked the shovel into the dirt and walked to the front yard.

In the light rain, Wang Tao stood at the door and waited with a hat and a robe, and after seeing Wang Erbao beckoning, he pushed the door and walked in.

Entering the canopy, when the two were greeting, Wang Tao tore off the dripping coat on his shoulders and hung it aside to drain the water.

"Is there any tea? This bastard weather, just say it, I haven't had time to collect the tangerine peel I dried. "

I didn't make tea. "I'm in a hurry to go to the backyard to collect the spirit grass, how can Wang Erbao be in the mood to entertain.

It's a pity that Wang Tao didn't mean to leave, so he touched the storage bag with his hand and brought two things.

A porcelain vase with a red cork, a pack of citrus.

"The last time I saw you buy Huanglongdan, I wrote it down, I just ordered a bottle of it, you keep it, this orange is a specialty of the main peak, the aura is strong, remember to leave a few back to bring Xiao'e."

Wang Erbao's anxious heart slowly calmed down at this moment, the old brother is so good that people can't refuse, he can't help but think of his father.

Sighing, he hugged the things on the table into his arms, and was about to make tea, when he stopped suddenly after asking a question.

"Brother, you are in the sixth-level realm, eat more Huanglong Dan, and your cultivation will grow fast.

Wang Tao looked at the continuous rain outside, and said casually: "What are you kidding, who can afford to eat this thing, I ...... it during the New Year's holidays

" At the beginning of the conversation, he seemed to remember something, and looked at Wang Erbao embarrassedly and hurriedly gave himself a round, "I still prefer self-cultivation, and I don't have a good impression of assistance, you just eat."

Wang Erbao suddenly lost his mood, pushed Huang Longdan back, and put it in Wang Tao's hand.

"You are really, my boss is not small, there is a shop at home, and he earns more than you, so you eat more by yourself and care about what I do.

"I'm not an adult, you're only a few years old, eat more good things to grow your body, you keep it and don't fight with me, put it away, beware of the wall with eyes." With

a little groaning, Wang Erbao retracted his insistence and put the bottle of Huanglongdan into the storage bag, he didn't want to anymore, he walked into the house and pulled out the peony in the flower pot, turned out a chrysanthemum seed in the storage bag and threw it in, and put his two fingers together with the rippling spiritual power, only seven or eight breaths, and the flowers growing in the pot had already bloomed into a huge blood chrysanthemum.

He was very satisfied, pinched off with his fingertips and walked out of the house, seeing Wang Tao, who smelled the abundant aura, looked towards his hand, smiled and put the chrysanthemum in the pot and brewed it with boiling water.

The transparent glass teapot isolated all the spiritual power leakage, and I could only vaguely see that the blood chrysanthemum was blooming rapidly, covering the entire bottom of the pot, and the fragrance of tea was curling, and the aura that came out of it made people's hearts open.

Wang Tao was a little out of shape at the moment, looked at the transparent teapot and looked at Wang Erbao, and the whole person stood up unconsciously.

He bent over the table, his eyelashes almost against the wall of the pot, and he wanted to take out the red chrysanthemum and dissect it carefully.

"Its color is like blood, chrysanthemum silk is like a needle, and it is only the best to be obtained in Chongyang, you can't be a red-top blood chrysanthemum

, right?" Wang Erbao raised his eyebrows, and replied with his chin in his hand: "Congratulations, you guessed right."

Wang Tao suddenly slapped the tea table, and then suddenly stepped out to protect the teapot, not caring about the cups that jumped up at all.

He used all the love and softness like he cared for his granddaughter who had just left the delivery room, and swallowed his saliva in the teapot.

"This, this, this, which one did you get, where did you get it?"

"You don't care about this.

"You, you, you, you are really a loser, such a good spiritual creature actually brewed such a little tea, if you use it to boil water to soak the spiritual bones, skin and flesh, the immortal cultivator in the Qi refining period can break through the first order, such an unreasonable benefit, you actually made tea, no, no, no, no, hurry up and drink it, don't come to the guest to give points."

Muttering on his lips, Wang Tao hurriedly grabbed the teacup, hurriedly poured it full and drank it, but he wanted to vomit but was reluctant, so he swallowed it directly in a hurry.

Wang Erbao was frightened to death, and hurriedly brought the teapot over, "You are playing with your life, brother, drink slowly." "

Whew-" A sip of hot tea into the stomach, even if it is hot like a needle prick, it is extremely uncomfortable, but Wang Tao is still extremely comfortable.

He narrowed his eyes and quietly felt the spiritual power rushing into his body, this surging force was like the unreasonable effect of the red-crowned blood chrysanthemum, and it had rushed into the dantian along the eight veins of the Qi Sutra, making him tremble violently in the realm that was already dumb.

Wang Tao was shocked, worthy of being a tea ancestor, such a bite made him a breakthrough in his cultivation for several years, but unfortunately this is still in other people's children's homes, but it has to be suppressed, it is really not good to break through here, and some do not regard themselves as outsiders.

He suppressed the chaotic force in his body, and used his divine sense to seal his twelve acupoints to prevent the pouring of spiritual power, and then slowly opened his eyes.

There was nothing to see in front of him, Wang Erbao's kid's face was annoying, Wang Tao was too lazy to look at it and stared at the pot of spiritual tea.

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