Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 101 Is it an underground spring?

The golden fish smiled and said: [Merit is also called merit, merit is good deeds, and virtue is kindness. Your good fortune is conveyed to others and many people are saved from disasters. This is your merit. 】

Chang'an seemed to understand: "Who did I pass my good fortune to?"

[Humans in the drought, they survived because of your luck. 】The little goldfish said softly.

Chang'an scratched his head: "What use is that merit to me?"

[It is of great use, as you will know later. ] The little goldfish changed the topic: [Look at the palm of your hand, are there new leaves growing? 】

Chang'an lowered his head and saw that the number of seedlings in his palm had indeed increased again, and now there were ten.

"Huh? There were seven branches before." Yesterday, she used one branch and it still didn't grow. Now, it suddenly grew to ten branches, and the branches seemed to be much stronger.

Haha, if I use Xiao Zhuzhu, will I be as strong as my aunt?

The little goldfish smiled slightly: [Very good, you can remember more words at once in the future. 】

Changan's face dropped.

[Okay, go study now, you still don’t know a lot of words. 】The little goldfish sat on the reef, waving its tail happily.

Changan had no choice but to sit down at the small table and start reading.

First read aloud along with the book, then read it yourself, and then write it out one by one to deepen your impression.

The most difficult thing was silent writing, for which she was often spanked with a ruler.

Early the next morning, Chang'an was woken up by his aunt: "Chang'an, get up quickly, there is water in the pond!"

Chang'an Gulu got up, raised his head on the chicken coop and asked, "Really?"

"Of course it's true!" Mrs. Wu brought some clothes and pants for her to dress: "Your clan leader, grandpa, is leading people to stop the people from Zuo Village from entering."

Chang An immediately opened his eyes wide, "I want to go take a look!"

"I'm also going to wash the vegetables. You bring the tooth powder and toothbrush with you, and we'll wash your face and mouth over there." Madam Wu put on her niece's shoes and tied them.

Chang'an jumped up and opened the door, and saw his grandfather coming over with a jar.

"Chang'an, grandpa has stewed pig's trotters for you, come and try it." Song Baqi opened the lid of the jar with a loving look on his face.

The strong fragrance of pig's trotters hit his face, attracting Chang'an's attention.

Mrs. Wu originally didn't want to pay attention to her father-in-law, but thinking of her husband, she introduced him to the kitchen. "Have you eaten?"

Song Baqi put the jar on the table and whispered, "I've eaten."

After a pause, he added: "I went to the market yesterday to buy pig trotters, and I didn't know about the people from Zuo Village coming over." When he knew that the matter was over, the people from Zuo Village had also left.

Wu said calmly: "It's not a big deal, the clan leader is here anyway."

Song Baqi was very ashamed. He wanted to say something but didn't know where to start. "Well, then I'm going back."

He touched Chang'an's head and walked out of the courtyard of San'er's house with his head lowered.

Not many people came to Song Sanshun's house to fetch water this morning. The water in the pond was too clear, so the villagers all went there to fetch it.

Wu took Chang'an to the pond and saw that the pond was full of water. It was very pleasant. People squatting by the pond could reach the water with their hands.

Many village women were reluctant to do laundry and vegetables inside, so they took out basins and put them on the shore to wash.

The water used for washing vegetables and laundry was not wasted. It was all poured into the vegetable garden or under the big trees in the village.

For this reason, the clan leader also asked people to dig out the ditch and divert some of the water into the ditch, so that everyone could wash rice and wash vegetables and clothes in the ditch to avoid polluting the pond water.

"It's really weird. It didn't rain, but it suddenly filled up with water. Could it be that Songjiacun dug an underground spring?"

The people from other villages who were watching were whispering, including those from Zuocun.

The village leader of Zuocun also heard the sound and came over. When he saw that the Songjia Village reservoir was suddenly filled with water, his face turned green.

"What's going on?" he asked the villagers quietly.

The faces of the villagers in Zuo Village were not good-looking either, and they choked: "Who knows what's going on?"

The people of Songjia Village allowed people from Huaishu Village to carry water, but they did not let people from Zuo Village get close. They also asked children and women to guard the pond. They chased away people from Zuo Village when they saw them, which was really annoying.

"Uncle, they don't let us fetch water, but you should think of something." The villagers of Yizuo Village complained.

What can Zuo Jian do?

He just had a falling out with Song Jia yesterday, and now he didn't have the shame to be cold-hearted.

"Hmph! What's the big deal? Let's go back and dig a pond!" Zuo Jian walked back with his hands behind his back.

Chang'an had been staring at them. Seeing that everyone in Zuocun was following Muramasa, he knelt down to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Hehe, such a big washbasin is so fun.

She really wanted to go into the water and swim around.

At this time, Lu Jingzhou also walked to the pond and stared at the water in a daze.

If the Yin Yang Rain happened before was just a coincidence, what is happening now?

Could it be that, as people said, an underground spring was dug?

He frowned, squatted down by the water, and scooped up the water. It was clear and clear, no different from the water in a deep well.

Aunt Fang was scooping water beside her and said cheerfully: "Erlang, this saves trouble. You don't have to go to Song Sanshun's house to fetch water in the future."

"No, our water is a sacred spring. It can be used directly as drinking water." Sister-in-law Qian directly scooped a basin of water from a wooden basin and carried it to the side for washing.

Since the pond was found to be overflowing this morning, the reputation of this sacred spring has spread. People from Huaishu Village have come to fetch water one after another, saying that they use this water to water their vegetable gardens, and the vegetables grow faster.

"Sacred spring?" Lu Jingzhou looked around and found that the vegetation around the pond seemed to be much lusher than yesterday.

"Chang'an, let's go home and eat." Wu finished washing the dishes, picked up the basin and stood up.

Chang'an agreed and jumped up and down behind his aunt.

Haha, she was so happy, because she discovered that a leaf can not only fill a water tank, but also a pond.

If there is a larger reservoir, can it be filled with water?

It was a pity that there were no larger ponds around, otherwise she could try again.

Of course, the one outside the village does not count.

After returning home, Mrs. Wu asked her little niece to have dinner at home. She picked up a bucket and went to the pond to water the vegetable garden while her infinite strength skills were not lost.

Last year, she used the water produced by Chang'an to water the vegetables, and the vegetable seedlings grew well. This time she wanted to try to see if the water in the pond was the same as last time.

Mrs. Wu even picked up more than a dozen loads of water without losing her breath. She watered everything in the house that needed to be watered, and even filled the water tank with water.

After that it was just a matter of waiting.

Wu thought of the soapberry trees and wild jujube trees on the mountain, and wondered whether she should dig two of them back and plant them.

After thinking about it, she decided to invite Sister-in-law Qian and Jin Osmanthus to go together.

Well, take Chang'an with you.

After what happened yesterday, Wu did not dare to leave Chang'an alone at home.

Moreover, his younger brother Wu Zhonglou only studied with Mr. Lu in the second half of the year. He couldn't let Mr. Lu take care of his little niece.

"Chang'an, would you like to go to the mountains with your aunt to dig for soapberries?" Mrs. Wu found the basket on her back and put the pickaxe and sickle in it.

Chang An immediately nodded: "Okay!" She really liked going into the mountains to play. At this time, there were a lot of wild fruits growing on the mountains, such as raspberries, which should have turned red.

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