Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 103 How could such a scheme be possible?

On the day of the fair, Chang'an, Qiaoer's sister, and Qiangwei all went with them.

Auntie and the others were on their way to the local grass market, so it wasn't far, just a short walk away.

Chang'an didn't bring the dog with him this time, but Huahua was disobedient and had to come with him.

There were many people in the market, so Wu and Jingui Qian set up their stalls on the roadside outside Caoji Street.

They cut bowls of jelly and placed them on the table. Doenjang, sesame oil, dogwood, minced garlic and coriander were placed aside. If anyone came to buy them, they would mix them and eat them.

When everything was ready, Mrs. Wu mixed three portions for the three female dolls to eat.

Chang'an and Qiaoer Qiangwei were eating jelly, which quickly attracted a lot of attention.

A middle-aged man couldn't bear it anymore and came over and asked, "Can I exchange apricots for a bowl of jelly?"

As he spoke, he grabbed a handful of yellow-orange apricots from the basket on his shoulder.

Wu thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Although this person did not contribute any money or food, he was the first business to be made after the market opened, so he had to do it.

A large bowl of dark green jelly was poured with a little miso and dogwood sauce, a few drops of sesame oil, a small spoonful of minced garlic and coriander, and served to the guests.

This person sat down at the small table, picked up the bowl with trembling hands, and started eating as if he hadn't eaten in a long time.

Chang'an looked at the guest curiously, and saw that his hair was disheveled, his face was thin, and his clothes were shabby and dirty, as if he hadn't been washed or changed in a long time.

Looking at the people going to the market, most of them look like this, probably because of the long-term lack of water.

The man finished his bowl quickly and remained seated.

After a while, he awkwardly said, "I, I want to change to another bowl, okay?"

Wu and Qian and Jin looked at each other and sighed slightly: "Okay."

Then the middle-aged man took out two handfuls of apricots from the basket and asked Wu to pour the mixed jelly on the lotus leaves in his basket. He wanted to take it home for the children to eat.

After the middle-aged people left, a few more people bought fans.

Fortunately, this time they gave me money.

"What is your jelly made of? It tastes very strange." The customer couldn't help but ask after tasting it for a long time.

Wu said perfunctorily: "It's similar to tofu, it's our secret recipe."

When the guests saw that she was unwilling to tell the truth, they stopped asking.

Another person said: "This kind of jelly makes me hungry. Fortunately, it's not expensive. You can buy a big bowl for two cents. It has salt and oil. It's still a good deal."

In previous years, it was normal to pay two cents for a bowl of jelly, but now it is the drought season, and the price of grains and soybeans has been rising sharply. Even a half-hand-sized thick-surface steamed bun costs five cents, not to mention the added oil and salt. of eating.

While talking, a few more people came over to buy jelly. After asking about the two cents, they sat down without hesitation.

As the number of guests increased, ten large bowls were no longer enough.

Fortunately, Mrs. Wu brought water and washed the bowls used by the guests before using them.

The basin for washing dishes was on the ground, and there was a layer of oil floating on the basin.

Chang'an sat by the water basin, holding Huahua in his arms, looking around at the villagers coming and going.

The villagers looked much more miserable than last year, but they all worked hard to survive. Some of them carried burdens to sell firewood, and some sold straw sandals, bamboo baskets, wicker baskets and other items, just to exchange for a little money and food to survive.

More than an hour later, the three large pots of jelly brought by the Wu family were finally sold out, and they happily packed up the stall and went home.

Chang'an was already asleep, and was finally carried home by his aunt in a basket.

Qian and Jin each picked up small benches and empty basins to take stock of today's harvest at Song Sanshun's house.

This time, a total of more than 80 bowls were sold, and more than 160 cash were obtained. After deducting the city tax of 10 cash, and buying salt and sesame oil, there was still more than 120 cash left.

The three of them were very happy after receiving forty coins each.

"We'll do more in the next episode." Qian was very optimistic about this business: "It was our first time setting up a stall, and it was all sold out before noon. This shows that this jelly is very popular among people."

"That's right, we will make six pots in the next episode, and they will definitely be sold out."

Jin Osmanthus echoed and said with a smile: "Tell you something about Coca-Cola."

"What's the matter?" Qian and Wu looked up at the same time and asked.

Jin Osmanthus walked up to the two of them and tried to show off: "Didn't I go buy salt earlier? Guess who I met?"

"Who?" they both asked in unison.

Jin Osmanthus blinked and said with a smile: "I met Mrs. Zhao, her daughter, and Widow Cui. The three of them were also selling food at the market. They seemed to be selling wontons. Guess what?"

Qian said angrily: "Can't you finish the sentence?"

"Okay, okay, I'll talk next." Jin Osmanthus picked up the tea bowl and took a sip: "They set up the wonton stall next to the steamed bun stall, and set the price a penny lower than the steamed bun. As a result, the couple who sold the steamed bun were kicked off. After a while, all the bone soup was spilled."

"Hey, you didn't see it, Widow Cui cried so miserably." Jin Osmanthus smiled and gloated.

Qian: "Yes! Who told her to pick up unwanted junk and keep it?"

Wu frowned.

Old Zhao actually started a business with Widow Cui. Does he want to stay in Zuocun?

That family was a group of scourges. They poisoned themselves and Chang'an before they were divorced by Song Baqi, and even planned to assassinate her husband Song Sanshun. Now that they were divorced, they hated their own family to the core, and they would probably be even more unscrupulous in the future.

However, the granddaughter of the old Zhao family was taken to the capital by her sister-in-law. If she did something bad, wouldn't she harm her sister-in-law Jiang Ruyi?

Wu was right. After Song Xiyue came to the capital, she did have the idea of ​​harming Jiang.

But she still had to rely on Jiang to get close to the Zhang family, so she didn't act rashly.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?" Song Xiyue came back from the lady's room and looked carefully at Jiang Ruyi who was sitting on the kang and crying.

Jiang Ruyi put the letter on the kang table into the box and looked at Song Xiyue coldly: "Song Xiyue, do you really think I can't recognize my daughter?"

Song Xiyue was startled, paused for a moment, and immediately rushed forward to hug Jiang Ruyi's thigh, tears streaming down her face: "Mom, why do you say that? I am your Chang'an?"

Jiang Ruyi tried to push her away several times but failed, so she had to let her go, but her tone was cold: "You still say you are Chang'an? My family has sent a letter saying that you are here pretending to be Chang'an, tell me! What do you want?"

Song Xiyue has figured out Jiang Ruyi's temperament these days, and knows that she cherishes face and is soft-hearted. As long as she cries and pretends to be pitiful, she will definitely forgive herself.

"Mom, my name is Chang'an at home. Why do you think I'm pretending?" Song Xiyue cried uncontrollably and hugged Ms. Jiang tightly: "Mom, I'm so scared, please don't scare me, wuwuwuwuwu."

Jiang Ruyi was so upset by her crying that she didn't know what to do.

Today she received a letter, so she happily asked her wife to read it for her. The letter said that she was entrusted by Song Sanshun to tell her that the girl who was brought back was not Chang'an, but Song Xiyue, the daughter of Song Jizu.

The letter also said that Chang'an lived with her uncle and aunt, and she didn't know that someone in Beijing was going to pick her up, so she missed it twice.

Jiang Ruyi was shocked at that time, and then she carefully recalled what her daughter looked like.

But after several years, the impression of her daughter in her mind was completely occupied by Song Xiyue, who had been with her for half a year.

After reading the letter, the lady saw that Jiang Ruyi was very emotional, so she comforted her for a while: "Since the answer was wrong, just pick it up next time, and you don't have to worry. I see that the child is young, and he probably doesn't know the whole story. You Don’t blame her either.”

"But how could they treat me like this?" Jiang Ruyi covered her face and cried bitterly: "I sent all the monthly money back just to ask them to treat my son well. How could they scheme like this?"

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