Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 112 Debt collectors support students

Mrs. Wang came to the front yard with a few maids and women, and saw an old man and a group of villagers standing at the door of the yard.

"What's the matter with you?" Mrs. Wang asked politely.

The clan leader raised his fist towards Mrs. Wang and said, "A group of teenagers set dogs free to commit murder in my Songjia Village. I wonder if they belong to your family?"

Mrs. Wang's face looked a little ugly. She covered her mouth and coughed lightly, saying, "Everyone, please come in. Let's sit down and talk."

The patriarch was not polite and led several villagers and Chang'an Qiaoer Qiangwei into the main hall of the Xue family.

Mrs. Wang ordered people to bring chairs and stools, invited a few people to sit down, and asked her mother-in-law to make tea.

Asking why, she stood up and gave a slight salute to the clan leader: "It's all because of my incompetence in teaching my children, which made you laugh. I will call them here later, and you can do whatever you want to beat or scold them."

At this time, two young men walked into the main hall and saluted Mrs. Wang: "Mom, this thief is the one who lets the dog bite us."

"Shut up!" Mrs. Wang snapped.

The two young men were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and said nothing.

Xue Huang's wife Zhuang was a little distressed when she saw her son kneeling down with the eldest son, but she couldn't speak in front of the county magistrate's wife and was so anxious that she twisted the handkerchief in her hand into a ball.

Mrs. Wang said to the patriarch: "My son is usually too naughty. I really can't help but apologize. Today I will ask them to make amends to you."

Turning his eyes to the young man on the ground, he said: "Hurry up and apologize to the patriarch and the three girls. You are naughty and I don't care. It's not okay to let a dog do it. Next time, you can't take a big dog out to scare people. If something happens, Let’s see how your father deals with you.”

Zhao Xuan was also worried that his father would find out that he used a dog to scare the little girl. He would inevitably have a meal of fried meat on a bamboo board. He quickly stood up and reluctantly handed over to the patriarch and Chang An: "I'm sorry."

Fourteen-year-old Xue Shaohua frowned when he saw Zhao Xuan apologizing, feeling a little disdainful of him.

I'm not wrong at all, so I won't apologize to the untouchables.

Then Mrs. Wang asked someone to bring out a few pieces of cloth as an apology, but the clan leader refused.

"We are not here for money. It is about the safety of the girls in the village. We have to be cautious. If I have offended something, please forgive me." The patriarch stood up and prepared to say goodbye and leave.

Mrs. Wang smiled and said: "It's our children's fault. How can we blame you? Mr. Song, don't worry. I will supervise the children in the future and prevent them from going out to cause trouble."

"That's good. Our village has always been harmonious and friendly to outsiders. I naturally hope that everyone can live in harmony."

The patriarch changed his voice and said: "Your big dog is too ferocious. Please try to keep an eye on it and don't let it go out. It would be bad if it bites someone."

Mrs. Wang looked embarrassed. Even though she had been through many big scenes, she was not as embarrassed as she was now.

After seeing off the patriarch and others, Mrs. Wang called her son Zhao Xuan into the room, gave him a hard slap, and whispered: "How many times have I told you, if you can't study well, just be a rich man, who will teach you?" You go around bullying the villagers? You have had too many good times and you want to kill your father?"

Zhao Xuan lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Mrs. Wang whispered again: "Don't interact with the Xue family children! They are merchants, different from us. If your father finds out that you follow him out to attract cats and dogs, watch your dog legs carefully!"

Zhao Xuan shrank his shoulders and said in a low voice: "I know, mother, is it okay if I don't take the dog out in the future?"

In fact, the two dogs originally belonged to Xue Shaohua, and one of them was later sold to him.

"It's good that you know. Stay in the yard these days and let's go back to the county together after a while." Mrs. Wang had come here to recuperate her health, but now she felt that she was much better than before, so she naturally wanted to go back.

Zhao Xuan nodded: "Yes." He quickly slipped out of the house.

Mrs. Wang was tired from the previous events and lay on the bed with her eyes closed to rest.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound outside the window.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was his youngest son who was holding open the window and looking into the house.

Mrs. Wang frowned and scolded: "What are you doing?"

Zhao Yuan was so frightened that he rolled down the window.

Mrs. Wang frowned in disgust and ordered the maid beside her: "Go and take the second young master elsewhere to play. If you have nothing to do, don't come to my place."

She has never been very fond of this child, just because he is extremely ugly and has a submissive look all day long, which makes people angry just looking at him.

Because she had been born with such a thing, her body had been very weak, so Wang asked a fortune teller to do a fortune-telling, and the result was that the child was born to a debt collector, specifically to collect debts from his parents.

So Wang gave Zhao Yuan to the wet nurse and ignored him again.

Unexpectedly, the child grew uglier and uglier. He was almost seven years old. He was short in stature and had fine yellow hair on his head. He couldn't even speak well.

This time she brought her youngest son here because she wanted to take the opportunity to leave him in the countryside.

From now on, if her younger son doesn't live with her, he won't be able to collect debts from her.

September has arrived in a blink of an eye.

After Qiu Fu was handed over, Song Sanshun and the others suddenly became free, and the number of people asking them to dig wells gradually became less and less.

Taking this opportunity, Song Sanshun decided to bring his parents-in-law to stay for a few days and help take care of the house, chickens, geese and dogs. He wanted to take his wife and Chang'an to the county town.

Also returning to the county with them were Mrs. Wang's mother and son and Xuezhuang's mother and son.

Song Sanshun and his wife took Chang An on the mule cart sent by the county government to pick them up, watching the scenery along the way.

I saw that the fields on both sides of the official road were all planted with wheat, and a little bit of green was emerging.

As we approached the county seat, there was water in the gullies and river ponds on the roadside, as if the drought had never happened.

Song Sanshun glanced at his little niece and sighed inwardly.

If my brother knew that he had given birth to a fairy daughter, I don't know how shocked he would be.

By the way, since my brother came back last time with a letter, there has been no news until now.

I wonder what happened to him?

However, no news is good news, at least my brother is still alive and well.

Soon after arriving at the county seat, Song Sanshun took his wife and niece to visit the county magistrate and had a meal in the backyard of the county government office.

During the dinner, the county magistrate said that the drought in several surrounding counties was also very serious, and asked him if he could go to get another spring.

Song Sanshun did not agree.

This is something I can't do myself, so I can't answer it.

You can't go to another county by yourself and take your little niece with you, right? That doesn't make sense.

The county magistrate didn't force it, it seemed like he just mentioned it casually.

After leaving the county government, Song Sanshun checked into the inn with the county government's post and stayed in the county for three days before going home.

In the past three days, they bought a lot of things, including watermelon seeds and cantaloupe seeds that are rare in the countryside, and also bought a lot of cotton wadding.

This kind of cotton is very precious, very warm, and much softer than reed straw velvet.

Chang'an ran to the study to read, and was shocked when he saw a hollow flower album.

Opening the pages of the book, you can see that each page has a pattern, including shoe upper patterns, pillow patterns, tent patterns, quilt patterns, and patterns on clothes and hats.

The shopkeeper said: "This is a brochure for women's dowry. There are more than a hundred styles, and there are more than three hundred kinds. Each price is different."

"How much?" Chang'an asked.

The shopkeeper took a look at the little girl who was a little taller and made sure she was not a dwarf. He said: "One hundred and eighty yuan per book. The one with more than three hundred yuan costs two hundred and eighty."

Chang'an pointed to the most expensive one: "That's it."

With it, the little goldfish will disassemble a lot of paper carving skills, and he can learn one more skill.

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