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Chapter 12 Wash your hands

Mrs. Wu didn't want to go into details, after all, she had just separated. If she kept telling her husband not to work there, it would be like sowing discord.

But my family only had two acres of land, which was plowed in less than a day, but I sent them a few extra days of refreshments for no reason.

If my family was rich, I wouldn't care. But if I am poor, I still have to pay for the rich family. It makes me sick just thinking about it.

Mrs. Wu walked forward without saying a word, quickly leaving her husband behind.

Song Sanshun also knew why his wife was unhappy, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Can he refuse to agree to what his biological father has assigned him to do? He had no choice but to have his stepmother spread the word about his unfilial piety.

Chang'an, who was sitting in the basket, didn't understand the adults' misunderstandings, so he raised his little hand to ask the big cat to follow him.

Huahua ran faster than them, darting to the front, circling in the grass, waiting for her master to arrive, and then darted away again.

Not long after, three people and a cat came to the valley under Xipozi.

There are many thorny thorns here, as well as many wild bamboos and trees.

Wu found the tall soapberry tree and found that there were many small golden fruits hanging on it.

This small golden fruit is also called hand-washing fruit. When you soak it in water and rub it, it will produce a lot of foam. It is similar to saponin. People who know its beauty will come to pick it and use it to wash and wash their hair.

“There was nothing left in previous years, but I didn’t expect there would be so many this year.”

Mrs. Wu was so happy as she looked at the tree full of golden fruits. She quickly put down her basket and called her husband to come over and knock the fruits.

Sanshun agreed, went to chop a bamboo nearby, cut off the branches, and struck the fruits hanging on the tree.

Chang'an crawled out of the basket, ran around under the tree to pick it up, and even quietly put one into his mouth.

"Chang'an, you can't eat this, it's poisonous." Mrs. Wu hurried over and took the fruit out of her mouth: "After we finish picking the mussels, we will take you to find the wild jujubes."

There should be a wild jujube forest over there, but I don’t know if it was picked by others.

Chang'an nodded, spit a few mouthfuls of saliva, and then picked up the fruit.

After a while, the baskets brought by Wu and his wife were full, and they were very heavy to carry.

"You two, please sit here and rest for now, while I go to the wild jujube forest over there to take a look." Sanshun said to his wife.

Wu nodded: "You go ahead, I happened to be digging some wild onions nearby."

At this time of year, wild onions are growing extraordinarily large. Dig them up, chop them up and add some salt to make a delicious side dish.

Chang'an especially liked digging wild vegetables, and when he heard this, he immediately went to find his own small shovel.

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "I didn't bring a shovel today. Just keep an eye on the basket. Auntie will be digging next to it."

Changan had no choice but to nod and look around for the big cat.

Suddenly, she heard her cousin Song Xiyue's voice again in her mind: [Obviously the person in the previous life was found here? Why not? 】

Chang An was shocked and immediately stood on tiptoes and looked around.

I didn’t see my little cousin, but why could I hear her voice?

Before, she could only hear her inner thoughts if her little cousin was nearby. But now her little cousin is obviously not here?

Chang'an looked around and saw a big rock nearby, so he ran over and climbed up with great effort. However, he accidentally fell down and hit a sharp rock with his palm.

At first glance, the palm of my hand was broken, and the sharp stone was glowing with golden luster.

Chang'an burst into tears. Seeing that the golden stone was very strange, he picked up a small branch and started digging.

The golden stone is not big, about the same as a bird's egg, and is heavy in the hand.

Chang'an looked at it curiously, stood up and wanted to tell his aunt.

Suddenly, she saw several people coming from a distance, including her aunt, her aunt, and her cousins, with Dahei following behind and running around happily.

Chang'an subconsciously put the golden stone in his arms into his arms and ran to find his aunt.

Mrs. Wu also saw the person coming, and quickly came over with a pocket full of wild onions and put them on a basket full of soapberries.

"Hey, what a coincidence." Little Zhao smiled faintly, clenching the sickle in her hand: "I didn't expect my third brother and sister to be here too."

Wu was speechless and just held Xiao Changan tightly.

Song Yufeng walked closer and said in surprise: "Third sister-in-law, why are you picking so many wood soapberries? You won't take them back to eat, will you?"

Wu was still speechless.

She had nothing to say to them.

Xiao Zhao smiled and said: "Where can I eat this thing? I guess your third sister-in-law wants to take it back to wash clothes."

"Does it take so much to wash clothes?" Song Yufeng looked at Mrs. Wu contemptuously: "No wonder the patches on the third sister-in-law's clothes have turned white. She has washed her feelings too much."

She said, covering her mouth and laughing.

Mrs. Wu looked very unhappy and said, "Of course I'm not as glamorous as you. After all, the things my second sister-in-law sent back are not with me either."

Song Yufeng was stunned and her face darkened. Just as she was about to say something, she was stopped by Xiao Zhao:

"Third brother and sister, what you said is wrong. Second brother and sister have only sent back a few things in total? It's like we don't know how much she costs."

"Isn't it?" Mrs. Wu responded directly: "If it weren't for the money she sent back, how could the family have built five large tile-roofed houses with only a few acres of land and no profitable business?"

Little Zhao didn't expect the always boring Wu to be so rude, and her face turned dark: "Look what you said, our family has money to build a house. Isn't it because my family's Xi Jizu picked up gold nuggets?"

"Found a nugget of gold?" Mrs. Wu was almost laughed out of anger: "Then your family is so lucky that you can even encounter that kind of thing."

The storytellers in each episode would make up a story about someone who picked up a nugget of gold on the mountain, and then became rich overnight, bought hundreds of acres of fertile land, and took home a beautiful concubine, which attracted the listeners to have sweet dreams when they came back.

But their mountain cannot be called a mountain. It is just a hilly land. Every inch of the land has been trampled by people. There are no rivers nearby, so it is impossible to produce any nugget gold.

"We are just lucky!" Seven-year-old Song Chengye shouted: "My sister said that there is nugget gold here. I will pick up a piece for you to see."

Little Zhao couldn't stop him, so she quickly pulled him and said, "What nonsense are you kidding? Let's go! Go ahead and look for jujubes."

Song Chengye was unconvinced: "I'm not talking nonsense! That's what my sister said."

Song Xiyue glared at her brother fiercely: "You are the only one who speaks quickly!"

At this time, Changan heard the little cousin talking in her heart: [Idiot! He was the stupidest in his previous life! How many good things I have done have been ruined. I will never be able to tell this prodigal son anything in the future! 】

Chang'an blinked and looked at Song Chengye.

Not only is he stupid, he is also very bad. It turns out that even his little cousin knows about it.

Mrs. Zhao picked up her son and walked away, looking around and tapping with the stick in her hand.

Song Yufeng took Song Xiyue and followed closely behind her. Before leaving, she even gouged out Wu.

She had always looked down on her third brother, Song Sanshun, and even more so on this third sister-in-law. Even though her family was poor, she had always been against her mother.

Now that the family is divided, she wishes that Song Sanshun's family would not be able to eat and would be unlucky for the rest of their lives.

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