Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 120 I don’t know what the county magistrate means

"Master, the legs are really broken, ah ah ah, it hurts." Xiao Yan cried.

Xue Shaohua was really confused.

When he was thirteen or fourteen years old, he had never encountered such a situation.

Turning to look at Chang An, how could a chubby little baby, smaller than his youngest sister, be able to break a person's legs?

Looking at Wu again, he knocked out the young master of the Zheng family with one punch. The two young men of the Zheng family were so frightened that they tried their best to pinch the young master.

"Return the picture album!" Chang An shouted with his hands on his hips.

Xue Shaohua threw the picture album to the ground and said forcefully: "It's just this piece of shit, I don't care about it! Here you go!"

Song Er and Song San rushed over to pick up the album and looked at it. When they saw that it was broken in several places, they cried sadly.

Chang'an wrinkled his little nose and said to Xue Shaohua: "You broke someone else's things! Pay for it quickly!"

"You want me to pay for it? I'm dreaming!" Xue Shaohua wanted to pull the boy up and leave, but he couldn't move.

Chang'an: "You are not allowed to leave without paying compensation!"

Qian rushed over and picked up Chang'an, and said angrily to Xue Shaohua: "Yes! Don't even think about leaving until you pay for it!"

"Where did this kid come from? He went to our Taiping Township to run wild!" The villagers talked a lot and looked at Xue Shaohua with extremely unkind eyes.

Xue Shaohua looked around and saw that he was surrounded by indignant villagers, and he couldn't help but feel afraid.

At this moment, the young master of the Zheng family had been carried to the hospital by his servants, and he and his two servants were the only ones left at the scene.

"You guys, do you know who my father is? He is the county police chief! I can put you all in jail with just one sentence!" Xue Shaohua held his neck and bluffed.

Everyone sneered: "We don't care who your father is! You can't bully people from Taiping Township!"

The second and third brothers, Song and Song, also wiped away their tears and shouted at him: "Hurry up and pay for it! That book has two chapters!"

"That's right! Please pay for the book!" Many people gave the reward before they had time to watch, but they were disturbed by these two bullies, and they couldn't help but feel resentful in their hearts: "You are not allowed to leave until you pay for it today! "

Xue Shaohua was about to cry, so he had to take out a small silver coin from the lotus bud and threw it to Song Er and Song San: "Here you go! Just two coins, I have a lot of money in my family!"

When Song Er and Song San got the money, their panic instantly calmed down.

At the urging of everyone, the brothers began to act out the story again.

Although the picture album is torn, it is barely readable. The pictures on the first few pages are difficult to move, but the back is still intact.

Xue Shaohua was pushed aside by everyone, and he was so angry that he wanted to settle the score with Chang'an, but he couldn't find anyone around.

At this time, Chang'an had been carried back to the village by his aunt. Qian, who came back with him, was so frightened that he hurried to the patriarch's house to tell him what happened at the market.

After all, the young master of Squire Zheng's family was knocked unconscious. If the Zheng family came to ask for an explanation, the family would have a way to deal with it.

After listening to Qian's story, the patriarch sneered: "The boys of the Zheng family and the children of the Xue family got together to beat my Song children and robbed them of property. Do they have the nerve to come here to ask for an explanation? Even if they can really risk it, our Song family Not even vegetarian!”

"That's right!" Qian became angry when he remembered the situation at that time.

Fortunately, Sanshun's wife was strong enough to knock out the Zheng children with one punch, otherwise they would have suffered a big loss.

But why is little Changan so strong? He also beat two young men aged 14 to 15 to the ground.

Fortunately, no one came from the Zheng family, and there was no movement from the Xue family, but more and more people from other villages came to Songjia Village.

They are not all here to fetch water, but to watch the paper-carving and painting performances that take place every three days.

Just because Chang'an made the paper sculptures three feet square and turned them into a TV series, many people became addicted to it.

It's no wonder that people in the countryside have very little entertainment. It's also the slack season for farming. Everyone has nothing to do, so why don't they just go around and have fun?

In order to let everyone see more clearly, the carpenter uncle in the village specially built a wooden platform under the old locust tree. The platform was also covered with a thatched roof. Chang'an and Xiao Hoe squatted on the platform to demonstrate without fear of wind and rain. The audience can see it too.

The two brothers of the Second and Third Song dynasties were also famous for their paper carving and painting performances. They went to various villages to go to the market every morning and brought back two to three hundred coins in the afternoon. In ten days, they also earned two or three coins.

Once at the temple fair in Tieniu Town, a man actually spent two thousand dollars to buy the picture album from Song Er and Song San, and said he would buy it again if there were different ones.

So that night, Song Er and Song San went to Chang'an and bought two two-foot-square paper sculptures.

Chang'an still gave them the wholesale price, only three guan for two copies.

As soon as the twelfth lunar month arrived, the sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds, and soon it started to snow.

Heavy snow fell for three consecutive days, covering all the fields.

Song Sanshun's well-drilling team temporarily stopped working, and everyone in the village stayed on their hot beds to keep out the cold.

It's the same in Chang'an, sitting on the hot bed and drawing pictures.

She drew a picture of a snowfield, in which a white dog and a black dog were having fun.

Huahua stretched her neck and looked at it for a while, then suddenly jumped up on the Kang table and stepped on the picture with ink.

"Don't make trouble." Changan quickly took it off the kang and wiped its paws.

Huahua meowed dissatisfiedly, as if protesting something.

Chang'an found a wet cloth and wiped its paws clean, then hugged it back to the kang and explained, "How can you run in the snow if you are so afraid of the cold?"

Huahua froze and silently gathered in a corner.

Chang'an touched its head and said, "I'll draw a picture of spring flowers blooming later, and you can be in the picture."

Huahua's ears moved, she purred from her throat, and her tail swept around her little master.

"Chang'an, clear the Kang table, let's eat now." Mrs. Wu called from the kitchen.

Chang An agreed and quickly put away his pen, ink and drawing paper.

In order to save firewood, Changan lived with his uncle and aunt on a big kang, and they also ate on the kang.

Because the weather was too cold, my aunt also moved Dahei and Baihuahua into the house.

Today I ate white rice, cabbage stewed with tofu, stewed eggs, and soy beans.

Winter soybean paste is different from sun-dried soybean paste in summer. It is made from fermented cooked soybeans, with salt, grated ginger and radish slices added to it. If possible, chili pepper or dogwood is added to make it taste better.

Chang'an likes to eat this kind of soy beans, it tastes very delicious.

The family was sitting on the Kang having dinner, when someone suddenly knocked on the door.

Song San got off the kang and opened the courtyard door.

I saw a man wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat standing at the door. Behind the man was a mule, and a shivering boy stood beside his legs.

"Who are you?" Song Sanshun didn't know the man in front of him, but the little boy looked familiar.

The man gave him a fist and said, "This child please send him to your home."

Song Sanshun's eyes twitched and he had no choice but to invite someone in: "Come in first."

The child was very cold and his clothes were not thick. I wonder what the county magistrate meant by sending his son to him on a snowy day.

The man was not polite and led the mule into the yard, followed closely by the boy.

Song Sanshun led the two of them into a warm house and asked his wife to bring bowls of rice for the two of them to eat. He went out to place the guests' mules.

Chang'an looked at Zhao Yuan in surprise, his face covered with bruises from the cold: "Take off your shoes and sit on the kang."

Zhao Yuan nodded, shivering, took off his soaked shoes, and climbed onto the kang. (End of chapter)

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