Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 123 Thousands of Miles Away

Wu Zhonglou smiled and did not take Chang'an's words seriously.

Thousands of miles away, in Qingzhou Prefecture, there is Lu Huainian, the governor of the prefecture.

Lu Jingzhou was standing in his aunt's yard waiting for the summons.

He lowered his eyes and watched the shadow under his feet gradually move back from the right, but his aunt still didn't let anyone pass him in.

Lu Jingzhou's eyes were cold and he said loudly: "Since the mother has no time to see her son, Jingzhou will leave first."

After that, he arched his hands towards the door, turned around and left.

Before leaving the courtyard, the maid in the room hurriedly opened the curtain and came out, "Second Young Master, stay here. Madam calls you to come in."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Lu Jingzhou's lips, and when he turned around, he had returned to his normal state.

He picked up the corner of his robe and stepped onto the steps, walked into the main hall, leaned towards the woman sitting at the top and clasped his fists: "Mother is fine, why do you call Jingzhou?"

Mrs. Cai is thirty-six or seventy-seven, with a fair and round face, and she looks very wealthy.

She held the tea bowl, held the lid with her fingers and gently scratched the foam, and said without raising her eyelids: "What? I can't call you here if I have nothing to do?"

Lu Jingzhou stood up straight and said with a faint smile: "What mother said is that after her son takes the county examination, he will definitely come over to talk to his mother every day."

Mrs. Cai curled her lips slightly, took a sip of tea, and said: "I can't bear it. You should spend more time with your aunt. After all, her body is getting worse every day. If she dies before you can refer to it, you can refer to it again." It would be extremely unfilial."

Lu Jingzhou was stunned, and his heart was filled with turmoil.

Yes, in his previous life, it was because his biological mother fell ill before taking the exam. He observed mourning for two years before taking the exam again, but it was definitely not this year.

Lu Jingzhou raised his eyes to look at his aunt, the fierceness in his eyes flashed away.

Mrs. Cai glanced at the concubine coldly, with a smile on her lips: "I happen to have a box of bird's nests here, which I got yesterday. You can give them to your aunt, so that she can survive a month or two. She must be given to her. It’s better to see your son succeed in one fell swoop.”

The hands in Lu Jingzhou's sleeves gradually tightened.

A little girl walked up to him holding a red lacquer box and said, "Second Master, this is the bird's nest that Madam rewarded."

Lu Jingzhou took the box and saluted his aunt's mother: "Thank you, mother."

Mrs. Cai took a look at the box and said, "Okay, go back. This is the best bird's nest, the most nourishing. If you want to have a safe reference, let your aunt stew a cup of it every day."

Lu Jingzhou lowered his eyes: "Yes."

After coming out of Fushouyuan, he went straight to Xiuzhuyuan, where his biological mother, Aunt Yang, and another aunt, Mrs. Zhou, lived.

"Second Young Master is here." Lan Xiang, the girl serving Aunt Yang, bowed to Lu Jingzhou and whispered, "Aunt Yang coughed up blood again this morning."

Lu Jingzhou hummed, lifted the curtain and entered the room.

The room was very dark, and there was an indescribable smell, including the smell of medicine and the rancid smell of the patient's body.

He walked to the bed and raised the curtain, and saw that his biological mother, who used to be beautiful and gentle, was already extremely skinny.

"Mom." Lu Jingzhou sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes slightly moist.

In his previous life, his aunt died of illness when he was fourteen years old. Now he is only twelve years old. Why did she become terminally ill two years early?

Aunt Yang opened her eyes and saw her son coming, with joy in her eyes.

She covered her mouth and nose with her sleeves, coughed a few times, and gasped: "Jingzhou, sit on the side, don't get sick."

Lu Jingzhou held his mother's hand and burst into tears: "Mom, my son is unfilial and thinks that you are safe in the house."

When he left the Lu Mansion, his biological mother Yang was still well and in good health. How could she expect that when he came back, her mother would become so ill?

Yang also burst into tears.

She knew how she got the disease, but she couldn't avoid it.

Madam often sets rules for her. The colder the weather, the more she should stand in the wind.

First I had a cold and fever, and it took a while before I sought medical treatment.

When she got better, she was asked by the madam to set the rules again. After repeated several times, she couldn't hold it anymore.

But you can't tell your son these things.

It was hard for a concubine to live in the hands of her aunt, and she didn't want her son to waste his whole life in resentment.

"Son, you take the test well this time. My mother is fine. She just has a cold. She will be fine after taking a few medicines." Yang covered her mouth and coughed a few times, looking at her son with affection.

Her son is very smart and good at reading, but it is a pity that he was born into her belly and has been disliked by the eldest lady since he was a child.

Lu Jingzhou touched his mother's forehead and saw that it was still feverish, so he told Lan Xiang, "Bring me the medicine my aunt took to take a look."

Lan Xiang agreed, took the medicine package and handed it to him: "This is the newly prescribed medicine yesterday. I just boiled a package this morning."

Lu Jingzhou opened the medicine package and examined the medicinal materials inside one by one.

The prescription was correct, it was indeed for wind-cold and fever.

Lu Jingzhou lowered his head and saw the wood soapberry on his wrist. After thinking about it, he took it off and put it on his mother's wrist.

Chang'an once told him that this bead string could protect him from illness and disaster, and it seemed to be effective.

I traveled by mule cart for more than a month. I ate the wind and drank the dew on the road, but there was nothing wrong with me.

After he hurried back to Fucheng, he was busy contacting his mentor, finding a guarantee, and going to his hometown to sign up. He didn't come back to see his father and aunt until he was done.

Unexpectedly, his aunt did not allow him to go to the backyard to meet his aunt, and said that he had grown up and would not walk around the inner courtyard in the future.

He didn't see his aunt until after the Chinese New Year, but he didn't expect that her aunt was already too sick to get out of bed.

Lu Jingzhou felt annoyed.

After being reborn, I took things for granted and thought I had everything under control.

But he still couldn't change his biological mother's fate.

Lu Jingzhou looked at the box he brought back and opened it to check.

Ten milky white bird's nests are neatly arranged in the box, and there is nothing unusual about them.

He took out the bird's nests one by one, wrapped them in a handkerchief, and put them in his arms.

Then close the box and put it under my aunt's bed.

After telling Lan Xiang to serve his aunt well, Lu Jingzhou walked out of Xiuzhuyuan and the inner courtyard.

The woman guarding the gate of the inner courtyard looked Lu Jingzhou up and down before letting him go.

Lu Jingzhou knew that these people were in the eyes of his aunt, and his every move was under her control.

He did not go back to his house, but left the house directly.

I went to a medicine shop and bought a box of good bird's nest for twenty dollars.

When he walked to a deserted place, he took out the bird's nest inside, put it in his arms, and carried it back.

On the way, I bought two more boxes of snacks and two packs of sesame candies.

Returning to the small courtyard where he lived, he placed the bird's nests on the round table, then took some snacks and sesame candies to the inner courtyard.

The gatekeeper of the inner courtyard said angrily: "Second Young Master, we can't let you in without my wife's order."

Lu Jingzhou handed two packs of sesame candies to the gatekeeper: "I will give the snacks to my aunt and then leave. Please ask mother to be accommodating."

The gatekeeper was not polite, took the sesame candy and said, "Second Young Master, please hurry up. If Madam finds out, I won't be able to eat it and carry it around."

Lu Jingzhou cupped his hands and walked inside carrying the snacks.

The reason why the gatekeepers dared to let him in today was because he had just come out of it. In the past, even if they bribed him, they would never let him in.

Aunt Yang lives in such an inner courtyard. Without Madam's permission, she would not even be able to step out of the door in this life.

Even if he is her biological son, it is not easy for her to meet her biological mother once after ten years of age.

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