Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 138 The wet nurse’s daughter

On the second day, Song Sanshun bought a mule cart from the mule and horse market and gave it to Mrs. Wang for her little niece's trip.

Mrs. Wang was not polite, accepted the mule cart, ordered a servant to drive the cart, and arranged for a maid to accompany the cart to guard Chang'an.

The maid's name is Cuilan. She is about sixteen or seventeen years old. She is fair and fair, has fine eyebrows and narrow eyes, and is very delicate.

She got into the car and smiled at Chang An: "If you are tired, girl, take a nap, I will protect you."

Chang'an nodded and nestled in the warm quilt, but still looked out the car window, searching for traces of his uncle.

She left her uncle and aunt for the first time, and was about to go to a strange place. She felt timid and felt like crying.

Song Sanshun didn't dare to let his niece see him. He hid in a hidden place alone and watched the motorcade of the county magistrate's family go further and further away. He couldn't help but wipe his tears.

At this moment, he felt extremely regretful and regretted letting his little niece go to Beijing alone.

Under the protection of the bodyguards, the Zhao family's motorcade drove out of the county and headed towards the capital.

The convoy did not move very fast, covering sixty or seventy miles a day, and then stopped at a post station.

If she encounters a city or market, Mrs. Wang will also send people to buy some local specialties.

Every time at this time, Chang'an jumped off the mule cart and was led by Cuilan to go shopping and buy some snacks or some worthless gadgets.

Zhao Yuan also followed to help her choose.

Mrs. Wang noticed the two children coming and going together, and she couldn't help but frown.

Mother Huang beside her said in a low voice: "Madam, that girl is quite clever. She actually made the young master obey her words. What if she was older?"

Mother Huang was Mrs. Wang's dowry, and she was quite proud in front of her master. She had a disagreement with the Wu family because she took the young master home, and she has always disliked the Song family.

Mrs. Wang was not happy with her son getting close to outsiders, but now she listened to Mrs. Huang's instigation, and she was extremely unhappy with Chang'an Sheng.

"Chunlan, go call the young master back and tell him that I have something to ask him." Mrs. Wang ordered the maid beside her.

Chunlan agreed and ran to catch up with the young master.

Zhao Yuan was helping Chang'an select wool threads and asked, "Why did you buy so many thick threads?"

Changan chose several colors and bought two kilograms of each. "Knit a hat."

"Knitting a hat?" This was the first time Zhao Yuan heard of using such thick wool to knit a hat, and he couldn't help but be curious: "How to knit it?"

Chang'an: "Cut two bamboo sticks to weave." The day before yesterday, she came across a shop selling woolen hats from the Western Regions, so she bought two. As a result, the little goldfish made several woolen knitting books for her.

So she wanted to learn to knit hats and clothes to pass the time during the journey.

Coincidentally, she saw another shop selling wool yarn today, so she simply bought some more.

Zhao Yuan became more curious and immediately ordered the boy to buy a bamboo stick.

Bamboo skewers are sold in bamboo workshops, and are usually used to skewer mutton and pork to make grilled kebabs.

"Young Master, Madam asked you to come over and talk." Chunlan ran forward and bowed slightly.

Zhao Yuan waved his hand impatiently: "I'm busy. If you have anything to say, I'll talk about it later."

Chunlan was used to the young master's behavior and said softly: "Madam is in a hurry. I want you to come over quickly."

Zhao Yuan paused, frowned and thought for a while, then turned to Chang'an and said, "Wait here for a moment, I'll be back soon."

Chang'an picked up the wool: "I'm going back to the inn."

She could feel Mrs. Wang's politeness and alienation towards her, so she tried not to appear in front of her.

Cuilan also helped carry a bundle of wool and said to Zhao Yuan with a smile: "Young master, go to the madam's place quickly. I will accompany the young lady back."

Zhao Yuan had no choice but to follow Chunlan to his mother's room and saw his eldest brother was also in the room.

Mrs. Wang sat at the table and looked at her son coldly: "Yuan'er, come here. Mother has something to tell you."

Zhao Yuan slowly walked closer: "What are you talking about?"

Mrs. Wang thought about it for a while and said, "Yuan'er, you are quite old now. You will be ten years old in two or three months. You can no longer play with girls from other families like you did before."

Zhao Yuan frowned: "Chang'an is not a girl from another family."

Mrs. Wang slammed the table and shouted: "Why isn't she a girl from another family?"

Zhao Yuan frowned even more tightly, not understanding why his mother suddenly got angry.

Zhao Xuan on the side suddenly smiled and said: "Mom, why are you angry? I think the Song family's children are not bad. Her father has been promoted to a new family. Maybe he can be a relative of our family in the future?"

Mrs. Wang said angrily: "So what if her father has been promoted to a hundred households? A low-ranking frontier military attache has been like that all his life. How can he be worthy of marrying my family? And her mother is still a wet nurse for others. What do I have if word spreads? Walking around with your face outside?”

In terms of grades, Chang'an's father's test hundred households can be regarded as from the sixth grade, which is half a grade higher than Magistrate Zhao. However, after his father passed away, although he did not have to return to his hometown Dingyou, he had no chance to be transferred to other places.

The low-level generals who have been guarding the border may have many accidents in the future. If they die in battle, what hope does Song Changan's family have?

Even if Song Erxiao was lucky enough to survive, or if he had any chance to work in Beijing, his family would not bother to get married to him.

Mrs. Wang is a daughter of a well-established family, and her husband Zhao Ping is also a son of a well-established family. It makes no sense for her son to hang out with the daughter of a wet nurse. What will the relatives think?

When Zhao Yuan saw his mother disparaging the Chang'an family in this way, he immediately became angry, clenched his fists and shouted, "Don't talk about her!"

Mrs. Wang was startled by her son's roar, and then she trembled with anger: "Nizhang! Why are you talking to your mother?"

Zhao Xuan also showed dissatisfaction: "Second brother, you are so unruly! You actually yelled at my mother-in-law, how can you behave like this? Fortunately, you are still studying. Is this how your husband taught you?"

Zhao Yuan pursed his lips, glanced at his mother and eldest brother with a knife-like gaze, then turned and left.

"Look at him!" Wang was so angry that her heart ached, "What evil have I done to give birth to such a thing!"

Zhao Xuan quickly supported his mother: "Mom, my second brother is stupid and stubborn. How can you argue with him?"

"No matter how stupid he is, he can't get married to the nanny's daughter. Otherwise, how can I have the face to walk among relatives?"

Mrs. Wang became very angry when she thought that her son was closer to the Chang'an family than to her and her husband.

Zhao Xuan smiled and said: "Mom, I see you are mistaken. Since my second brother likes it, I can just take him as my concubine in the future. This is not a big deal. Why are you worried now?"

Mrs. Wang was stunned for a moment. Although she knew her eldest son was right, she still felt uncomfortable.

Let's talk about Chang'an. After receiving the bamboo sticks from Jin Hua, he handed him a bunch of money and said, "Thank you very much. This is the money to buy the bamboo sticks."

Jin Hua took the money, smiled and clasped his fists: "No thank you, no thank you. If you want to buy anything else in the future, just tell me."

Changan nodded and returned to the room with the bamboo stick.

Sitting at the table with a woolen head, I thought about what I just heard.

She didn't mean to listen in the corner. It was because the inn room was not soundproof, and their conversation was unbridled and showed no restraint.

Although Chang'an didn't understand what they meant, one thing was clear: Mrs. Wang disliked her origin and didn't like Zhao Yuan being close to her. (End of chapter)

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