Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 144 It’s not as good as the countryside

After dinner, the little maid came indeed and brought a pot of hot water.

"Come here and wash up." The little maid filled the yellow basin with water and said, "My name is Lian Xin. If Auntie Jiang is not around from now on, if you need anything, just call me across the street."

"Thank you, Sister Lianxin." Changan quickly thanked him and took out the face and foot washing cloths from his box.

Then he washed his face and hands, climbed onto the cold wooden bed, sat on the quilt and knitted woolen gloves.

There is no kang in the maid's room, so it is extremely cold.

Mr. Jiang did have some charcoal, but the quantity was limited. He only burned a few pieces when making tea, which was not enough for heating.

After beating the yarn for a while, Changan was afraid that the lamp oil would burn out, so he had to blow it out and go to sleep.

Fortunately, she was always a good sleeper and soon fell asleep.

When he came to the pool, Changan decided to please the little goldfish and tell them about the outside world.

"I have already met my grandma. She is very kind to me and even gave me nice new cotton clothes to wear."

The little blue goldfish snorted: [Then why do you smile so fakely? 】

Chang An choked, pinched his face, and asked doubtfully: "Is it true?"

The little goldfish laughed, and the little blue goldfish exposed her trick: [I see you want to be opportunistic again, right? explain! Have you used up all the shark beads again? 】

Changan shrank his neck and nodded sheepishly.

In fact, as long as she learns many new skills, she can fill up the leaves in her palm, but that is too slow, and she is afraid that she will not be able to save her father in time.

"I had a dream today. I dreamed that my father was shot by an arrow, so I wanted to save enough beads to save my father." Chang'an said in frustration.

The little goldfish were silent for a while, then threw beads at her.

Chang'an's eyes suddenly lit up, he cupped his hands towards the little goldfish, and thanked them solemnly: "Thank you, Sister Yuyu."

The little goldfish giggled and jumped in the water.

Chang'an picked up all the small beads on the ground, and the leaves slowly grew out of his palms, until they reached fifteen leaves and stopped growing.

Seeing that there were many small beads left on the ground, Chang An simply threw them into his mouth and ate them.

Because even if she doesn't eat it, it will disappear later and won't survive at all.

This time, she ate eight green beads, five or six blue beads, and several yellow, red, and purple beads.

The golden-haired little goldfish smiled and said: [Greedy! Stop eating and study quickly. 】

Chang'an agreed, ran to the short table, sat down cross-legged, and began to read and read.

When she woke up, it was already broad daylight.

Jiang Ruyi has come back, with two dark circles on her face and looking very tired.

"Aniang, didn't you sleep last night?" Changan quickly put on his clothes and pants, jumped out of bed, and put on the new cotton shoes that Aniang handed him.

Jiang Ruyi nodded and yawned unconsciously: "The young master had a fever all night and it only went away this morning."

The prince invited an old doctor to diagnose and treat the young master overnight, and he just left now.

Chang'an tucked the quilt in and said, "Mom, you should take a nap, it's still hot under the quilt."

Jiang Ru sighed slightly when he saw his daughter like this.

After all, it is my own, so caring.

When he picked up Song Xiyue by mistake, the child tried every possible means to please him, but it was always a verbal compliment and he never did a heart-warming thing for her.

"Chang'an, were you scared last night?" Mrs. Jiang wiped Chang'an's hands and face with a hot towel and touched her head lovingly.

Changan shook his head: "There are many sisters living in the yard, I'm not afraid."

In fact, I am afraid, but what is the use of being afraid? It is A Niang’s duty to take care of the young master, and she is blameless.

Jiang Ruyi wiped her face with the water her daughter had washed with, poured it into the wooden footbath, put her cold feet in it and washed it.

Chang'an frowned slightly when he saw this. "Auntie, is there a shortage of water in the house?"

Jiang Ruyi explained: "There is no shortage of water in the house, but even if we go to the big kitchen to fetch hot water, people will gossip about us."

It is a rule to carry water in the morning and in the evening. If you carry too much water, you will be nagged by the kitchen ladies. After all, everyone in the house is going to carry hot water. If you carry too much, others may not have it.

"Can't we just boil the water ourselves?" Chang'an didn't want her to use her own wash water in the future.

Jiang Ruyi smiled and said: "Silly girl, where can we get so much charcoal to boil water?"

The charcoal in her house was also allocated by the young master from his share. It would be good to boil some tea every day. How could there be any extra water for boiling and washing?

Changan was speechless.

I didn't expect that living in the Marquis Mansion would be less comfortable than living in the countryside. Let's just say it's such a cold weather. There's not even a fire pit in the house.

"Mom, I want to send something to dad. Where can I send it faster?" Chang'an asked his mother as he thought of yesterday's nightmare.

Jiang Ruyi: "The last time I sent clothes to your father, I asked the Crown Prince's wife to send them to the post office. It was said that I received them in a month, which is also the fastest."

When sending things to the border, only the Ministry of War channel is the fastest. The rest depends on the situation.

Changan frowned.

It will take a month to receive it? If dad was really injured, how could he wait so long?

"Mom, I had a dream yesterday. I dreamed that my father was injured by an arrow. Can you ask my wife to help me deliver the things I made to him?"

"What?" Jiang Ruyi was surprised, and then comforted her: "That's just a dream. Don't worry. I'll tell my wife later. It just so happens that my mother also has cotton clothes to send to your father."

Chang'an nodded, knowing that it was useless no matter how anxious he was, he could only suppress his emotions.

After eating the porridge and rice brought by the little maid Lian Xin, Jiang Ruyi lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Chang'an found a string of sandalwood beads from the box and put two leaves into one bead.

Then she put the beads on her hands and sat by the window to mend the scroll.

Suddenly, a mother-in-law came in and asked, "Is Mrs. Jiang here?"

Chang'an quickly stood up and saluted his mother-in-law: "Mother-in-law, what's the matter? My mother-in-law just went to bed."

The mother-in-law looked at Chang'an and said with a smile: "You are Jiang's daughter. You are so beautiful."

Chang'an is in a state of panic.

The mother-in-law continued: "Someone in the front yard came to say that Zhao Mansion has sent your mule cart and asked if you would like to go out and take a look."

"Yes!" Changan nodded immediately.

Mother-in-law: "Okay, come with me." Then she added: "Bring some money. If the outer courtyard wants to raise the mule cart for your family, you will also need to pack some fodder, but you can't let anyone say anything."

"Yes." Chang'an ran to the back room and quietly took out some copper coins from his box. Fearing that it would not be enough, he also brought five taels of silver ingots.

Because it was still snowing outside, she put on the rabbit fur hat made by her aunt and followed her mother-in-law to the carriage yard of the outer courtyard. From a distance, she saw Zhao Yuan standing in front of a brand new mule cart.

"Chang'an!" Zhao Yuan was very happy to see Chang'an and ran over in a few steps.

Changan was also very happy to see an acquaintance, "Why is it you?"

"I have nothing to do, so I just came over to take a look." Zhao Yuan blinked and asked, "Can your roulette wheel still work?"

Chang An nodded: "It works, but one of the scrolls is broken. I can fix it before it can be played."

"Hehe, I'll come and take a look then." Zhao Yuan said.

At this time, the steward of the Carriage Courtyard came over and said, "Are you Jiang Nai's daughter?"

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