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Chapter 156 Sent back again

"Come here and wash your feet."

Chang'an dragged Mingyang to the kang and helped him take off his footwear.

Jiang Ruyi mixed a tub of hot water, placed it on a stool, and asked the two children to sit on the edge of the kang and wash their feet.

This was the first time Mingyang shared a footbath with others, so he couldn't help but become playful and stepped on Chang'an's feet with his little feet.

Chang'an also stepped back, so the two children stepped on each other, splashing all the water out of the basin.

"Chang'an!" Ms. Jiang glared at her daughter and motioned for her to calm down.

Seeing that his grandma was displeased, Mingyang didn't dare to make a fuss. He washed her feet obediently, stretched them out for Mrs. Jiang to dry, then stood on the kang and waited for her to take off her clothes.

Mrs. Jiang first took off his hair crown, then took off his cotton robe, and stuffed him into a separate bed.

Chang'an took a casual look and found that the child looked like a cute female doll with her hair down. She was not as stocky as a male doll at all.

"You're not a girl, are you?" Chang'an asked the doubts in his heart.

Mingyang was startled and immediately retorted: "No!" After saying that, he quickly got into bed without showing his head.

When Mrs. Jiang heard what her daughter said, she was also a little curious. She pulled away the corner of the quilt and said, "Don't sleep with your face covered. You will become stupid when you grow up."

Mingyang's eyes widened, as if he was frightened by these words, and he no longer dared to cover his head with the quilt.

"Do you want to go and take a rest before going to bed?" Ms. Jiang asked.

Mingyang nodded, crawled out of bed, blinked and asked, "Where is Gongfang?"

Mrs. Jiang was worried that he was a boy, so she took him to the toilet in the cubicle: "Want to help?"

Mingyang shook his head: "No! Grandma, please get out."

Mrs. Jiang left a few pieces of yellow straw paper, then exited the compartment and lowered the curtain.

Chang'an also brushed his teeth and washed his face, lay down on the kang, and asked his mother, "Why haven't Lianxin and the others come back yet?"

Mrs. Jiang poked her forehead and said angrily: "Because you were lost, the lady asked them and a few servants to go to the market to look for you."

Chang'an is in a state of panic.

She didn't want to see so many people on the road, and she was surrounded by people. She could only see the backs of pedestrians and nothing else.

Moreover, the gongs and drums were so loud that I couldn't hear clearly what was being said from across the street. I didn't dare to show my panic for fear of being spotted by bad guys, so I could only look for Lian Xin and Zhang Yuyan while walking around.

Mrs. Jiang tucked her daughter in and said, "You go to bed first, and I'll go to the front to see if they've come back."

"Yeah." Changan nodded.

At this time, Mingyang also came back, climbed onto the kang and got into bed.

The kang was heated and warm, and soon both children fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already bright.

Chang'an got up and put on his clothes and shoes, and Lian Xin and Xiao Ju came in carrying hot water.

Turning his head to take a look, he saw that Mingyang was still sleeping soundly, and Chang'an did not disturb him. He asked the maid in a low voice: "Sister Lianxin, when did you come back?"

Lian Xin combed her hair and braided her hair, and said softly: "I came back last night. Let me tell you something, Song Xiyue is missing."

Chang'an's heart skipped a beat, thinking what had happened to Auntie Song Xiyue, then Lian Xin continued: "After we were separated from you last night, Xiaoju and I looked around, but couldn't find it. Then we met the young lady, and the young lady sent a few The servant and the boy turned around to look for her, but Song Xiyue insisted on following her, and then she disappeared."

Changan was puzzled.

Could it be that Song Xiyue was afraid that the matter would be exposed and ran away?

It's possible.

But she doesn't know that she has been exposed? Why run away?

Or she might be kidnapped by the ruffians she hired herself.

Chang'an couldn't think of an answer and simply didn't want to.

Anyway, the Marquis Mansion will handle the matter on its own. Whether to report it to the official or give up, it is the wife who has the final say.

After washing, Mingyang also woke up.

He Gulu got up and ran to the toilet, and Lian Xin Xiaoju was not allowed to follow him.

After eating the morning meal, Mingyang wandered around the house without mentioning going home.

When Mrs. Jiang comes back, Chang'an will tell Mingyang's real name and ask Aniang to tell his wife.

"Ouch! This child is really from Prince Rui's Mansion. I heard from the servants this morning that the young prince of Prince Rui's Mansion has been lost, and they are looking for him all over the capital."

Mrs. Jiang ran out of the yard without stopping: "I'll go tell Madam right now."

Chang'an watched his mother-in-law leave, and then turned back to the house.

Mingyang was watching the roulette wheel. When he saw her coming in, he asked, "What is this?"

Chang'an led him to sit down in front of the roulette wheel and said, "I'll shake it for you and you'll know."

Mingyang was speechless, sitting obediently and watching.

At this moment, the little doll looked a little lonely.

Chang'an guessed that he suddenly felt guilty after hearing his conversation with his mother-in-law.

To make up for it, she explained it to him while spinning the wheel.

Sure enough, Mingyang was attracted by the wheel painting and stared at it for a quarter of an hour without blinking until the wheel painting was finished.

"I want to see it again." Mingyang looked at Chang'an eagerly.

Helpless, Changan had no choice but to shake it again to show him.

Suddenly I heard Mingyang say: "My brother and sister will definitely be happy if they see it."

"Do you have a sister?" Changan glanced at him.

Mingyang nodded: "He and I are twins."

Chang'an took out the comic book he drew from the bookcase and gave it to Mingyang: "You can show this to your sister. It is the same as the wheel painting. It is the Monkey King's collection of scriptures."

Mingyang took the picture album, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his eyebrows were smiling: "Thank you Chang'an, I will also ask someone to give you a gift when I return home."

"You're welcome." Chang'an was very happy when someone admired her album, and she didn't need any gifts.

Not long after, the prince's wife and prince came.

The prince was in his thirties, handsome and elegant. When he saw Mingyang, he smiled and said, "Are you really Mingyang?"

Mingyang nodded.

"In that case, you can follow me back to the palace." Zhang Sheng also met the young master of Prince Rui for the first time, but he didn't expect that he was not as sick as the rumors.

Mingyang didn't object and obediently let Zhang Sheng hold his hand and walked out.

Halfway through, he turned around and said, "Chang'an, I'll come and play with you next time."

Chang'an waved to him: "Okay."

Mingyang wanted to laugh, but instead he looked like he was crying, as if he was going to the execution ground.

Chang'an stood at the door of the yard and watched him go away, then turned back to the house.

In the house, the Crown Prince's wife was talking to Jiang Ruyi: "Song Xiyue was sent back to the house just now by a nanny. She also said that she called herself Chang'an and was your daughter."

Jiang became angry when she heard this: "Where is she? See if I don't whip her!"

"You don't have to worry about this matter. I've already sent Ya Po away." Wei Shi said, "I'm just asking for your opinion on how to deal with Song Xiyue."

After all, the child was brought in by Mrs. Jiang, and she was once Chang'an's little cousin, so it was hard for the Crown Prince's wife to just sell her out.

Mrs. Jiang suppressed her anger and asked softly: "Then how did Song Xiyue end up in Ya Po's hands?"

"I heard from Ya Po that it was given to me by two gangsters. She didn't know that she was a servant of the Hou Mansion, so she bought it with money."

Wei Shi glanced at Mrs. Jiang and said leisurely: "That Ya Granny also said that Song Xiyue bribed two gangsters to harm a young lady in our house. Unexpectedly, the lady also brought a young master with her, so the two gangsters regretted it." (This chapter) over)

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