The old Marquis was stunned: "Open the injured leg?" How to hit?

Chang An said seriously: "Just cut open the skin and flesh of the leg. If the bones are out of alignment, break them off and reconnect them. If there are any bone fragments, pick them out."

Seeing the calmness of the little baby's words, the old man shook his head helplessly: "There was a doctor who said the same thing back then, but it was very dangerous to cut open the flesh, so they didn't dare to do it."

In fact, Changan didn't understand medical science, he just learned it after hearing what the little goldfish said.

At this moment, I also realized that it should be very difficult to cut through the skin and break the bones, and one mistake could lead to death.

She glanced at the bead string on Old Marquis's wrist, half of the leaves had disappeared, and sighed in her heart.

It seemed that I had to give my grandfather beads more often, otherwise his leg injury would most likely recur.

"Your grandfather has had this problem for more than ten years, so don't worry about it."

The old lady asked Chang An to come forward, touched her head and said, "When Xiu Mu comes, go and see the house. If there is anything missing, just let me know and grandma will buy it for you."

Upon hearing this, Chang'an immediately saluted the old lady: "Chang'an thanked my grandmother and grandfather for asking the two elders to worry about it. Chang'an wants to ask how much silver is needed for that house, and I will give it to you later."

"Look at you, you kid, you're really out of touch." The old lady said angrily, "Your grandfather didn't spend much money. That house originally belonged to Prince Rui's house. Princess Rui thanked you for saving the young prince, and it was almost free of charge. You Just accept it with peace of mind."

"Then thank you, grandparents." Chang'an saluted again.

After returning from the old lady's yard, Chang An discussed with Mrs. Jiang: "Mom, after we see the house, we should move there as soon as possible."

She wanted to get her uncle and aunt over as soon as possible.

Mrs. Jiang smiled and nodded: "It's okay to move there. It's not far from the Marquis' Mansion anyway, just two squares away."

Madam told her before that the reason why Prince Rui's Mansion sold the house was to let Chang'an Duoduo play with the young prince and princess.

Although Mrs. Jiang was puzzled, she was able to establish friendship with the Prince's Mansion. This was a good thing that she could not ask for, and she was happy to see it come to fruition.

The lady also said that Chang'an can take classes with the little princess in the future. The wives in the palace are all carefully selected famous teachers, and their knowledge is first-class.

"Well, then when we move there, I'll invite Sister Yuyan to play." Changan smiled and looked forward to the future.

She wants to plant various fruit trees in the yard, as well as plum trees and gardenias, as well as honeysuckle and roses.

Forget about chrysanthemums, the smell is too unpleasant and she doesn't like it.

After hearing Chang'an's words, Lian Xin and Xiaoju came over and said, "Miss Chang'an, we also want to go with you."

The Hou Mansion has strict rules, so it would be better to follow Chang'an mother and daughter to relax. Lian Xin and Xiao Ju don't want to go back to Qingshuang Courtyard again.

Chang'an blinked and said, "You have to ask Madam about this." She was also reluctant to part with Lian Xin and Xiao Ju, but they were maids of the Hou Mansion. If she wanted to take them away, she had to get Madam's consent.

"The Crown Prince's wife is the kindest, she will definitely give us to you." Xiaoju vowed.

Xiaoju was born into the Hou family, but because of her poor appearance, she could not enter the lady's yard. She had been doing menial work of cleaning and washing, and her appearance became more and more rough due to the weather and the sun.

Since joining Chang'an, although he has cleaned the courtyard and house, and washed clothes, there is not much work, and the food is not good. His skin has grown up quickly, and he has become more and more handsome.

So she didn't want to leave Chang'an, even if her mother-in-law wanted to stuff her into the young master's yard, she wouldn't care.

Changan nodded in agreement, but did not answer.

In March, the peach blossoms in Qiushuiyuan were in full bloom, and there were many green fruits on the apricot trees. Chang'an and Jiang moved out of the Hou Mansion.

Zhang Yao cried so hard that he pulled Jiang's sleeve and refused to let go: "Grandma, don't leave, wuwuwuwu, why don't I live over there with you?"

Ms. Jiang could only comfort her: "How can you study when you live there?"

"I don't want to study." Zhang Yao cried, "I just want to be with my grandma."

Mrs. Shizi was angry and funny. She poked her son on the forehead and said, "You are with your grandma, so you don't want your parents anymore?"

Zhang Yao hiccupped and said, "My sister wants you, but if that doesn't work, you can have another little brother."

Mrs. Shizi was almost mad at her son: "Okay, you go with your grandma, and don't come back again."

Zhang Yao cried out a snot bubble, and finally Mrs. Jiang wiped his face clean and whispered: "Can you go play after Xiu takes a shower? We live not far away, so it's very convenient to come and go. Grandma will prepare something delicious for you to eat when the time comes."

"Are you serious?" Zhang Yao had never eaten the food cooked by his grandma. Hearing what she said, he was immediately comforted.

Mrs. Jiang patted Zhang Yao's arm: "Of course it's true, grandma can cook a lot of delicious food. But not today, we have to clean the house and buy things."

Only then did Zhang Yao let go of Jiang and said goodbye to her with sobs: "I will definitely go there when Xiu Mu comes."

Zhang Yuyan said: "I'll go too."

"Well, sister will go too!" Zhang Yao added.

Chang'an got on the mule cart and waved to the siblings: "Come over early then. I have something interesting to show you."

Zhang Yao immediately became energetic and asked loudly: "What is it?"

"You'll know when the time comes!" Chang'an smiled mysteriously and asked the driver to drive the car.

Zhang Yuyan suddenly smiled and said: "I know, the two-wheeled vehicle must be ready, right?"

A while ago, Changan went to the carpenter's shop and the blacksmith's shop in the capital with the drawings, and customized many strange things.

Zhang Yuyan had seen the complete picture and knew that it was a two-wheeled vehicle. Changan said that it could be ridden and pedaled.

"Yes!" Changan nodded.

Zhang Yuyan: "In a few days it will be the Flower Festival, let's go see the peonies together!"

"Okay! I'll ride a two-wheeled bike then." Chang'an said.

The mule cart went farther and farther, and finally disappeared around the corner.

Jiang and Chang'an didn't have much luggage, just a few boxes, so two mule carts moved their things to Baihua Lane.

The people living in this alley are basically court officials or servants of the prince's and princess's houses.

Chang'an got off the mule cart and saw a few words written on the porch: Haitang Garden.

Xiaoju and Lianxin had packed up here a few days ago. When they saw Changan and the others moving in, they immediately came over to help carry the boxes.

Chang'an ran around the large courtyard and visited the three main rooms and four side rooms.

"The two rooms on the west are for my uncle and aunt, the one on the east is the kitchen, and the other is for Sister Lianxin and Sister Xiaoju. Auntie and I live in the main room."

Chang'an arranged the rooms clearly: "If the little princess comes over, she can also stay in the main room."

Mrs. Jiang smiled and said: "Whatever you want, I have to buy some farm tools later. The land in the backyard is not small. Let's just plant vegetables so that we don't have to go out to buy vegetables in the future."

She had lived in the Hou Mansion for several years, and the most frustrating thing was that she couldn't cook for herself.

It's okay now. From now on, I and my daughter can eat and do whatever they want.

Upon hearing this, Chang An ran to the backyard again, looked around and said, "Mom, what kind of water do you use to irrigate the ground when you grow vegetables here?"

Mrs. Jiang then remembered that there was only a small well in the front yard, and there didn't seem to be much water in it.

Now there are several people living there, and they wash and rinse it every day, but they don’t know if it’s enough for use.

Chang'an pointed to the middle of the backyard and said, "Why don't we dig a pond here and plant some lotus roots in it so that we can store water in the summer."

Even if you can't grow it, it doesn't matter. If you have small beads, you can produce a lot of water with just one leaf. (End of chapter)

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