After breakfast, Mrs. Wu packed up the dishes, put the basket on her back and went out with her husband.

Sister-in-law Qian had been waiting outside the yard for a long time. When she saw the two of them finally going out, she smiled and said, "Just in time, Lao Liu will go with us today. When the time comes, they will hunt woodland seeds, and we will dig some wild onions."

Wu nodded: "I guess the bracken has also sprouted up. It will be delicious to pick it back and make side dishes at this time."


The two women were talking and laughing as they headed towards the Western Mountains. The two men each picked up a pair of wicker baskets to lead the way.

Chang'an watched his uncle and aunt go away, then turned around and ran to find sister Qiaoer.

Huahua followed her and also came to Song Laoliu's house.

At this time, Qiaoer was mixing noodles to make steamed buns, while Goudan was collecting firewood in the yard to prepare a pot.

"Sister, there's not much firewood left."

He walked into the kitchen with a handful of dry firewood, not forgetting to greet little Chang'an: "Have you eaten?"

"Eat, eat." Changan stood at the table and watched Sister Qiaoer making noodles.

Qiaoer glanced at her and said, "I'm going to pick up some firewood outside the village later. You and Goudan can play in the yard. Don't run around."

Chang'an nodded: "No, I won't run."

Qiaoer made the noodles, covered the yellow basin with a pot lid, picked up a bamboo basket and went out.

So Chang'an and Goudan played on bamboo poles in the yard.

Suddenly, someone threw a stone from outside the fence and hit Chang An on the head.

Fortunately she was wearing an ear protection hat, otherwise her head would have been broken.

The two children were stunned and turned to look outside the fence.

I saw Song Chengye's arrogant laughter: "Haha! Little stutter! Let's see who will protect you today!"

With that said, he ran in quickly and went straight to Chang'an.

Goudan immediately stood in front of Chang An and glared at Song Chengye: "Why did you enter my house? Get out quickly!"

Song Chengye pushed Goudan hard, pushed him to the ground, put his hands on his hips and said, "How dare you talk to me like that, you sick man? Be careful, I'll break your dog's legs!"

Goudan was so angry that he got up from the ground and stepped forward to fight with Song Chengye.

They are both seven years old and about the same month in age. Now they are arranging their hair and bracing each other, and they are evenly matched.

But after all, Goudan had just recovered from a serious illness, and his body was not as strong as Song Chengye's, so he was about to fall into a disadvantage.

Chang'an was afraid that Goudan would suffer a loss, so he wanted to step forward to help, but Song Xiyue also ran in with Dahei, holding a small sharpened wooden stick in her hand.

"If you dare to take a step forward today, I will stab you to death with this!" Song Xiyue stared at Chang'an with cold eyes.

Chang'an frowned, and she heard Song Xiyue's inner voice: [Little stutter! If you dare to break my forehead, I will scratch your face right now! If you cripple this bastard again, let's see if Song Laoliu can still protect you in the future! 】

Chang'an was furious and picked up the bamboo pole he was riding on and whipped it towards Song Xiyue fiercely.

At the same time, the light in her palms flickered, and the force of the whipping suddenly became stronger. With a bamboo stick, Song Xiyue screamed and fled out of the yard quickly.

Chang'an ran up behind Song Chengye again, grabbed the braid on the back of his head, and pulled him to the ground.

Goudan took advantage of the situation and rode on Song Chengye, punching him several times until the opponent started crying, and then he stood up and left.

Song Xiyue didn't dare to come in, and Dahei refused to listen to her. He was so angry that he jumped outside: "Song Chang'an! How dare you hit my brother! Don't tell me if I don't tell grandpa!"

Chang'an was very afraid of the grandfather, so he quickly pulled Goudan into the house, closed the door and tied it.

Let's talk about Song Chengye, he came here just now hoping to save face, but he finally found Chang'an to stay alone, but he was beaten again, and he was so angry that he walked back crying.

He suddenly stopped halfway, wiped away his tears and said to Song Xiyue: "Don't tell grandpa!"

Last time he couldn't beat Chang'an, so he was laughed at by the whole village. If his grandfather came to scold Chang'an again this time, his embarrassment would spread throughout the village again.

He didn't want people to know that not only could he not defeat Chang'an, but he could not defeat Sick Yangzi Goudan either.

Song Xiyue frowned and glared at her elder brother for a long time before finally agreeing.

Indeed, even if he went back to complain, his grandfather would just come over and scold him a few times, or slap his uncle a few times.

But for three-year-old Chang'an, his grandfather never taught him a lesson.

So what's the point of filing a complaint yourself?

Song Xiyue groaned and sat down on a stone by the roadside to rest, feeling puzzled.

Why is that damn girl from Chang'an so strong? At only three years old, his hands are as strong as those of an eight or nine year old. Isn't this very strange?

Could it be that she also has memories of a previous life? Or have any adventures?


As stupid as she is, how can she have memories of past lives?

A chance encounter or something like that is even less likely.

Song Changan seemed to be very strong in his previous life, otherwise he would not have escaped death from the robbers.

But so what if you are stronger? Wouldn't he die before himself?

Song Xiyue thought secretly, then turned to look at her brother who was teasing Dahei: "Why do you think you are so useless? You are so tall that you can't even beat a sick boy!"

Song Chengye suddenly became furious, stood up and shouted: "Who said I can't beat you? If you hadn't run away and let the two of them beat me, how could I lose?"

Song Xiyue rolled her eyes, not wanting to argue with him.

Song Chengye continued to bombard his sister: "Also, you said that there was gold nugget in Xi'aozi, which made our trip in vain. I didn't blame you for talking nonsense, but you blame me?"

"Keep your voice down!" Song Xiyue glared at her brother dissatisfied: "Maybe it was your big mouth that leaked the news about the nugget over there, so we couldn't find it!"

"What did I reveal?" Song Chengye was unconvinced: "There were no outsiders that day. Even if the three uncles and three aunts heard about it, didn't they leave quickly? How could there be any gold?"

"Why not?" Song Xiyue subconsciously wanted to argue, but then she thought about it and said, "Maybe it has been picked up by the third uncle and the third aunt!"

Song Chengye snorted: "You're so awesome! You're not afraid of flashing your tongue!"

If the third uncle really picked up the gold nugget, would he not go to the market to hunt for meat? cut!

Dog-head gold, as the name suggests, is gold as big as his big black head. How many copper coins can it be exchanged for?

Song Xiyue's face darkened, she stood up and ran home quickly.

If you say one more word to this idiot in the future, you will slap yourself in the mouth!

When Song Chengye saw his sister running away, he felt more and more bored, so he took Dahei to the next village to find friends to play with.

Most of the children in the village were not very willing to talk to him. Even if there were two or three who played with him, they were all coveting the snacks and fruits in his pocket.

Song Chengye was not stupid. After being fooled several times, he never played with the children in his village again.

However, he played very well with the son of Widow Cui's family in the next village. He was eight years old, named Xiao Shuanzi, and had a teenage sister. He often came to his aunt to embroider sachets and handkerchiefs. Got familiar with that kid.

That little Shuanzi was very obedient, but a little timid. He would run away whenever something happened, which made Song Chengye very unhappy.

But now I have no choice but to ask him to come over and cheer.

Song Chengye didn't believe that he and Xiao Shuanzi couldn't defeat Chang'an and Goudan.

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