Zhao Yuan didn't look back and chased Chang An towards the Hou Mansion.

"Is that Zhao Yuan? It seems like I haven't seen him come to the school for a long time." A young man said.

Zhao Xuan frowned: "He is too naughty and often skips classes. Master has expelled him."

The young man groaned, staring at the two-wheeled bicycles of the two boys, and sighed: "He is so rich that he can afford a two-wheeled bicycle." That has been the most popular bicycle in Beijing in the past two months. It's a pity that it's too expensive and ordinary people can't afford it.

Zhao Xuan's eyes flashed with complicated emotions and he said, "Where does he have any money? That car may be from a car dealership, and he is just an errand boy, helping with deliveries."

My brother hadn't been home for several months, so I and my mother-in-law didn't really care much about him, but we did learn from others that he worked as a clerk in a car dealership.

If I hadn't seen him riding a two-wheeler in the market today, I wouldn't have cared about him.

"It's not bad to be a clerk in that car dealership. At least you have a chance to ride a bicycle, right?" The young man sighed with envy: "If that car dealership still recruits clerks, I would also like to give it a try."

Zhao Xuan twitched the corner of his mouth and took the bookboy back to the house.

When he saw his mother, he told the story of meeting his younger brother: "Mom, just take care of your second brother. He is working as a waiter outside, which is really embarrassing to the Zhao family."

Wang frowned: "Who do you want to be a buddy for?"

"He works as a waiter in the shop of Prince Rui's Mansion." Zhao Xuan said angrily: "He also comes and goes with the child of the nanny of the Marquis Mansion, and everyone in the street sees it."

Wang slapped the table angrily and stood up: "Where is that evil obstacle? Take me to see, I have to break his legs!"

Zhao Xuan stopped him quickly: "Mom, don't go. Let's wait until dad comes back."

To be honest, he didn't want his parents to get his second brother back, otherwise he wouldn't be able to use his second brother's one tael of silver a month.

Zhao Xuan just wanted his parents to dislike his younger brother even more, so that he could enjoy his parents' favor with peace of mind in the future, and all the family property would be his own.

Wang didn't really want to go. In that case, she would probably be the talk of the town.

"Okay, wait until your father comes back and let him take people to find your brother."

Let’s talk about Chang’an and Zhao Yuan.

After the two arrived at the Zhongqin Hou Mansion, they went directly to see Mrs. Shizi.

When Webster got the 3,600 taels of silver, he was simply stunned.

"How come there are so many? Chang'an, you must have made a mistake in your calculation, right?" She couldn't believe it anyway. A few-year-old girl could earn more than 10,000 taels of silver a month.

Chang'an handed the account book to his godmother: "Yes, I also copied an account book here, and the income and expenditure are on it."

Webster took the account book and looked at it, closed it and said with a smile: "Chang'an is really amazing, my godmother is ashamed of herself."

In fact, the Hou family has been unable to make ends meet in recent years. Because the whole family only relies on the salary of her father-in-law and husband, she almost embezzled her dowry.

A few days ago, the Yongshou County Prince's Mansion sent another invitation, saying that Yongshou County Prince was celebrating his seventieth birthday.

When the prince of the county celebrates his birthday, the family must send a gift. If it is too thin, they will be embarrassed to hand it out.

Wei Shi was worried about how to prepare gifts, so Chang'an sent so much silver, which really relieved her urgent need.

Chang'an smiled sheepishly: "If it weren't for the help of my godmother and the princess, I wouldn't be able to do well in this business."

According to the news from the craftsmen, in the past month, several managers from high-profile families have approached them and wanted to buy flywheels and bearings from them. One of them was even more outrageous. He actually asked the craftsmen not to make parts for the Chang'an car shop. .

The craftsmen were firstly afraid of the power of the Marquis and the Royal Palace, and secondly, they did not dare to act rashly after signing the contract, so they refused to agree to those people.

Webster smiled and said: "You kid, you don't have to be modest. I also have a shop. I can earn at least a hundred taels a month. If I make more, I will lose it. How can your shop be prosperous?"

She touched Chang'an's shoulder, ordered the maid to open the box, and took out a custom-made pair of gold and ruby ​​​​turbans for Chang'an: "This is festive, and it is just right for a girl as old as you."

Changan couldn't refuse, so he had to accept: "Thank you godmother."

The jewelry box was opened, and inside there was a necklace, two pairs of hoopoe, a pair of earrings, and a pair of phoenix tail hairpins, all of a style and size that she could wear.

Wei Shi also gave Zhao Yuan a set of four treasures of the study, and also allowed them to eat in the mansion.

At this time, Zhang Yao's sister and brother also came back from school. They were very happy when they saw Zhao Yuan and Chang'an, and they said that they must go to Haitang Garden with them: "I will take a bath tomorrow, and I can ride with you all day."

Zhang Yuyan also wanted to go, but she had to get her mother's permission.

Webster was in a good mood, so he simply asked the housekeeper to pack their daily necessities, and asked the housekeeper to set up a carriage to send his children to Chang'an's home.

So Chang'an and Zhang Yuyan sat on the mule cart, and there were maids Zisu and Peony on the cart.

Zhang Yao rode her two-wheeled bicycle and competed with Zhao Yuan in speed.

His servants Zhui Feng and Zhui Yue were the most miserable. They were afraid of losing their master and ran behind the car desperately.

Several people soon arrived at Haitang Garden. Zhang Yao and the two young men followed Zhao Yuan to the car dealership to play, while Zhang Yuyan and the maid were picking cantaloupe with Chang An in the vegetable garden of Haitang Garden.

"Ms. Chang'an, your vegetables grow really well." Zisu lived on a farm when she was a child and was particularly fond of the vegetables in the garden.

Chang'an smiled and said: "Because the water in my pool is good." He used the water conjured by small beads to water his vegetable garden. It was strange that the vegetables did not grow well.

Zi Su took a look at the pool and saw that the water inside was clear and clear, and she could see small fish and shrimp swimming in it. She couldn't help but be curious.

Such a small stagnant pond will never have such clear water. Unless the water is changed and cleaned frequently like the Marquis Mansion, green algae and moss will grow.

Chang'an washed the cantaloupe he picked in the sink, pinched a few fingernail marks and placed it on the stone table next to the sink. He smashed it with his fist and the cantaloupe split.

She broke it off piece by piece and handed it to Zhang Yuyan and perilla peony. She also called Lian Xin, who was cutting leeks, to come over and eat the melon.

The girls ate three melons in one go, and then washed their hands, faces, and mouths in the sink with unfulfilled satisfaction.

"This water is so clear, I want to go down and take a bath." Zi Su waved the water with her hand, a little reluctant to leave.

Chang'an was looking for melons in the melon field and said, "Then you go down and wash them. There are no men coming to our backyard."

"Really?" Zi Su was a little shy, but eager to give it a try.

Chang An nodded: "Of course it's true, I often swim in this pool."

It's midsummer now, the weather is very hot, and the pool is quite big, so it's very comfortable to swim in it.

Zisu was only eleven years old, and when she was in a playful mood, she simply took off her dress and shoes and waded into the water wearing only her small clothes.

Seeing this, Shaoyao also took off her shirt and skirt and got into the water, and started playing with Zi Su in the water.

Zhang Yuyan smiled and sat on the bank to watch. She was actually quite moved, but her upbringing since she was young prevented her from doing such a thing.

At this moment, the voices of the young princess and the young prince came from the front yard: "Sister Chang'an! Where are you? We are here to play with you!"

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