Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 191 All kinds of maintenance

"You actually blame me?"

Mrs. Wang was so angry that she covered her face and cried: "I almost died trying to give birth to him, so how could I still have the energy to take care of him? Besides, he was stupid when he was young and couldn't say anything. How did I know that he was being taken care of by a servant?" Abuse?”

Zhao Ping didn't want to listen to his wife's nagging, so he rolled up his sleeves and walked out of the study and went to his concubine's room.

The concubine was pregnant and about to give birth. She just heard it and knew that her husband had quarreled with his wife again.

The concubine asked the maid to pour tea for Zhao Ping and comforted him in a low voice: "Mr. Sir, calm down. Don't vent your anger on Madam during the Chinese New Year. If outsiders find out, you will have to gossip."

At this time, the little maid picked up the silver notes that Zhao Yuan had thrown on the ground and handed them to Zhao Ping: "Master, this is what the young master threw down."

Zhao Ping took one look at it and said, "Let your aunt go first. I'll get some more money to give to Yuan'er later."

When the concubine heard this, she was overjoyed and knew that the two hundred taels belonged to her.

Unexpectedly, before she could be happy for a long time, the eldest son Zhao Xuan suddenly came to her door.

"Aunt Hua, where are the two hundred taels of silver?" He learned from his mother's maid that his brother had thrown away a two hundred taels of silver note, so he slipped back from the banquet and asked Aunt Hua for it.

Aunt Hua rolled her eyes secretly and didn't want to pay attention to him. "What two hundred taels of silver? Sir, what money do you want from me?"

Zhao Xuan frowned, glared at Aunt Hua and said, "Don't pretend to be confused with me! The bank note that fool left was not for you, get it quickly!"

Seeing his anxious look, Aunt Hua was a little scared and quickly called her maid: "Xiao Cui! Ouch!"

Xiaocui heard the shouting and ran into the house quickly, and saw her aunt had fallen to the ground, struggling to cover her stomach, her face turned pale.

"Aunt! What's wrong with you?" Xiaocui was frightened and quickly tried to help her get up, but she couldn't help her.

At this time, Aunt Hua was speechless. Cold sweat was flowing down her forehead. It took her a long time to catch her breath. She pointed at Zhao Xuan who was looking through her box and said, "He pushed me! Quick! Go and ask the master, my stomach hurts."

He was about to faint as he spoke.

Xiaocui screamed in fear and called another maid to look at her aunt. She quickly ran towards the front hall.

Zhao Xuan finally found a few banknotes and some broken silver in a box, and put them directly into his arms without caring about them.

When he turned around, he saw Aunt Hua lying on the ground. He thought she was pretending to be faint, so he snorted and ran out of the house quickly.

Not long after, Zhao Ping hurried back and saw the miserable appearance of his concubine, and immediately ordered his servant to fetch Po Wen.

But today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and Wen Po is not easy to invite.

Fortunately, there were several women in the Zhao family who knew a little about childbirth and had delivered babies once or twice, so they were put on the shelf to deliver the babies for Aunt Hua.

After a period of war and chaos, Aunt Hua finally gave birth to her child safely.

Looking at the skinny baby boy who looked like a red-skinned mouse, Aunt Hua burst into tears and hated Zhao Xuan at the same time.

If this child cannot be fed, she will make him pay with blood!

When Zhao Ping learned that his concubine's premature birth was due to his eldest son robbing money, he was immediately furious. However, the family scandal should not be made public, so he suppressed it for the time being and did not scold him in front of others.

Zhao Xuan seemed to know that he had gone too far, and he had been avoiding his biological father these days.

A few days later, Zhao Ping finally caught his eldest son and slapped him immediately: "What a shame! Are you still shameless? You went to your concubine's house to search for money?"

Zhao Xuan frowned and defended: "That money was not given to her in the first place! Of course I want to get it back!"

"You still dare to talk nonsense?" Zhao Ping was so angry that he slapped him again: "For that little money, you almost killed two people. If you have more silver, are you going to kill yourself for money?"

Zhao Xuan held his head and cried: "I didn't mean it! Who told her not to give me money?"

Zhao Ping was so angry that his whole body was shaking, he raised his foot and kicked Zhao Xuan to the ground.

"You want to beat him to death!" Mrs. Wang felt sorry for her son, and quickly protected Zhao Xuan behind her, crying: "Xuan'er is only fifteen years old, what can he know? You can just slap him, why bother not showing mercy? ?”

When Zhao Ping saw his wife defending his eldest son in every possible way, he couldn't hold back his anger and slapped her hard: "It's all your fault! Look what he has become now."

"You hit me?" Mrs. Wang was a little unbelievable when she was hit by her husband for the first time. She covered her face and cried: "Just because of a concubine, you actually hit me?"

"Hitting you will make you sober up! If you continue to indulge him like this, our Zhao family will be destroyed in his hands sooner or later!" After Zhao Ping finished speaking, he ignored his wife and turned around and left the house.

Zhao Yuan knew nothing about the incident caused by leaving the two hundred taels of silver behind.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, he had dinner at Chang'an's family, and on the third day of the Lunar New Year, he followed Chang'an's family to the Marquis' Mansion to pay New Year's greetings.

On the fourth day of the new year, we had another meal at Rui Wang Mansion, and on the fifth day of the new year, the car dealership opened for business.

In a blink of an eye, it’s the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Chang'an went to Zhuque Street to watch the lanterns with his mother Jiang, as well as his uncle, aunt and uncle.

Li Xing'er, the star of Lian Xin Xiao Ju, also accompanied her.

Zhao Yuan and Jin Hua Yin Hua didn't go, he wanted to stay and look after the house.

We have a lot of money saved at home, but we can't let it be stolen.

This year's Lantern Festival is particularly lively, not only because of the novel programs of Jiaofangsi, but also because of the strange tricycles appearing on Zhuque Street.

Some tricycles were modified to look like floats, and beautiful dancers stood on the floats and danced gracefully. The fluttering colorful silk ribbons were like the arrival of fairies from the nine heavens.

Most of the tricycles are decorated to look like mythical animals and birds. It is amazing to walk alone without any performance.

Chang Ning was held in his arms by his biological father. He couldn't even keep his eyes open, and he forgot to bite the candied haws in his hand.

Chang'an was holding a goldfish lantern and walking between her mother and aunt.

Behind her were her uncles Wu Zhonglou and Lu Jingzhou, while her maids Lian Xin and Xiao Ju were leading the way.

Arriving at Xuande Tower again, Chang An looked up.

The imperial city tower was covered with canopies like clouds and piles of brocades. The emperor, the queen mother and the queen were all on top, as well as many beautiful concubines and maids.

The prince and his family should also be up there. I wonder if Minghui can see himself below?

Chang'an shook the goldfish lantern in his hand, and then followed the flow of people forward.

Suddenly, several young men in colorful clothes came over and stopped Lu Jingzhou behind him.

Seeing that something was wrong, Feng Shan immediately blocked the little master behind him and said defensively: "What do you want to do?"

The leading boy was sixteen or seventeen years old. He pushed Feng Shan away from his chest, pointed at Lu Jingzhou and asked, "Are you Lu Jingzhou?"

Lu Jingzhou looked at the other party coldly, and said with a slight curl of his lips: "Yes, I am Lu Jingzhou."

He knew the boy in front of him in his previous life. He was Cai Huan, a member of the Cai family and his aunt's nephew.

He guessed that Cai Huan came to settle accounts with him because of his brother-in-law.

"You're the one who poisoned my cousin, you bitch, right? Let's see how I deal with you!" Cai Huan rolled up his sleeves and punched Lu Jingzhou.

Lu Jingzhou did not confront him head-on. He quickly stepped aside to avoid the fist. He grabbed his punching arm at lightning speed, followed the force and sent it forward, and then kicked Cai Huan's butt hard.

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