Lu Jingzhou also arrived accompanied by Feng Shan. The master and apprentice looked at each other without saying anything and lined up behind many students.

At a glance, the entrance to Gongyuan was crowded with candidates, two to three thousand in total, not including those who had already walked into the house search.

There were many guards with swords on both sides of the Gongyuan, and rows of lanterns behind them illuminated the entire square as if it were daytime.

Lu Jingzhou and Wu Zhonglou walked into the search room and took off all their clothes. Even their hair had to be let down for the search room to search for any inclusions.

Then you have to go to the bathhouse to take a bath in the large pool and change into the clothes provided by Gongyuan.

The so-called bathing means soaking in the water to make sure you don't have any cheat sheets or other cheating texts on you.

However, the clothes provided by Gongyuan were too thin and had a faint musty smell. Wu Zhonglou felt uncomfortable after putting them on.

Fortunately, he is in good health now and can overcome this discomfort.

At this moment, Wu Zhonglou was extremely grateful for the fox fur cloak given by his niece. Without this clothes, he would probably have suffered from frostbite in less than two days.

Lu Jingzhou also brought a fox fur cloak that reached to his ankles. His mother went to the West Market to buy leather and sewed it herself. There was also a hood sewn on it, so that when it was cold at night, he could cover it from head to toe.

The two of them came out of the bathroom, put on the inspected cotton clothes, picked up the examination basket, and walked into the tribute courtyard with their number plates and three candles.

There are numbers on the license plate, and candidates only need to find their room.

Lu Jingzhou had been here once in his previous life, and coming in this time felt like he was back to the past again.

The room is very small, three feet wide and four feet deep. There are two wooden boards in it, one with an upper frame for writing, and one with a lower frame for benching.

If you rest at night, you can put two wooden boards at the same height to serve as a bed for sleeping.

Lu Jingzhou put the three candles in place. These would be the lighting for the next three nights. They must not be damaged and certainly not wasted.

Under the light of a lantern not far away, he checked the test basket, put two wooden boards on his shoulders, then wrapped himself tightly in his cloak, and sat in the cell to force himself to sleep.

I got up too early today, so I need to catch up on some sleep, otherwise I will easily fall asleep when answering questions at dawn.

Once you get too sleepy, you will waste time and may not be able to finish answering the questions.

You cannot write without sufficient lighting at night, otherwise it will be very easy to make mistakes.

Unknowingly, Lu Jingzhou fell asleep. When he heard the ringing of the bell, it was already bright.

The bell reminds candidates that the invigilator has arrived and the clerks are about to hand out the test questions.

Lu Jingzhou quickly took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, laid out the answer sheet, then picked up some drops of water and put them in the inkstone, and began to grind the ink.

Not long after, the invigilator slowly passed by the hall holding a question board and walked back and forth twice.

Lu Jingzhou quickly picked up a pen and copied down the test questions.

The first title of the meaning of the Four Books: Confucius called the collection of great achievements. Those who gather great achievements have the sound of gold and the vibration of jade.

Question 2: The Master said that Zi Chan has four principles of a gentleman: he behaves respectfully towards himself, he is respectful in his conduct, he benefits the people when he nourishes them, and he treats the people righteously.

Question 5: The main roads are changing, everyone is rectifying their lives, maintaining great harmony is beneficial and chastity, the first common people are born, and all countries are peaceful.

There are five questions in total, and it is not easy to answer them in two days and three nights.

Even if Lu Jingzhou is reborn, he still has to deal with it carefully.

Not to mention the candidates spending their days in the examination room, Chang'an is also busy.

Every day I help my grandma and aunt grow vegetables and seedlings, and sometimes I take my little sister out for a walk.

On this day, two strangers suddenly came to my door. They claimed to be delivering letters for others.

Chang'an ran to the door and looked at the person in front of him.

I saw this middle-aged couple carrying a big baggage on their backs, looking dusty, and holding a letter in their hands. "Is the young lady's name Song Changan?"

Changan nodded: "Who are you?"

The woman in her thirties smiled and said: "We came from Yandi and were entrusted by your father to bring you something."

Chang'an took the letter and saw that it was indeed signed Song Erxiao, so he invited the two of them to come in and sit down.

Mrs. Jiang also heard the sound and came over, wiped her hands on her apron, and asked Lian Xin to make tea quickly.

"How is my husband?" Mrs. Jiang quietly looked at the visitor and asked carefully.

The woman smiled and said, "Song Qianhu is very good, but he often talks about his wife and daughter. He also said that he hopes you can go and reunite with him."

Mrs. Jiang's eyes were red when she heard what she said. She was afraid of being rude in front of the guests, so she quickly wiped her eyes with her apron.

Chang'an read the letter at a glance and frowned.

The last time I wrote a letter to my father, I didn't expect that my father actually said that he couldn't go home and asked her mother and daughter to go to Yandi.

Going to Yandi was not out of the question. In the past, she might have immediately packed her bags and taken her mother-in-law to join her father. But now that her uncle, aunt, and uncle were all in the capital, how could she leave them and travel thousands of miles away.

"We can't leave for the time being." Chang'an handed the letter to Aniang and looked at the baggage brought back by his father.

I took it over and opened it. It was full of girls' gadgets. ‘

There are necklaces inlaid with precious stones, as well as foreign headdresses and beads. They don't look like new ones, but they look like they have been used for a long time.

Chang'an wondered, could it be that his own father became a bandit? Is this sending the dirt back?

The visitor seemed to notice her concerns and said with a smile: "Don't worry, little lady, Qianhu bought these himself. Some of them were rewarded by his superiors. They are very clean."

Chang'an smiled, tied up the bundle again, and asked, "Where is aunt from?"

The woman replied: "I used to be from the capital, and then I went to Yandi with my master. I came back this time to see how things are going at home."

Chang'an heard her vague answer and stopped asking further questions.

However, her mother got along well with her, and the two quickly talked about many things, most of them talking about her biological father, Song Erxiao.

Chang An couldn't say anything, so he simply went out to find his uncle and aunt.

Song Sanshun was digging in the backyard. Hearing that his brother had asked someone to deliver a letter, he hurriedly asked about the situation.

Chang'an glanced behind her and whispered: "I don't want to go to Yandi for the moment, and even if I go, I won't go with these two people." She always felt that something was wrong with the two people who sent the letter.

When Aniang asked them, they were always secretive and gave ambiguous answers, but they tried their best to persuade Aniang to go to Yandi to find her father with them.

And she has money. She can just hire an escort team wherever she wants to go. Where does she need two messengers to guide her?

"I'll go take a look." Song Sanshun put down the shovel, washed his hands in the pool, got up and went to the main room.

Chang An wanted to follow him, but suddenly thought of something and ran to find Li Xing'er.

I searched around but couldn't find it, and I don't know where she went.

This is quite abnormal.

You know, Myolie Li and her sister have no relatives in the capital, and the two siblings would not leave Haitang Garden without any reason.

I saw Myolie Li just now, but she disappeared as soon as the messenger arrived.

After thinking about it, Changan got on his two-wheeled bicycle and went to the princess's tricycle shop to find Li Niu and ask him to come back to meet the guests, or to recognize the people.

Because this couple really looks too much like Li Niu and Li Xinger.

The man's face was dark and red, and his eyebrows looked like Myolie Lee. The woman is very tall, with thick arms and legs, and is 80% similar to Li Niu.

Unexpectedly, before Chang An arrived at the tricycle shop, he saw Li Xing'er talking to Li Niu from a distance, seeming very happy.

"Ha! He is indeed a little spy, and he came from Yandi."

Chang'an complained in his heart, rode over, and said loudly: "Li Xing'er! Why are you here? There are guests at home, please go back and light the fire!"

Myolie Li was startled at first, then she agreed, turned around and ran away.

Chang'an walked up to Li Niu, looked at him carefully, and asked, "What does your sister want from you?"

Li Niu lowered his head guiltily and whispered: "No, I didn't say anything."

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