Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 195 How dare you plot against me?

"Who sent this post?" Changan took the post and opened it. It turned out that it was sent by Wang Pingting, asking her to go to Liuyuan Garden tomorrow to enjoy the scenery.

Chang'an didn't understand why Wang Pingting wanted to invite him. They obviously didn't deal with each other and weren't considered friends.

She wanted to refuse, but thinking about Song Xiyue's voice and what happened to King Rui two years later, she decided to go.

The next day, Changan took Xiaoju and Li Xinger, packed up and went to Liuyuan.

My uncle is not at home these days. He follows Lu Jingzhou to participate in various poetry gatherings every day and makes friends with scholars from all over the country.

I wonder if I can meet him in Liuyuan. After all, that place is the largest garden orchard in the capital, and it is said that it is the property of the eldest princess.

The car drove to the Liuyuan Garden and met Sister Zhang Yuyan and Miss Liu, the granddaughter of Master Liu, who were waiting here.

"Chang'an, we've been waiting for you for a long time." Zhang Yuyan scolded and stepped forward to hold Chang'an's hand.

"Did Sister Yuyan also receive the invitation?" Changan blinked and asked, "Is it Miss Wang's birthday?"

Zhang Yuyan: "No, this time it's an invitation from the second lady of Wang Shilang's house, saying it's a spring outing."

Whenever a noble lady from an aristocratic family entertains guests, she must make a name for herself, whether it is a poetry party, a tea party, a fragrant music and chess party, or a flower-viewing party.

But this year, those who treat guests at this stall are basically just entertaining talented people to get by.

If a certain talent is on the list in this competition, he will definitely be a favorite among various companies.

Those families of merchants and petty officials also hope to recruit a son-in-law who will come back quickly in the year of the big exam. Even if he doesn't win the Jinshi, he is still the master of the exam. With a little money, he can be a candidate for a seventh- or eighth-grade petty official.

"Let's go in quickly." Miss Liu greeted the two of them: "I see many people have entered the garden."

So, the three of them walked into the Lingering Garden surrounded by several maids.

It seems that not only Wang Shilang's family is entertaining guests in Liuyuan today, but just looking at the curtains blocking it, there are no less than three colors.

Several people walked into the curtained area of ​​Wang Shilang's house and saw that several tents had been set up here. There were tables and chairs in the tents for guests to rest and drink tea.

Chang'an saw his uncle at a glance. Lu Jingzhou was standing next to him. The two of them were talking to two scholars under a peach tree.

She suppressed her doubts and went with Zhang Yuyan and Liu Shan to see Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang Er very politely introduced the ladies and ladies around her to a few people.

After two greetings, Mrs. Wang asked her maid to take the little girls to play in the peach blossom forest.

At this time, Wang Pingting was already in the peach forest, looking over all the young men invited today, and finally her eyes fell on the twenty-year-old Wu Zhonglou.

There was no other reason. It was because Wu Zhonglou was so handsome and well-dressed that Wang Pingting couldn't take her eyes away.

But there was no such person in the list given by her grandfather. Wang Pingting was a little confused: Could it be that he already had a wife?

While I was feeling depressed, I suddenly saw Zhang Yuyan and her nanny's children coming, and I couldn't help but smile.

She stood up, walked towards the two of them, and said with a smile: "Yu Yan, come and help me see which of the men here is more handsome?"

Zhang Yuyan: "."

Although she had already seen Wang Pingting speak freely, she was still speechless by this question.

Liu Shan frowned and turned around to look around. She didn't see any other little sisters, so she couldn't help but be curious: "Miss Wang, didn't you invite other sisters?"

"Yes, I invited you two, and her." Wang Pingting pointed at Chang'an: "Miss Song is my maid's cousin. Inviting her here is also for the two sisters to get together."

Chang An glanced at Song Xiyue who was standing not far away, but he couldn't help but be surprised that he didn't hear any of her thoughts.

Zhang Yuyan also looked at Song Xiyue, feeling a little uncomfortable.

In fact, if Song Xiyue is not stupid, she is a very careful and competent maid. It is a pity that she has evil intentions and cannot keep such a person by her side.

Wang Pingting was a little disappointed when she saw that her words did not irritate Song Chang'an, so she came over and took Zhang Yuyan's arm affectionately, and whispered: "Let's leave Chang'an to catch up with her cousin, and you can go shopping there with me." visit."

Then he dragged Zhang Yuyan towards the peach forest.

Zhang Yuyan was not as old as Wang Pingting and not as tall as her, so she couldn't help but be half dragged and half dragged away by her.

Upon seeing this, the maids Zisu and Shaoyao hurriedly followed.

Liu Shan was a little unhappy.

There were only a few little girls here. As the host, Wang Pingting actually dragged Zhang Yuyan away, leaving her and Chang'an alone. What kind of hospitality was this?

"Sister Liu Shan, let's follow." Chang'an grabbed Liu Shan and followed Wang Pingting into the peach forest.

At this time, Song Xiyue stopped in front of the two of them and said, "Miss Liu, there are many men here. Please follow me."

Chang'an ignored her at all, dragging Liu Shan and continuing to chase Wang Pingting.

"Song Chang'an!" Song Xiyue was angry and stretched out her arms to stop the two of them: "We can't leave over there, please go this way!"

Chang An pushed Song Xiyue away and said coldly: "It's not your turn to care where we go!"

She always felt that Wang Pingting took Zhang Yuyan away with bad intentions, and she had to follow and keep an eye on her.

Fortunately, Zhang Yuyan's two maids followed him, so Chang'an didn't think Wang Pingting could plot anything.

But if something happens, you can't take it lightly.

Song Xiyue was pushed away, so she simply stopped and followed Chang An and Liu Shan, but she was cursing in her heart.

Chang'an ignored her and dragged Liu Shan behind Wang Pingting.

Behind them were Xiao Ju, Li Xing'er, and Liu Shan's two maids, a large group of people walking quickly through the peach forest.

Suddenly, there was a row of houses in front of her, and Wang Pingting wanted to pull Zhang Yuyan into the house.

Chang'an suddenly felt something was wrong, let go of Liu Shan's hand and ran over quickly, rushing in when they first entered the house.

There was actually a man in the house, it was the cousin Lu Yuanjin that Wang Pingting mentioned.

When he saw Zhang Yuyan, he immediately came over and smiled as if he had met someone he had known for a long time: "Are you here?"

Zhang Yuyan was stunned. Before she could react, Chang An grabbed her arm and led her out.

Zhang Yuyan's two maids also sensed something was wrong and turned around to follow him out of the house.

"Yu Yan, why are you leaving? Aren't you going to talk to my cousin?" Wang Pingting chased her out and shouted, "My cousin finally found a chance to meet you."

Zhang Yuyan turned around, and when Wang Pingting came closer, she raised her hand and slapped her in the face.

"You dare to plot against me?" Zhang Yuyan is from a noble family with a title. Her status is more than one and a half stars higher than Wang Pingting. Being friends with Wang is already a low status. How can she tolerate her plotting now? Own.

Wang Pingting was suddenly beaten by a little girl. She was shocked and then became embarrassed and asked, "You dare to hit me?"

Zisu and Shaoyao guarded the young lady and said angrily: "What's wrong with beating you? You don't even think about your identity. If you dare to attract a foreign man to harass my young lady, it's not an exaggeration to beat you to death!"

Wang Pingting frowned, a fierce light suddenly appeared in her eyes: "Beat me to death? You should give it a try!"

"Ignore her! Let's go!" Chang'an pulled Zhang Yuyan back and called for Zisu and Shaoyao to follow.

She finally figured it out. This Wang Pingting was a weirdo who was not stingy. Even though she had a frivolous character, she actually wanted to drag others into trouble.

However, before they had gone far, several young men came out of the peach forest and blocked the way of Chang'an and his party.

"Pingting, who bullied you?" The leading man waved his folding fan and looked at Wang Pingting, whose eyes were red, and walked slowly over.

"It's them!" Wang Pingting pointed to Zhang Yuyan and others and said aggrievedly: "Brother Hong, you must help me."

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