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Chapter 26 Carrying Water

"You're the one eating shit!" Song Chengye glared at his sister angrily. It’s really a matter of which pot should not be opened.

Song Xiyue chuckled: "You are the only one who has no brains to be tricked into eating that stuff."

Song Chengye didn't want to talk to his sister, so he went into the house angrily.

Grandfather Song Baqi saw his grandson coming back and waved to him: "Come here."

Song Chengye had no choice but to go over: "Grandpa, what's the matter?"

Song Baqi stroked his beard and said: "Next episode, come with us to Jishang to become a disciple. I will find a private school for you, and you will go there to study from now on."

"I don't want it!" When Song Chengye heard this, he felt like the sky was falling. He pulled his grandfather's sleeve and begged: "My mother told me before that I would go to school next year, why should I go now? I'm still young and don't want to go so early. go!"

Song Baqi knocked on his forehead and said, "You are already seven years old. You will be eight in a few months. You are not young anymore. Some children become enlightened at the age of five. You are already too far behind at the age of seven."

Song Chengye was not happy and muttered: "You said you were going to the capital a while ago, why did you suddenly ask me to go to Jishang to study? If Shu Xiu is handed over and we don't study, wouldn't it be a waste of money?"

Song Xiyue walked in and said coldly: "I am going to the capital, not you. I can't take you to the capital until I have established a foothold there, not now."

Song Chengye snorted at his sister, turned around and ran away.

He didn't want to go to school. I heard from the eldest grandson of the patriarch's grandfather that the master liked to hit people's palms with a bamboo board. If he misrecited a word, he would be beaten. The palms of his hands would be red and swollen after being beaten, and they would throb and hurt even when sleeping at night. ,very scary.

"Why are you running? Come back!" Song Baqi shouted from behind.

Song Chengye just pretended not to hear and ran out of the yard without looking back.

Dahei also followed the little master and ran out.

In the old house of the Song family, Wu Xiuying was sitting under the eaves, peeling soapberries with her little niece. Seeing the sun setting in the west, her husband still hadn't come back.

She was worried and saw that it was not early. She stood up and straightened her back. She washed the bracken she picked yesterday, blanch it in boiling water, chop it into pieces, and mix it with a little salt water.

Taking out the thick-wheat steamed buns that were heated on the pot, Wu Xiuying invited her little niece to come over for evening food.

Chang'an agreed, put down the wood soap seeds in his hands and ran over to wash his hands.

Wu Xiuying sighed softly while scooping water for her little niece: "Your third uncle hasn't come back yet. I wonder how your little uncle is doing?"

Changan blinked, unable to answer.

She has already given the little beads to her uncle. If her uncle is still not well, should she give him the last leaf?

Chang'an is confused.

If you give it all to your uncle, what if your father is stabbed by a bad guy?

After wiping her hands, Wu brought over two bowls of porridge, two steamed buns, and a plate of young bracken.

"Eat." She handed a steamed bun to her little niece and took a sip from the porridge bowl.

Chang'an was eating steamed buns and porridge in silence when he suddenly remembered picking up eggs at Goudan's house today.

Goudan's family has two hens and one rooster. Now his family can find an egg in the henhouse every day.

It would be great if I had a hen at home, so she could pick up eggs every day.

"Aunt, aunt, raise chickens." Chang'an said seriously: "Collect, collect eggs."

Mrs. Wu smiled and put a chopstick of tender bracken into her niece's porridge bowl: "When Goudan's hens hatch chicks, we will bring back some chickens to raise."

My step-mother-in-law’s family actually had several hens, but she didn’t allocate them to her when the family was divided.

At the beginning, we were both in a hurry to separate the family, so we didn't mention these details and were too embarrassed to mention them.

Now it seems that not only do I have to raise a few chickens until all the soapberries are sold, but I also have to raise a pig to be slaughtered for meat during the New Year.

"Yes." Chang'an was satisfied, happily sipping the porridge and taking another bite of the thick-flour steamed bun.

While eating, suddenly Mrs. Zhao walked in.

She said condescendingly to Mrs. Wu: "Third daughter-in-law, there is no water at home. Your father-in-law is waiting to make tea for you to drink. You should hurry up and pick up a load."

Wu Xiuying stood up slowly, frowned and said, "It's almost dark today, and Sanshun is not at home. It's not convenient for me to go out to fetch water. Why don't you and your sister-in-law carry a bucket, and wait until tomorrow morning?"

Before she could finish speaking, Mrs. Zhao snorted coldly: "What? I can't call you after we separate the family? Mrs. Wu, is this how you treat your elders?"

Wu pursed her lips and said nothing.

The village's water well is still outside the village near the pond. Now that the sun has set, no one is still going out to fetch water at night.

"Okay, okay, I'm begging you. Your father-in-law is still waiting for a drink of water. You can go quickly before it gets dark." Mrs. Zhao seemed to have no choice, and she unexpectedly lowered her body and spoke.

Mrs. Wu frowned and finally had the nerve to ask why her eldest brother and sister-in-law didn't go fetch water.

Seeing that it wasn't very dark outside, I picked up two empty buckets and walked out of the house.

When Chang An saw this, he felt panic for no reason. He immediately put down the uneaten buns in his hand and followed him out.

"Little Chang'an, what are you going to do? Stay at home!" Old Mrs. Zhao stopped her and wanted to shut her into the house, but she was afraid that her crying would attract other people's attention, so she had to pick her up. .

Chang'an tried his best to refuse, burst into tears, and stretched out his little hand to the third aunt: "Aunt, aunt, hug me!"

Mrs. Wu had no choice but to come back, put the bucket on the ground, and whispered: "Auntie will pick up a load of water and will be back. You stay at home and wait for Auntie to come back."

Chang'an shook his head and cried, hugging his aunt's neck tightly and holding on: "No, don't!"

She wanted to tell her not to listen to her grandmother and not to fetch water for her family, but she was too clumsy to speak.

Song Laoliu and his wife next door also heard Chang'an's shrill cries, so they came out and asked, "What's going on?"

Mrs. Zhao laughed dryly: "Oh, it's my fault too. I was so busy during the day that I forgot to carry water. Now your Uncle Baqi is waiting for a drink of water. My stepfather and his wife went back to his in-law's house again, and there's no one at home either." Since there was no one around, I asked my third wife to pick up a bucket for emergencies."

"That's right, let me pick it up." Song Laoliu walked over without saying a word, picked up the bucket and walked out of the village.

Sister-in-law Qian was worried and quickly followed her: "Wait a minute, I'll go with you."

Mrs. Zhao's mouth twitched, she glanced at Wu and Chang'an coldly, and said in a strange tone: "Okay! You don't need to go, just stay at home."

After that, he turned and left.

Changan hugged his aunt tightly, sobbing and asked her to go home.

Mrs. Wu helplessly patted her little niece, "Look, Mrs. Qian and the others went to fetch water for me. Oh, how embarrassing it is."

Chang'an didn't care about this, he hugged his aunt's neck tightly and wouldn't let go.

It wasn't until this moment that the panic in her heart gradually dissipated.

Wu took Chang'an back to the house, fed her porridge and stopped eating, and sighed: "Chang'an is a grown-up child, so we can't be willful in the future. Although your grandmother is not close to us, she is your grandfather's wife after all. You need to respect her a little bit."

Chang'an rested his head on his aunt's shoulder and said nothing.

She doesn't like her grandmother, and is inexplicably frightened when she sees her, so she doesn't respect her.

Moreover, she often has terrible dreams, and her grandmother's shadow is all in her dreams.

Once, she dreamed that her grandmother took her to the mountains, and then her grandmother left. She was so scared. Finally, Huahua found her and took her home.

Mrs. Wu stood at the door of the house with Chang'an in her arms, waiting for Sister-in-law Qian and his wife to come back.

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