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Chapter 32 Unreasonable

Chang'an tiptoed to some thick bamboos and looked out. He saw two gray pheasants scratching the fallen leaves in front of Huahua.

They were very alert, scratching, pecking and looking around.

Fortunately, Chang'an and the others were far away, so the pheasants didn't know whether they didn't see them or thought they were at a safe distance and didn't fly away.

Huahua first pretended to take a step and stood still, then bowed down, rushed out suddenly, and bit the neck of a pheasant.

The pheasant fluttered a few times and became motionless. It turned out that its neck had been bitten off.

The other one was frightened and flew out. It almost crashed into the middle of two bamboo trees next to each other and got stuck.

Chang'an saw this and ran over happily.

When Goudan saw this scene, he felt it was very magical.

This was the first time he saw such a stupid chicken, and it actually knocked him out.

Chang'an and Goudan worked together to get the fainted chicken out from between two bamboos. Goudan also contributed his belt and tied up the pheasant's legs tightly.

"Haha! We have chicken to eat!" Goudan hasn't eaten meat for a long time. This time there are two chickens, so he will be full.

Suddenly, a voice came: "Who asked you to catch chickens in our bamboo forest?"

Chang'an looked over with wide eyes and saw his little aunt Song Yufeng holding a bamboo basket with some bamboo shoots in it, walking slowly with Song Chengye. The big black dog next to them looked at him happily with his tongue hanging out.

"This is not your bamboo forest!" Goudan picked up the pheasant and shouted: "This is the forest of Grandpa's house! If you dig bamboo shoots in Grandpa's bamboo forest, Grandpa will scold you to death if he finds out!"

Chang'an also shouted: "No, it's not from your family!"

Song Yufeng snorted: "I said yes! Get the pheasant quickly!"

Song Chengye also echoed arrogantly: "Yes! All the pheasants here belong to my family, please put them down immediately!"

He then directed Dahei: "Go! Bring the pheasant over here!"

Dahei looked at his master in confusion, then at Chang'an, but did not move.

"Stupid dog! Go quickly!" Song Chengye kicked Dahei. When he saw Dahei running to the side with his tail between his legs, he simply walked towards Chang'an and Goudan.

Chang'an was very angry when he saw them being so unreasonable. He clenched his little fists and thought about how to make the two bad guys unlucky.

Goudan was even more angry. If it weren't for the twelve-year-old Song Yufeng next to him, he would have really wanted to beat Song Chengye severely.

A good man doesn't want to take advantage of the situation. Goudan knew that he couldn't defeat Song Yufeng's aunt and nephew, so he picked up the tied chicken, pulled him up to Chang'an and ran away.

"You dare to run? Put the pheasant down quickly!" Song Chengye quickly caught up.

But the two little babies ran very fast, walking through the bamboo forest as if they were walking on flat ground.

"Stop! Otherwise, I will beat you to death if I catch up!" Song Chengye shouted from behind, panting.

Goudan ignored him at all and pulled Chang An to run very fast.

Chang'an was still thinking about the other pheasant. He turned around to look at it from time to time and saw that Huahua was already following him with the pheasant in his mouth, so he felt relieved.

You don’t want to give your pheasant to your aunt and cousin, even if it’s half-eaten by Huahua!

The two children ran fast, and Song Chengye was not too slow to catch up. Just when he was about to catch up, he tripped and fell hard to the ground, and then started wailing.

Chang'an turned around and saw Song Chengye sinking into a pothole with his head down and his butt up, crying loudly.

Dahei circled around him, wondering why the little master fell into a pit.

"Leave him alone!" Goudan pulled Chang'an and ran out of the bamboo forest quickly, and returned to the village with Huahua.

At this moment, the courtyard of Song Sanshun's house was full of people, and the patriarch and two elders of the clan were scolding Song Baqi.

"Song Jizu clearly wanted to kill Sanshun this time, but you actually have the nerve to say that he didn't mean that?"

The patriarch pointed to the big bulge on Sanshun's head and said, "Look, his head has been smashed, and blood is flowing all over his face. Look at the bruises on his body. Now he can't even lift his arms. Can you tell me it wasn't intentional?" Really? How much hatred is there? To commit such a murderous act?"

Song Baqi remained silent.

He still didn't believe that his stepfather could do such a thing.

"I will go to Zhaojia Village to find my stepfather and ask him." Song Baqi said: "Brother, don't believe one-sided words. I won't believe it until you ask clearly in person."

The patriarch was almost pissed off by this old guy, and sneered: "You don't have to ask anymore. You didn't do anything, and you put all the blame on Sanshun. Baqi, I don't understand." , is that Tuoyou Ping your biological child, or is Sanshun your biological child?"

Song Baqi wanted to say that they were all his biological children, but he was afraid that this would affect his stepwife's reputation, so he chose to remain silent.

Seeing that Song Baqi was acting like this again, the patriarch said angrily: "Let's have a few boys accompany you to Zhaojia Village and ask their village chief how to deal with this unprovoked murderer?"

"No, I'll just go with my family. Brother, you don't have to worry. Even if my stepfather really wins, it's still a conflict between their brothers. I will handle it myself."

The patriarch of Song Ba Qi bowed his hands and said, "Farewell." After saying that, he turned around and left.

"What the hell?" Some villagers started talking: "Is Song Baqi crazy?"

"Isn't that true? Hey, isn't Song Jizu the biological son of Uncle Baqi?" Someone started gossiping.

"It's really possible."

"No wonder Uncle Baqi changed Song Jizu's surname and name. He turned out to be an illegitimate child?"

"Shh, stop talking nonsense. Mrs. Zhao had many lovers back then. Who can be sure that Song Jizu must be Song Baqi's child?"

"Hehe, as long as Mrs. Zhao says who is his biological father, it must be who he is."

Everyone teased and secretly glanced at Song Sanshun, whose face was ashen.

Tsk tsk, the most pitiable ones are the Sanshun brothers. They have lost their father since their mother died, and now they are being bullied by foreign bastards to the point where they can't hold their heads up.

Alas, the key point is that my father's heart is biased, and it is useless no matter how filial I am.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Come on, you guys go to Zhaojia Village with me. I want to ask the village leader over there face to face, do they want to go to jail or something?"

The patriarch personally selected a dozen strong young men and prepared to take them to Zhaojia Village to ask for an explanation.

Before leaving, he said to Song Sanshun: "Sanshun, take good care of yourself at home. I will seek justice for you no matter what."

Song Sanshun cupped his fists and saluted the patriarch: "Thank you, uncle."

"Thank you for nothing. We are all members of the same clan. If you let your father fool around with this matter, then how can we have the dignity to leave the village in the future?"

The patriarch patted Sanshun on the shoulder: "Have a good rest, I will take care of everything."

Song Sanshun's tears instantly fell and he quickly turned his head and pretended to rub his eyes.

This time, he was completely disappointed with his biological father.

I am sure that as long as Song Jizu comes back, his father will make big things into small things and trivial things into nothing.

However, he will not let Song Jizu go this time, even if he has a reputation of being unfilial, he will not let them have an easy time!

Then, the patriarch ordered more than 20 strong young people to walk to Zhaojiacun together with carrying poles, iron forks, hoes and other items in their hands. (End of chapter)

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