Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 34 A sudden enlightenment

Mrs. Wu took a look and quickly added water to the pot to prepare the dumplings.

"Uncle, please sit down and have a rest first. The dumplings will be ready later."

She made two large pots of noodles, made a lot of dumplings, and used all the shepherd's purse she picked yesterday, just to prepare to entertain the clan leader and the others.

The patriarch and a dozen villagers did not refuse, sitting on benches and waiting, and some even sat on the ground at the base of the wall.

Sister-in-law Qian helped cut the bracken and spring onions, made them into side dishes, and brought them to the table first.

I heard the patriarch say to Song Sanshun: "The Zhao Lu father and his son were beaten up by us. We wanted to take some food from his family to compensate you for the medicine, but your father just took over the matter and said he would pay." for you."

Song Sanshun was silent.

The clan leader sighed and patted Song Sanshun on the shoulder: "Don't worry, Sanshun, my uncle will definitely help you get the medicine money this time."

"Thank you, uncle." Song Sanshun bowed deeply to the clan leader.

Soon the dumplings came out of the pot. Mrs. Wu filled a large bowl and gave it to the clan leader first. Then she put the remaining dumplings in two yellow basins and invited everyone to eat.

There was no way, there weren't that many bowls at home, and there weren't even enough chopsticks. In the end, Song Laoliu took the chopsticks from home and shared them with everyone.

A large group of people were eating dumplings when Song Baqi and Mrs. Zhao walked in.

The patriarch ignored Song Baqi and continued to eat dumplings.

Song Sanshun stood up but said nothing.

Song Baqi glanced at the devouring villagers, then his eyes fell on his son: "Sanshun, follow me into the house. I have something to tell you."

Song Sanshun said calmly: "Dad, if you have anything to say, just say it here, I'm listening." He wanted to hear what his biological father would say to him.

Song Baqi stared at his son coldly for a moment and said, "It is indeed the stepfather's fault today, but his face is also broken. You two brothers can be considered even."

"How can we make it even?" Song Sanshun looked at his biological father, and then glanced at his stepmother behind him who had a spiteful look on his face.

Song Baqi coughed: "You two are still brothers no matter what, and some of the fights were just misunderstandings between brothers. Now that you have learned a lesson, I hope you can put aside your past feud and get along well in the future."

"Get along well with you?" Song Sanshun smiled sadly: "Dad, when did I not get along well with you?"

Song Baqi's anger welled up. He glanced at the patriarch who had been listening with his peripheral vision, but he did not dare to step forward and slap his son on the mouth.

"Sanshun, how can a family of brothers and sisters not fight each other? I also fought with your dead uncle when I was a child. Could it be that we have become enemies?"

Song Baqi decided to teach this unfilial son sincerely, "Today you go shake hands with your stepfather and make peace. We will still be a good family in the future. Don't listen to the nonsense of outsiders and alienate your brothers. As the old saying goes, if brothers work together, other brothers will be separated. Li Duan Jin, if you two brothers are harmonious, no outsider will dare to bully you."

Song Sanshun saw that his own father kept talking about him and even asked him to shake hands with Song Jizu and make peace. He couldn't help interrupting him: "Dad, today is not a small fight between brothers. Then Song Jizu is going to beat him to death." I went."

He pointed at his head and showed the bruises and swelling on his body to his father: "Dad, did you see it? If Xiuying hadn't passed by today, I would have died."

Song Baqi looked ugly and shouted: "Aren't you dead? Moreover, the step-grandfather was also injured and almost blinded. What else do you want him to do?"

Mrs. Zhao also said angrily: "That's right! Jizu was just playing around with you, and you instigated the big cat to make his face look like this, almost scratching his eyes. By the way, where is that cat? Kill him immediately!" Such hurtful beasts must not be left at home."

The patriarch couldn't listen any more, so he put down his bowl and said to Song Baqi and his wife, "Shut up!"

He stood up, pointed at Song Baqi and said, "Look at what you said? You didn't even mention why Song Jizu committed the murder against Sanshun, but you repeatedly covered it up for Song Jizu, and even asked Sanshun to go to Song Jizu to shake hands and make peace. Your brain must be muddled by shit!"

Then he pointed at Mrs. Zhao: "You have no skills in educating your children, and you still have the nerve to come here and say that Song Jizu is joking. How about this? I will also hit you with a pole more than ten times, and you are also joking. Do you think it is feasible?"

"That's right! I'm going to get the pole!" Some people didn't think it was a big deal and actually ran to find the pole.

Mrs. Zhao was so frightened that she clung to her husband tightly, "Baqi, let's go."

She originally wanted to come and ask for help, but there were more than twenty people sitting in the courtyard, so she didn't dare to say anything.

But when she thought of the flesh on her son's face, she felt so distressed that she couldn't help but say something.

Seeing that his wife was scared, Song Baqi said, "Go back first."

Mrs. Zhao knew that there was no benefit to her staying, so she hurried out of the yard.

I finally felt relieved when I walked outside the yard and looked around for signs of the big cat.

If it weren't for the dead cat, how could the son suffer? Maybe even the little prostitute will be dealt with at this time.

When the time comes, you can bury yourself in the mountain without anyone noticing.

If an official came to ask, as long as he said that the couple took the little bastard to make a living in another place, who could say anything?

What's good now is that if you make one wrong move, you will lose everything, and you have to make plans again.

snort! Let them be proud for a while, no matter how much they jump around, they won't be able to survive this year.

The old woman looked around but couldn't find the big cat, so she had to turn around and go home.

After she left, Huahua jumped down from the pigsty and walked slowly towards the yard.

In the yard, the patriarch patted the table and said to Song Baqi: "How did you promise me in the Zhao family? You will pay for Sanshun's medicine, and now you say that the two will offset each other? Song Baqi, I didn't see it, but you actually paid for it." Is he a duplicitous person who would even cheat his own son?"

Song Baqi said with a gloomy face: "Jizu is also seriously injured. If I give money to Sanshun, what will Jizu think?"

The patriarch laughed angrily at his absurd reasoning, and just as he was about to say something, Song Sanshun suddenly clasped his fist at him: "Uncle, since my father is unwilling to pay for the medicine, I will never do anything there again. Our family will be reunited from now on." Cross the bridge and return home, each living his or her own life.”

It just so happened that he was not ready to let Song Jizu go. If his father really gave him the money for the medicine, it would be difficult for him to do anything.

That's fine, no matter what I do in the future, I won't feel any guilt at all.

Song Baqi glanced at his son with cold eyes: "You traitor! Do you want to break off the relationship with your father?"

"I don't dare." Song Sanshun lowered his eyebrows and said.

The patriarch didn't understand what Sanshun meant. He just thought that he had given in to his father. He hated iron and said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Can a biological son return home with his father? If outsiders find out, they may not be able to criticize Sanshun and his wife.

Song Sanshun said sincerely: "I know it's wrong to say this, but my father is devoted to Song Jizu and treats him as his own. He is also dispensable to my son. In this case, we can only live our own lives. I hope Song Jizu's family Don’t mess with me, or I’ll hit you every time you see me.”

Although he is not as tall as Song Jizu, he is much stronger than Song Jizu. Otherwise, he would not have escaped from the three people of the Zhao family.

Song Baqi narrowed his eyes and said angrily: "How dare you!" (End of Chapter)

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