Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 36 There is a voice in my head

"I didn't do anything, I just wanted to exchange it to buy a piece of land." Since she and Song Jizu separated, Mrs. Zhao began to ask people to buy fertile land.

In this case, he might as well set up a situation to make Mrs. Zhao and her son bankrupt.

"Then, then you can take it." Mrs. Wu was a little reluctant to part with it, but her husband wanted to do business and she couldn't stop him.

It's just that Xiao Changan found that thing. What should I give her back?

Song Sanshun knew what his wife was worried about and said softly: "I will prepare a dowry for Chang'an, so you don't have to worry."

"I'm not worried." Mrs. Wu knew that her husband was cautious and would not be deceived by others, but she was always worried, fearing that her new home would find out about her gold.

If they knew how many taels of gold they had, they would probably do something wrong.

The next day, Chang'an was awakened by the sound of digging. When he got up and took a look, he saw his uncle with a cloth wrapped around his head digging something in the corner with his aunt.

Then the uncle dug a broken pottery bowl out of the soil, peeled something out, looked at it, wrapped it again, put it in his arms and went out.

The aunt sent him out and whispered a few words, but Chang An didn't hear clearly.

Scratching his hair, which was as messy as a henhouse, Chang An put on his clothes and pants, slid off the kang and went to the latrine.

She knew that her aunt was going to take her to dig wild vegetables today, so she put the ear protection hat on her head.

She ran to the yard to find a willow branch, bit it a few times, and lightly rubbed her teeth with the fibers of the branch. Her aunt had already called her over to wash her face.

Wu used a cloth to wash Chang'an's little face and hands carefully, and used a red string to tie a small knot for her. She took care of her little red cotton-padded jacket and said with a smile: "Our Chang'an is getting more and more hydrated. Look at this little mouth." The child has meat too."

Changan touched his face and nodded.

I have been eating very full these past few days, and I feel like I have indeed gained weight.

"Come on, hurry up and eat the chicken noodle soup that Auntie made this morning." Mrs. Wu took out a bowl of noodles from the pot and put it on the table: "After that, let's go pick the shepherd's purse."

"Yes." Chang An sat on the bench and looked up at his aunt: "Aunt, aunt eats too."

"Auntie ate with your third uncle before, and I left this bowl for you." After saying this, Wu went to prepare the basket and sickle.

Changan picked up the chopsticks to eat the noodles and found that there was yellow egg yolk in the noodles. He couldn't help but be surprised.

She didn’t have chickens at home, so where did she get the eggs?

Huahua lazily walked over and meowed at her.

Chang An immediately picked up two noodles and placed them on the ground, "Eat, eat."

Huahua lowered her head to eat noodles, biting left and right with her pointed teeth, which was very interesting.

Chang An watched Hua Hua bite the noodles while eating, laughing non-stop.

At this time, Goudan ran in. Seeing that Changan was still eating, he urged: "Hurry up, I'm waiting for you."

Chang An agreed and quickly took the noodles into his mouth.

After finishing the noodles and soup, Chang An ran to get his own shovel.

Don't forget this time, she has to shovel a lot of shepherd's purse back.

After taking everything with him, Chang An stood outside the yard and waited for his aunt to lock the door. Then he quickly ran towards Goudan and Sister Qiaoer, with Huahua following closely behind.

So, the two women left the village with three children and one cat, carrying baskets on their backs.

The weather is exceptionally sunny today, the blue sky is cloudless, the sun is shining warmly on the earth, and the wild cherry and apricot flowers on the roadside are also blooming, bringing a touch of color to the withered yellow wilderness.

Chang'an was so excited that he ran very fast with his short legs. From time to time, he would pick a small wild flower by the roadside and hold it in his hands.

Suddenly, a voice came out of her mind: [Diandimei, also known as throat grass and copper money grass, tastes pungent, bitter, and cold. Efficacy: Clear away heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and relieve pain. It can be used for red eyes caused by wind and fire, injuries caused by falls, and sore throat. Combined with mulberry leaf and chrysanthemum, it can treat wind-fire red eyes. Combined with Angelica, Sichuan Qiong, Five Herbs and other herbs, it can treat injuries caused by falls.】

Chang'an was stunned, looked around, and then looked back at his aunt and the others.

Auntie and Aunt Qian chatted while walking, but did not speak to herself.

"Chang'an, what are you doing?" Goudan ran over, holding a small yellow flower in his hand.

Chang'an raised the small white flower in his hand and asked carefully: "What, what is this?"

Goudan stretched his neck to take a look and said, "This is throat grass. My throat was swollen before, so my mother picked this decoction and gave it to me to drink."

Changan frowned and threw away the flower in his hand.

Who is talking in my head?

The voice didn't sound like it belonged to my little cousin, let alone Brother Goudan and Sister Qiaoer. Could it be that I could hear the inner thoughts of another person?

But where is that person?

Chang'an was worried and ran faster.

At this time, Auntie Qian and Aunt Qian were already looking for shepherd's purse at the edge of the wheat field, and Sister Qiaoer was squatting on the ground shoveling something.

Only Brother Goudan was still following him, running blindly on the field ridge.

Chang'an saw another dandelion, its golden flowers swaying in the wind.

This is also an edible wild vegetable, but the taste is a bit bitter and not as delicious as shepherd's purse.

Chang'an squatted down and shoveled it down with a small shovel. Suddenly, the voice in his head appeared again:

[Dandelion, also known as Huang Hua Di Ding, Po Po Ding, has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and dissipating stagnation, diuresis and treating stranguria, specializing in treating carbuncle, treating toxins, benefiting the bladder, and housewife's breast cancer]

Now I finally heard it. Why does this sound sound a bit like a little goldfish?

Chang'an shrank his neck, looked around, and asked Goudan squatting next to him: "Did you hear the sound?"

Goudan blinked and shook his head: "What is the sound?"

"Just... the sound of someone talking?" Changan didn't notice, and he didn't seem to stutter much anymore.

Goudan looked around, then looked at Chang'an: "You are the one talking."


She ran to her aunt holding the dandelion and threw it into the basket.

Changan picked at his ears, wondering why the little goldfish was saying some unintelligible words in his head.

Does it still want to teach itself about wild flowers and weeds?

Chang'an thought for a while, walked to a weed that he didn't know the name of, stretched out his hand and pulled it.

Sure enough, that voice appeared in my mind again:

[Boss grass, also known as golden grass, the rhizome is used as medicine, clearing away heat and detoxification, diuresis, cooling blood and dispersing blood stasis. It is mainly used to treat fever due to summer heat, infantile convulsions, jaundice, dysentery, sores, swelling and pain, urticaria, bruises, etc. Inhibit Japanese encephalitis virus.】

Chang'an showed the grass in his hand to his aunt: "Aunt, what is this?"

Wu took one look at it and said, "This is goosegrass."

"Can it, can it cure diseases?" Chang'an asked.

Wu smiled: "I don't know this either."

There is a person in their village who knows the art of Qihuang, but no one has seen him use this kind of cowgrass to treat anyone's illness.

Changan frowned.

Sure enough, it was not an auditory hallucination. The little goldfish was really teaching her about various types of weeds in her head.

Will Little Goldfish have to take these tests in the future?

Thinking of the feeling of being slapped on the buttocks by a ruler in his dream, Changan immediately cheered up and took the shovel to shovel all kinds of flowers and plants.

As a result, her mind was filled with various names and uses.

Like purple flowers, plantain, commelder, weeping potgrass, perilla, malantou, sage, toadstool, thistle, wolfberry and so on.

The leaves of plantain and Malantou wolfberry can be eaten. If you can't find shepherd's purse, these wild vegetables and young leaves can be picked back and made into dishes.

It's just that Chang'an didn't know that the wild vegetables he often eats can also cure diseases.

And that perilla, also called chicken dung grass, not only can harmonize the spleen and stomach, but also tastes very delicious. Every time my aunt cooks fish or snails, she will put some in it to get rid of the fishy smell.

Soup made with perilla leaves is also delicious. Changan likes to eat perilla soup the most, it is as delicious as meat.

Soon, the baskets everyone brought were filled with various wild vegetables, and the voice in Xiao Changan's head finally stopped broadcasting.

She felt dizzy and followed her aunt home. When passing by a small forest, her aunt and Mrs. Qian came to a toon tree.

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