Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 41 Shaping Guanyin

The vendor lowered his head and saw that it was the little doll from before. He smiled and said, "Didn't you give me all your beads? What? There's more?"

Chang'an nodded repeatedly and pulled him to Aunt Qian's backpack: "There's more."

When Qian saw the hawker brought in from Chang'an, she immediately became energetic. She opened the lid of the basket and said, "The beads in my house are carefully selected from thousands of people. They are so beautiful."

The hawker glanced at Qian, then at Chang'an, and finally nodded: "Okay, I'll take it all in four cents."

He also redeemed the bead strings from this little doll's family at the last temple fair, and his business was very prosperous.

This time he exchanged some from others first. As a result, the temple fair almost broke up and only one bunch was sold.

Alas, it's hard to say that he doesn't believe in evil, so he went to the little doll's stall and exchanged the beads for them. Not long after, he sold ten of them himself.

It seems that there are really little babies in the world who are destined to be rich. Whoever gets rich will be rich. Next time, I will be the first to redeem her family's bead string.

The vendor handed the money to Qian and turned to Chang'an and asked, "Little baby, will you come to your next temple fair?"

Changan looked at his aunt.

Wu said: "Come here, there are still a lot of wood soapberries at home."

"Well, you arrive early and you're still at the same place. I want all your Buddhist strings, but they can't be defective and they have to be the same as today." The vendor packed up the strings and held the basket in his hand.

Song Sanshun: "Of course, we all pick the good ones, and we can't get rid of the bad ones."

"That's okay." The hawker nodded, touched Chang'an's little head, and left.

Sister-in-law Qian was very happy when she saw that all her beads had been redeemed. She immediately bought five malt candies and stuffed them into Chang'an's hand: "Thank you to Chang'an for today, otherwise I would have to carry all the beads back."

Tiring is a small thing, embarrassing is a big thing.

This was good, her confidence in the money-making ability of the woodcress was restored.

Several people happily walked back with their empty baskets on their backs. On the way, they encountered a manned ox cart, which cost 2 cents per person, so they paid another 2 cents to get on it.

The ox cart only went to Caoji in Taiping Township and not to Songjia Village. Several people got off the cart when it reached the fork in the road and walked back to the village.

By the time we arrived at the village, it was almost dark.

Pushing open the door, Mrs. Wu put down her backpack, rolled up her sleeves, and started cooking.

Song Sanshun lit the oil lamp and counted the money.

This time I brought fifty bead strings and earned a total of more than 300 cash. Excluding the nearly 100 cash I spent, I still had more than 200 cash.

According to the usual calculation of one stone of brown rice, the money his family earned today can buy two buckets of rice, which can last for several days.

Song Sanshun put away the copper coins and began to think about it when he saw two large baskets of soapberry pulp.

Do you want to buy some lard to make oil soap?

Chang'an also ran over and stared at the pulp of the soapberries with his uncle.

I touched some beautiful pieces of flower soap at the temple fair, and the little goldfish gave me instructions on how to make them.

There are honey locusts, soapberries, lard, flower and plant pigments and plant ash water.

She also wants to make flower soap from the wood soap at home, and a small piece can be sold for five cents.

How much flower soap can be made with so many soapberries?

The two uncles and nephews looked at each other for a while, then looked at each other again.

"Chang'an also wants to use this to make oil soap, right?" Today I was walking around the market with my little niece in my arms. Her little niece couldn't put it down after touching the oil soap.

Chang'an nodded: "Hua, Hua Zao."

"Okay, uncle will go to the market tomorrow to buy lard, and we will make flower soap." Even if we don't make flower soap, the lard can still be eaten, so it won't be wasted.

At night, Chang'an dreamed of the little goldfish again, and told it what he had seen today: "There are a lot of delicious food at the temple fair, and there are clay dolls. I want to make a good-looking Guanyin statue, and I will take it to the next temple fair and sell it for money." "

The little goldfish patted its tail and said softly: "I will give you a Guanyin picture album. Please take a closer look."

With a wave of his hand, a picture album appeared in front of Chang'an.

When the pages of the book are turned, various portraits of Guanyin are vividly displayed in front of you.

Chang'an stared blankly, turning page after page. Each Guanyin image was different, and the clothes were so gorgeous that people were amazed.

"Okay, read slowly later, you first need to recognize the characters." The little goldfish waved his hand, and the book disappeared, replaced by a thousand-character text.

Changan scratched his head and had to follow the little goldfish to read.

After she learned the five words, the little goldfish sank to the bottom of the water.

Chang'an also took a breath and fell asleep on the ground.

In the spring of March, every household in the village starts to get busy.

Plowing the fields, sowing seeds, fertilizing, planting trees, the fields are full of farmers.

Chang'an is also busy, she is busy sculpting the Guanyin statue.

In the past, her kneading was always unsatisfactory, but later she repeatedly read the picture album given to her by the little goldfish, which detailed how to make clay figurines, how to make their clothes softer and more elegant, and their faces more real and beautiful.

Chang'an understood it at first sight, and within a few days he made a small statue of Guanyin less than one foot tall.

After completing the last process, he put it on the bench and saw the little Guanyin in a long dress with wide sleeves and a loose belt. She held her lotus fingers, her face was soft and kind, and her half-drooped eyelids were filled with compassion for all living beings.

Wu and her husband were shocked when they saw such a beautiful Guanyin statue.

"Chang'an, did you really do this?" Wu couldn't believe it.

How old is the little doll? It didn’t matter who she had learned how to make Guanyin from, but her skills were so good.

Changan nodded.

It was originally made by her. She worked hard for two days to finish it. And after she made a perfect Guanyin statue, the little seedling in the palm of her hand actually grew a leaf automatically. The original five leaves now became six.

Song Sanshun carefully held the Guanyin statue and said, "Let's put it in the shrine."

This kind of thing cannot be left on the ground. If it is accidentally kicked by some monkey, it will be a sin.

"Yes, dig the niche at home a little higher. I can't fit it in." Mrs. Wu said quickly.

So, the couple placed the first Guanyin statue made in Chang'an in the shrine at home.

Originally this shrine was used by the old Zhao family to worship the God of Wealth, but she later moved it away and no longer used it. Now it was just right to put the Guanyin statue of Xiao Chang'an in it.

Chang'an was also very happy when he saw that the Guanyin statue he had made was put into the wall. He squatted on the ground and started to make the next one.

At this moment, Song Laoliu ran in.

"Sanshun! Come and have a look, it's such a strange thing!" He dragged Song Sanshun out with excitement on his face.

Song Sanshun looked confused: "What's the matter?"

"Hey, you'll find out if you go and take a look." Song Laoliu said with a teasing look, "What a show."

Chang'an was curious and followed him out with his aunt.

At this time, many people gathered in front of Song Baqi's house.

Mrs. Zhao was sitting on the ground, slapping her legs and crying, and next to her squatted a dejected Song Jizu.

"Oh my God, please accept those unscrupulous people." Old Zhao cried and patted her chest: "What evil have I done? You want to do this to me?"

The old woman was crying and suddenly saw Song Sanshun behind the crowd, and immediately got up and rushed over.

He grabbed Song Sanshun by the collar and cursed fiercely: "You are a murderer! Tell me! Did you harm our family?" (End of Chapter)

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