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Chapter 43 Falling into the water

Chang'an subconsciously dodged to the side so that he could slip into the water.

Just with a plop, the little cousin fell.

The water here is not deep, but it is enough for a three or four-year-old child to be unable to climb up.

Chang'an stared blankly at the little cousin splashing in the water, her screams filling his mind:

【Ah ah ah ah! damn it! Why did I fall? Help! I don't want to die! I don’t want to die.]

Chang'an's head hurt from the noise. He couldn't help but pick his ears and ran ashore quickly.

At this time, people watching the excitement by the pond also saw the situation and rushed over to save people.

When Song Xiyue was carried ashore, her whole body was wilted.

After being held in the water, I slowly woke up.

While coughing, she looked around for Chang An, and when she saw her standing with Goudan looking at her, Song Xiyue burst into tears, pointed at Chang An and shouted: "She is the one who harmed me! She is a devil and wants to kill me." Me! Wow wow wow wow.”

"You fart!" Goudan shouted angrily at her, "You wanted to push Chang An, but you fell into the water. I saw it."

He ran over with Chang An, but before he could get down, he saw Song Xiyue walking behind Chang An like a ghost, and suddenly pushed forward.

He was frightened at the time, but he was relieved when he saw Chang An ducking away.

"You guys are in the same group! Of course I helped her! She was the one who pushed me into the water." Song Xiyue relied on her eloquence to insist that it was Chang An who harmed her, and even that little brat couldn't argue with her.

Suddenly, Chang An spoke: "You pushed me, but I dodged you, and you fell in."

At this time, everyone was surprised.

Song Sanshun picked up his little niece and said in surprise: "Chang'an, don't you stutter?"

Changan blinked and nodded slightly.

Since Xiao Miaomiao grew her sixth leaf, her mind has become much clearer, she seems to understand many things, and her memory feels better.

If she is asked to read again, she will definitely learn five words quickly.

Song Xiyue choked and looked at Chang'an with disbelief.

At this time, the little cousin's voice came from Chang'an's head again: "What's going on?" Why does she speak so eloquently? In her previous life, she still stuttered when she was a teenager. Could it be that she was also reborn? 】

【impossible! If she was reborn, why would she still play in the mud like a little fool? 】

Chang'an stared at his little cousin, knowing that he couldn't say anything that could hear what she was thinking.

Even uncles and aunts can't tell, what if they think of me as a little monster?

However, you can tell the little goldfish at night and ask it what the previous life was? What is rebirth?

Not long after, both the young Zhao family and the old Zhao family ran over, hugging Song Xiyue in their arms with a cry, and cursed Chang'an with a look of resentment: "You loser! You actually harmed my Xiyue?"

Someone said: "Don't scold me nonsense. Your Xiyue fell into the water by herself. We saw it with our own eyes. What does it have to do with others?"

A few people did see Xiao Changan go there first, but Song Xiyue followed him sneakily, and ended up falling into the water for some reason.

But it was definitely not recommended by Chang'an. That child was timid and cowardly, how could he harm others?

Moreover, everyone in the village knew that Song Xiyue had liked to bully other children since she was a child, because she was one year older and taller than Chang An.

Some people couldn't stand it and said it a few times, but Mrs. Zhao always said it was just a kid playing around and it was no big deal.

"You are all in the same group! You are all bullying me!" Song Xiyue cried even more sadly.

Chang'an heard the little cousin's voice again: "They all deserve to die!" A severe drought is about to begin, so let them all starve to death! It's best to die! 】

Severe drought? Chang'an was puzzled and decided to write down all these words and ask the little goldfish about them.

After returning home, Chang'an squatted and watched his uncle pick snail meat.

These snails are very big and have a lot of meat. One of them can pick out a big ball.

After picking the snails, Song Sanshun took his little niece to the vegetable patch behind the house to pick perilla leaves.

Now the perilla has grown very tall, and the leaves are also much thicker. Chang'an picked a lot of them, and the small rice basket was quickly filled.

Chang'an has learned from the little goldfish that perilla has many benefits, including antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as lowering blood lipids, anti-oxidation and liver protection, so she has been eating so much recently that even the color of her poop has turned red.

Although he didn't understand what lowering blood lipids and anti-oxidation meant, Changan understood that they were all diseases, and eating perilla would relieve them.

However, Little Goldfish also said that people with symptoms of qi deficiency and strong stomach fire should not eat too much to prevent it from being counterproductive.

At noon, Changan had a sumptuous lunch.

The rice cooked with rice is very fragrant, and even though there are a few grains of rice in it, it does not affect its delicious taste.

Auntie also fried a plate of perilla and a plate of wild onions and snails.

The meat of the big snails was too chewy and Chang'an couldn't chew it. Finally, the aunt cut the snail meat into thin slices and put it in Chang'an's bowl.

Song Sanshun pulled the rice and whispered to his wife: "It hasn't rained so far, and the water in the pond is almost dry. If this continues, the crops in our fields will not grow."

"Yes, if it doesn't rain, we won't have anywhere to wash our clothes." Water from the draft well is not allowed to be used for laundry, and if others see it, they will be scolded to death.

Mrs. Wu gave her husband a piece of snail meat: "Yesterday, I saw people from the next village going to our well to fetch water. They said they didn't have enough water there."

Song Sanshun frowned: "What month is it now? Is there not enough well water?" In previous years, this would only happen in summer. If you were late in fetching water, the well water would bottom out.

"No, there is no water in the small ditch next to the vegetable field. They water the vegetable seedlings and pick them from the pond. The pond dries up quickly."

Wu sighed: "Don't let another drought happen like ten years ago. How many people will starve to death by then."

When Changan heard this, the snails in his mouth suddenly no longer smelled good.

She suddenly remembered what her little cousin said, and asked quickly: "Aunt, what, what is a severe drought?"

"A severe drought means it doesn't rain for a long time, the seedlings don't grow in the fields, there's no water in the rivers, and we can't eat," Song Sansun said.

Chang'an was stunned.

Reminiscing that the water in the pond was indeed gradually decreasing, she immediately said: "Uncle, save, save a lot of food for eating later."

Song Sanshun was startled.

Yes, you have money now, why not buy more food and save it? If the harvest is not good this summer, my family will not go hungry.

But where can I store the grain I bought?

It's definitely not going to work at home. His biological father might come over one day to do some digging. Once the food from the new house is sold, it will all depend on him from now on, especially when Song Jizu was defrauded of a lot of money.

Mrs. Wu was also awakened by her niece's words and said quickly: "Sanshun, why don't we buy more food? Anyway, it will be no problem to save the remaining food for two or three years. At worst, we can eat it slowly."

Song Sanshun nodded.

You really have to buy food, otherwise once the food stock at home is used up and the harvest is bad during the dry season, the little money you have will not be enough.

"I'll go see my father-in-law to discuss things tomorrow," Song Sanshun said.

The only people he can discuss now are his father-in-law and mother-in-law. Fortunately, they are both sensible and not as greedy as Zhao Lu. (End of chapter)

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