Upon seeing this, Wu quickly ran to pick up Chang An.

The group of teenagers rushed to a nearby stall, grabbed an old man and shouted: "I finally caught you! You dare to sell fake medicine to me, don't you want to live anymore?"

The old man was so frightened that he trembled and said, "How dare you sell fake medicines? They are all real medicines. They are all real medicines."

"Hmph! Real medicine? You damn girl cured my lameness, and you still dare to say it's real medicine?" A teenage boy in red said fiercely: "Hurry up and pay me the money! Otherwise, Break one of your legs!"

"The medicine the little old man is selling is really not fake. The dog's legs are frostbitten, which is difficult to cure." The old man was about to cry without tears.

A young man in green clothes yelled at him: "Stop talking nonsense! I asked you to pay for it and pay it immediately!"

The old man cried and asked: "May I ask how you can accompany me, young master?"

"Fifty taels of silver! One less penny to make you look good!" said the young man in red.

"Five, fifty taels?" The little old man rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Dare you pretend to be dead?" The boy in red and the boy in Qingshan kicked the little old man hard several times, but the old man remained motionless.

The boy in red was furious and waved his hand: "Smash it with me!"

So several servants around him came forward and smashed the little old man's medicine stall to pieces.

The young man in red was still upset and ordered someone to search the little old man's body, found out several hundred copper coins, and then walked away.

After they left, everyone was talking about it.

"Whose child is this? So rampant?"

"It seems that he is the eldest grandson of Mr. Xue's family in the county town. He is usually very pampered, and he is a little bully in the county town."

"Hey, why did Old Man Hu offend them? He will suffer a lot in the future."

"That's not so. It is said that the little bully's father works as a bailiff in the county government, and he is also a gangster. Anyone who touches his bad luck will not get good results in the future."

Someone helped the old veterinarian Hu up and sent him to the hospital.

Chang'an was hugged by his aunt and retreated into the distance, but did not see this scene.

However, her eyes met a semi-large dog.

The dog sat paralyzed on the ground and barked at Chang'an several times, seemingly in extreme pain.

The strange thing is that people around it stay away from it, as if this dog is some kind of scourge.

Chang'an looked at this small black and white dog and seemed to see tears flashing in its eyes.

"This is the bully's dog, don't mess with it," someone muttered.

"That's right, it's probably the little bully who threw it here on purpose. He's trying to get into trouble. Let's not be fooled."

Everyone retreated further after hearing this.

Everyone whispered for a while and then returned to their respective stalls to continue buying and selling.

Chang'an and Goudan sat down on the roadside again and continued to display her Guanyin statue.

After a while, two or three ladies carrying baskets came over. When they saw Chang An from a distance, his eyes lit up and he hurried over.

"Oh, I finally found you little baby."

An old lady asked with a smile: "Aren't you wearing a Buddha string today?"

Chang'an nodded and revealed the Guanyin statue in his arms: "I have this."

The aunt quickly took it over and looked at it, "How can I invite you?"

Chang'an stretched out two fingers: "Two hundred."

Without saying anything, the aunt took out two hundred copper coins and gave it to her, then put the Guanyin statue into the basket with a smile.

The other two ladies also asked, "Is there anything else?"

Changan shook his head: "No more."

Then he pointed at the dog egg and said, "There are also Buddha strings."

The two ladies looked at the Buddhist skewers in Goudan's hands and felt a little uninterested.

The previous aunt said: "The little baby's Buddha string is also very effective. Last time I spent a hundred Wen to buy a string for my grandson to wear. A group of children went out to play, and several of them fell into the well, except for me. The eldest grandson survived, but if he hadn't come back to report the news, the children would have been miserable."

Even so, those three children had either broken legs or arms, which was very heartbreaking.

When the other two ladies heard this, they immediately took out a hundred coins each and handed it to Goudan. They each took a bead string and left.

Goudan was confused.

After being stunned for a while, he jumped up happily and showed the two hundred coins to his mother: "Mom! I made money! Haha! As you said, this is all mine."

Mrs. Qian also smiled from ear to ear, nodded quickly and said, "Yes, Mom will keep it for you first, and I will give it to you when I get home."

Goudan had no doubt that he was there and handed the money to his mother.

Qiao'er was a little greedy and said to her mother, "Mom, please give me two skewers, too. I can do the same."

Mrs. Qian put away the money and said casually: "You are a little girl, but you still stay with your mother. There are so many people in the gathering, it is too chaotic."

Qiaoer pouted and sat aside sadly.

Chang'an also handed the two hundred coins to his aunt, and then nestled into her arms.

Seeing that Changan was not sitting aside, Goudan had no choice but to stay with his mother.

Suddenly, Changan saw the bald uncle coming again that day.

I saw him looking around for something, and when he saw Chang'an, he immediately came over with a smile. "Little doll, why don't you sell beads?"

Chang'an pointed to her aunt's backpack and said nothing.

Zhang Tuzi took a look and asked, "How to sell it?"

Just as Wu was about to answer, Chang An said before him: "Fifty Wen a string."

Zhang Tuzi looked at the little doll meaningfully, sat aside and said, "Okay, give me all ten skewers."

Chang'an immediately became energetic after hearing this. He handed all ten strings to him, and then looked at them without blinking. The meaning was obvious.

Zhang Baldzi put the beads on his wrist and said, "When I sell a bunch, I will give you a bunch of money."

Changan twitched his eyes and nodded.

Wu and Qian looked at each other, wondering what this person wanted to do.

But Xiao Changan seemed to be familiar with him, so he stopped talking.

I saw this person patting the ground beside him: "Little baby, come and sit here."

Chang'an sat down as he was told.

Then Zhang Tuzi put the beads around the little doll's neck one by one.

Chang'an looked down at the string of beads in front of her and said, "Sold for one hundred cents, I want eighty cents." She didn't want to be fooled by her bald uncle.

Zhang Baldzi was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Okay, I'll sell you a bunch for 80 cents, and the rest will be mine. How about that?"

Changan blinked and nodded.

"Little doll, where do you live?" Zhang Tuzi asked.


Uncle Bald is very treacherous and she will not tell him the truth.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" The bald man then pulled a piece of grass from the roadside and held it in his mouth.

Chang'an looked around and ignored him.

Zhang Tuzi laughed and said, "The little kid is really rude."

Changan pretended not to understand and turned to look at the dog getting closer and closer to him.

The dog dragged its hind legs and collapsed on the ground, looking at him with wet eyes, so pitiful.

At this time, someone came over and said, "Zhang Baldy, have you come out to cheat again?"

Zhang Baldzi looked at him sideways: "What did you lie to? Last time Aunt Wang bought a string of beads from me, did you save her grandson's life?"

The visitor snorted: "It's just a coincidence."

Zhang Baldzi rolled his eyes, and suddenly said solemnly: "Chen Wu, I see that your hall has turned dark, and you have been in danger of your life recently."

Chen Wu said angrily: "Fuck you! If you want to swindle my money, there's no way!"

Zhang Baldzi shook his head and said enigmatically: "Well, if you don't believe what the old man said, you will suffer a lot. I advise you to buy a Buddha string and press it quickly, otherwise you will regret it too late if something happens."

Chen Wu's face turned green. (End of chapter)

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