Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 5 The bastard thing

Wu and Changan knew nothing about the plans for the new house.

They were taking a shower and washing their hair in the house.

My neighbor's sister-in-law Qian helped me boil hot water and cooked a can of porridge.

The two girls were mud-headed, especially little Changan, whose hair was covered in mud, and it took two basins of water to wash it off.

Mrs. Wu thanked Sister-in-law Qian: "Thank you very much, Sister-in-law. Without your help, Chang'an and I would not be able to sleep peacefully all night."

"Why are you so polite? Who doesn't have a problem? Oh, by the way, lock the door at night and don't leave the house at night." Sister-in-law Qian carried the bath water out and moved some firewood into the house for my mother-in-law. They both burned the kang.

Wu: "I know, the toilet is ready."

"Okay, I'm going back, please be careful." Sister-in-law Qian dusted off the grass blades on her body and walked out the door.

Wu jumped on one foot and sent her out of the door, then closed the latch and locked it with another latch.

Afterwards, he and Chang An sat on the kang and ate porridge. After the meal, they put the bowls and chopsticks into the basket and took them to the pond by the village for cleaning the next morning.

After adding a few handfuls of grass to the kang hole, Wu took Chang An and lay down in the warm quilt, looking at the big light on the kang head and thinking about things.

Today she wanted to meet the person who sent the letter, but she missed it.

It was because he underestimated the viciousness of Mrs. Zhao and her daughter. Who would have expected that an eleven or twelve-year-old girl with such a vicious heart would actually push her from behind.

Fortunately, there wasn't much water in the ditch. Otherwise, wouldn't he and Chang'an be in danger?

Little Chang'an in the quilt was thinking about his aunt's foot. He crawled to the other end of the quilt like a little mouse, hugged the injured foot and blew it on it, then gently touched the medicine-covered ankle with his little hand: "It doesn't hurt! "

The little man puffed up one side of his swollen face and blew air into the injured area.

A ray of light flashed from the palm of his hand, and the left side of his face didn't seem to hurt much anymore.

Chang'an touched his face, huh? Why is there one less bead in the palm of my hand?

Chang'an blinked, looked at his aunt's ankle, gently put his hand on it, and thought to himself: Please heal your aunt's feet quickly.

After reciting it silently twice, the last bead in the palm of my hand flashed and gradually disappeared.

Satisfied, Chang An crawled back from the bed and got into his aunt's arms.

Wu's heart almost melted, she hugged Chang'an tightly and murmured: "How great would it be if you were my biological child?"

She even thought secretly that it would be fine if her second sister-in-law didn't come back to pick up Chang'an.

But how is that possible?

The second sister-in-law keeps bringing money and groceries to the house, isn't it because she can't let go of this girl?

Wu sighed, feeling sad when she thought about being separated from Chang'an sooner or later.

Alas, it would be great if I could have a daughter as lovely as Chang'an.

Wu touched her belly.

For three years, she has never been pregnant.

I wanted to go to the countryside to see the experienced Wen Po, but I and my husband didn't have any money, and my mother-in-law refused to let me go. She also said that she had been pregnant late when she was young, so there was no problem.

Now it seems that the stepmother-in-law does not want to give birth by herself at all.

If the third brother-in-law has no children and there is no news about the second brother-in-law, wouldn’t the entire Song family belong to Song Jizu?

The more Wu thought about it, the more frightened she became.

She used to be confused and couldn't figure out the key, but now being pushed by her sister-in-law made her understand a lot of things.

No matter how much she and her husband did, they would never get anything out of it. It was just free labor for that family.

Therefore, while I and my husband were still young and working hard, we had to live separately from our eldest brother.

It doesn't matter even if you can't get a new tile-roofed house, as long as you have a place to live.

After making up her mind, Wu relaxed both physically and mentally, hugging Chang An and fell asleep unconsciously.

The night was long, and Chang'an began to dream again. Just like before, he came to a pool of water, where golden fish were swimming happily.

She squatted down and went to catch the fish with a smile, but her little hand was slapped away by the golden fish tail.

Chang'an was splashed with water, but she didn't mind and still chased the little goldfish and ran around the pool.

After a while, several small golden fish turned into several cute little people. They had long golden hair and their bodies were emitting golden light. They sat on the rocks in the pool and threw beads at her.

Chang'an seemed to hear a thin and weak voice:

[Little stammer, how come it’s like this? 】

【Who hit you? 】

Changan lowered his head to look at the bruises on his lower arms and legs, and curled his lips aggrievedly, "It was the bad grandmother and bad uncle who beat me."

She did not stutter in her dream, and simply told the little goldfish all her grievances.

"Grandma is so bad! She calls Chang'an a cheap child; my little aunt is also bad, it hurts so much when she pokes Chang'an with a needle; and my little cousin, he always pulls Huahua's hair, so Huahua refuses to go home."

The aunt said that Huahua was a gift from his father to Chang'an. Because he was going far away and could not stay with Chang'an, he hired a cat so that he could grow up with Chang'an.

The aunt also said that my father originally wanted to raise a puppy, but my grandmother refused, saying that raising a dog was a waste of food. Cats are different and can hunt for themselves when they are hungry.

But obviously my little cousin has a dog.

"Chang'an misses daddy." Chang'an burst into tears.

In fact, she no longer remembers what her father looks like, but when she sees her uncle, she feels like she is seeing her father.

Uncle has been out for several days, and Chang'an misses him a little.

If uncle were at home, aunt wouldn't be beaten

The little goldfish listened quietly to what little Chang'an said, and then started to speak one after another: [Little stutter, pick up the beads and eat them, and your injuries will be healed. 】

【Beads will also bring you good luck! 】

[Pick it up quickly, don’t leave any behind]

Chang'an blinked and looked down at the beads rolling by his feet, not daring to take them.

With so many beads, it would be terrible if they all got into the palm of your hand.

【Fool! 】

The little goldfish plopped into the water and dived to the bottom of the pond, ignoring her again.

Chang'an felt wronged, and in order not to be a fool, she decided to pick up the beads.

One, two, three... so many that she couldn't even hold them with one hand.

Chang'an remembered the words of the little goldfish and tried to put a green bead into his mouth, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

It's sweet! It melts in your mouth, so delicious!

Chang'an licked his lips, looked at the blue and green ones on the ground, picked up another blue one and stuffed it into his mouth.

Huh? Why is this one bitter?

Changan wrinkled his little nose and reluctantly swallowed the bitter taste in his mouth.

Sticking out her tongue, she lay down by the water, picked up a handful of water with her little hand and stuffed it into her mouth, which relieved the bitter taste in her mouth.

Suddenly, she saw her reflection in the water, and her face had returned to its original shape.

Xiao Changan touched his face and wanted to get closer and take a closer look, but as soon as he got closer, he could only see the bottom of the water and no reflection.

Helpless, she had no choice but to pick up all the beads on the ground, endure the numbness of her scalp, and watch them slip into her palms one by one.

Gradually, two colors of beads, one blue and one green, gathered in the palm of the hand to form the shape of a small seedling. The blue ones were the branches and the green ones were the leaves.

Chang'an was horrified.

Why is there a tree growing on her palm? What if you grow up and push yourself through it? She didn't want to be a sapling that couldn't walk.

Changan curled his lips and wanted to cry again.

But my aunt said that children who always cry will have chapped faces and will be as unattractive as old tree bark in the future.

She doesn't want to look like Old Bark, so she can't cry anymore.

Chang'an touched his palms, slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After the cock crows twice, the sky becomes slightly brighter.

Wu was about to get off the kang and suddenly found that her ankle was swollen.

She didn't dare to be careless and tried to stand on this foot.

After slowly standing up and walking a few steps, it really didn't hurt at all.

Wu was pleasantly surprised.

The doctor in the village is indeed very capable. Yesterday, he straightened his bones and applied a layer of black ointment. He said he would be fine in ten days.

Little did I know that it would be fine the next day. I would definitely go back and thank him properly.

Wu tucked the sleeping Chang An into a quilt, closed the door, carried the toilet bucket and poured it into the toilet, and then went to the ditch far away to rinse it several times.

The chickens crow in the early morning, and there are already old people carrying dung baskets to collect dung in the village. Through the light mist, their coughs can be vaguely heard.

Mrs. Wu walked back with the toilet bucket. As soon as she entered the house, she was suddenly hugged by someone.

"Brother and sister, are you lonely alone?" Song Jizu's swollen pig-headed face came closer, his mouth almost touching the tip of Wu's nose.

Wu screamed in fright, picked up the toilet bucket and threw it at him.

Song Jizu covered her mouth with one hand, grabbed the toilet bowl with the other, and said: "Why are you pretending to be a chaste and fierce woman? So what if you play with your brother? Your man is not at home anyway, maybe your brother will help him sow a seed, and you will be pregnant tomorrow." .”

Wu was so angry that she hit him with the toilet bucket like crazy, "Go away! Go sow seeds for your mother!"

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