In the evening, Song Sanshun showed Ganoderma lucidum to his wife.

"Chang'an and Goudan found this. Tomorrow, Sixth Brother and I will go to the big drug store in the county to see how much we can sell it for."

Wu was a little surprised: "When I was a kid, I always heard people talk about Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng, but this is the first time I've seen it today."

Song Sanshun chuckled: "I saw it once when I was a kid, but the handle wasn't that long."

He gestured with his hand: "It's half the size of a palm, and it's light green."

"And green Ganoderma lucidum?" Wu was curious.

Song Sanshun nodded: "Yes, but everyone didn't dare to confirm whether it was Ganoderma lucidum, so they took it to the doctor to see. As a result, the doctor said he had never seen it before and did not dare to accept it for fear that it could not be used as medicine."

"This should be used as medicine, right?" Wu touched the purple-red strain, which was as hard as wood.

"This is called Zizhi. I've seen it in a drug store. It should be used as medicine."

Song Sanshun's face was full of joy, and he tucked his little niece into bed next to her and said softly: "Xiuying, do you think Chang'an's luck has been very good recently? And every time she says it, it comes true."

Wu thought for a while and nodded: "I think so too. Last time she suddenly went to my house, and Chonglou's illness was cured."

Her brother had been suffering from this problem for many years. Even the doctor in Tieniu Town said he couldn't cure it and could only take care of it slowly. As a result, his brother has recovered now and her husband said he can still help his parents with some light work.

This time twice and three times, all the good things in the family seemed to be brought by Chang'an. It was difficult for Wu to believe it or not.

Song Sanshun smiled and looked at his niece lovingly.

Today he was wearing the copper coin string given by Chang'an, but the bee really didn't sting him. It was incredible when he thought about it.

Suddenly, he remembered something again: what his stepmother said that time, news about his brother would come in less than April.

It's early April now, and there is no bad news about the brother. It is obvious that the stepmother is talking nonsense and deliberately cursing the brother.

Song Sanshun's face darkened when he thought of his stepmother's family.

Are they hoping that both his brothers will die? That's why he said that.

I hope that Chang'an's good luck can also protect his brother, so that he can be safe and go home as soon as possible.

On the second day, Changan got up early.

Because her aunt said that she could eat stewed pig's trotters for breakfast today, she was drooling while dreaming about reading, which made the little goldfish laugh at her.

However, the leaf in the palm of my hand seems to have grown again, and now there are seven.

Chang'an happily put on her clothes and went to brush her teeth, rinse her mouth and wash her face.

The weather was very warm now, so you could wash your hands and face without hot water. She used the water to water the jujube and persimmon trees.

Both trees have been planted, and they look full of life and have many leaves. They don't look like they were just planted, but they look like they were originally here.

"Chang'an, come and eat." Mrs. Wu brought the stewed pig's trotters to the table, along with a plate of sophora flower pie.

There are two mulberry leaves on the outside of the pie, which have been cooked on the stove and taste delicious.

Chang'an sat down at the table, picked up a piece of sophora flower oil pie, took a bite, and asked: "Why, why do you need to put leaves on it?"

Mr. Wu put two pieces of stewed pig's trotters in a Chang'an bowl. "The leaf cake will be pasted on it so it won't burn."

Chang'an nodded, took a bite of the pancake, and started eating the pig's trotters.

The pig's trotters were stewed so crispy that the bones fell off when picked up and shaken. It was so soft and chewy in the mouth, it was so delicious.

Chang'an ate several pieces in a row, and then half a piece of cake. His belly was bulging, but he still wanted to eat.

Mrs. Wu saw that her little niece ate too much, so she stopped giving it to her.

"Good boy, Chang'an. If you eat too much, you will accumulate food. I'll save these for you to eat later." Wu picked the pig's trotters out of the soybeans and put them in a pottery bowl alone.

"Yeah." Chang An reluctantly looked away, let his aunt wipe his mouth, and ran outside to find Brother Goudan.

As soon as I left the yard, I saw Little Hoe and Goudan coming over.

"Go for a walk." Chang'an said, "We should eat."

The young master spoke, and the apprentice did not refuse, so the three children took the dog and ran to play in the threshing floor outside the village.

The threshing floor is not big, and there are a lot of mulberry growing on the edge. At this time, some milfoil has bloomed with small yellow flowers.

Little Hoe and Goudan picked some flowers, pinched off the flower stems, and pressed them on their foreheads.

Chang'an followed suit and went to pick yellow flowers.

My mind immediately started broadcasting: [Amaranth, also known as green hemp and mopan grass, and its flowers are also called campanula. The whole plant of milfoil can be used as medicine and is harvested in summer. It is often used for dysentery, otitis media, tinnitus and deafness, orchitis, suppurative tonsillitis, mastitis, carbuncle and swelling, etc. In addition, milf seeds can improve eyesight, reduce nebula, and treat the eyes. Symptoms of cloudy secretions blocking vision]

Suddenly, a big black dog ran over and jumped directly towards Bai Huahua.

The white-haired dog that was having fun in the wild hemp bushes was startled, and immediately turned around and ran towards Chang'an.

The big black dog followed closely and bit Bai Huahua, making him howl.

Chang'an was so angry that he picked up a piece of mud from the ground and threw it over: "Don't bite it!"

Dahei suddenly stopped and looked at Chang'an pitifully.

"Bad dog!" Chang'an protected Bai Huahua behind him, pointed at the big black dog with his hands on his hips and said, "Go back!"

The big black dog turned around and ran away with his tail between his legs.

But halfway through, I met the little master Song Chengye.

Song Chengye was followed by Xiao Shuanzi and two boys, who rushed towards him with great force.

"Who told you to hit my dog?" Song Chengye now hates Chang'an very much. When he sees her, he reminds him of the scene when his own father was held down and beaten by his third uncle and several others.

If you can't beat an adult, why can't you beat a kid?

Chang'an puffed up his mouth and looked at Song Chengye with his eyebrows furrowed.

The little cousin is the worst and always likes to bully her.

snort! If he continues to bully others this time, he will ask Xiao Zhuzhu to help.

Goudan and Xiaohoe saw that Song Chengye and the two boys had bad intentions, and immediately protected Xiao Changan behind them.

"If your dog bites our dog, of course you have to smash it!" Goudan said forcefully.

Song Chengye got angry when he heard this, and quietly said to the two children beside him: "Chunshan, little Shuanzi, teach them a lesson, and I will give you eggs to eat later."

Xiao Shuanzi and eight-year-old Chunshan are both from Zuocun. They usually don't deal with the children in Songjia Village. When they heard this, they immediately nodded sharply and rushed up to them without saying a word.

Song Chengye also rushed towards Chang'an, shouting: "You dare to hit my dog? If I don't show you something today, you don't know how many eyes Lord Ma has!"

Changan frowned, patted Brother Goudan and Little Hoe on their arms, and then punched Song Chengye hard.


A small fist hit Song Chengye's stomach.

Song Chengye felt his body fly out involuntarily and fell hard on the threshing floor.

Fortunately, the threshing floor was all muddy and there were no ditches or bumps. Song Chengye fell to the ground and lay on the ground for a long time without getting up.

Song Chengye was stunned for a while, and cried loudly due to the severe pain in his abdomen.

Changan ignored him and rushed directly towards the other two boys.

At this time, Xiao Shuanzi was pinned to the ground by Goudan. He tried to turn over several times but could not get up. In the end, he could only cry: "I surrender!" (End of Chapter)

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