Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 68 The house burned down

Wu became anxious upon hearing this and immediately got up and ran back.

Chang'an was stunned for a while, and then ran out of the bamboo forest.

Before I even reached the door of my house, I saw thick smoke billowing from my kitchen.

Many villagers wanted to go in to put out the fire, but Song Baqi blocked the courtyard door.

I heard him shouting in the yard: "This old house belongs to me. I can burn it down if I want. That traitor's family must move out quickly for me, or I will burn down the three main rooms as well!"

Song Sanshun stood outside the door and listened to his father's words, feeling sad in his heart.

Just now, his own father suddenly knocked on the door and said that he wanted to talk to him about something. Song Sanshun walked out of the yard without doubting that he was there.

As a result, his own father asked him to move out. He also said that this old house was the ancestral home and could only be left to the eldest son.

Of course Song Sanshun didn't want to, and they started arguing. Suddenly Song Baqi rushed into the yard, closed the door behind him, and threatened to burn down the house if Song Sanshun didn't move.

Song Sanshun was furious and immediately retorted: "You can burn it if you want!"

As a result, Song Baqi really set the house on fire.

"Song Baqi! Are you crazy? Do you know that arson is a serious crime? Do you want to go to jail?" The clan leader also rushed over. Seeing Song Baqi being such a bastard, his beard stood up in anger.

Song Baqi sneered in the yard: "If I burn down my own house, what's the big crime?"

"Okay, since you are stubborn, the Song family doesn't dare to keep this giant Buddha of yours, so hurry up and leave the clan! Don't bring trouble to the clan!"

"If you leave the clan, leave the clan!" Song Baqi said disdainfully.

My granddaughter said that many people will die in the future drought. Even the clan leader's family has moved away, and there are not many people left in the whole village.

What clans will there be then? Everyone fled.

The clan leader angrily turned around and called the clan elders to open an ancestral hall to ask for the family tree. He wanted to erase Song Baqi from the clan genealogy.

At this time, Song Laoliu and other villagers had already moved ladders, climbed up the high wall and climbed in. They pushed aside Song Baqi who was blocking him and opened the courtyard door.

People brought basins of water from home to put out the fire, but the weather was dry and the fire spread directly to the three main rooms next to the stove. How many basins of water could put it out?

Song Sanshun had already rushed into the main house, and with the help of the villagers, he rescued all the food, clothing, bedding and other items from the house. Even the farm tools, baskets, ropes, benches, and tables were all moved out.

Finally, Song Sanshun rushed into the house to check again, took out the Guanyin statue made by his niece from the wall, and put it in his arms.

After all the items in the three rooms were moved out, the fire burned through the roof.

The whole village looked at the raging fire and sighed in their hearts. At the same time, they all looked at Song Baqi with disdain.

Song Sanshun was really unlucky for eight lifetimes to have such a biological father.

Song Baqi was a little panicked when he saw the fire spreading to the main room, but thought of his wife's words and calmed down immediately.

As long as he has that well, he will not be afraid that these villagers will not bow to him in the future.

"Uncle Baqi, come with us to the ancestral hall." Song Laoliu and two villagers fought Song Baqi together and quickly walked to the ancestral hall.

Song Sanshun and his wife followed Chang An with their arms in their arms.

Chang'an was lying on his aunt's shoulder and saw the fire on Lao Gao's hut. He was extremely frightened and prayed that it would stop burning quickly.

What if a fire burns down the vegetable garden behind the house? In that case, I would have nothing to eat.

But the fire was merciless and soon destroyed the hut.

Chang'an pursed his lips and wanted to cry. He turned around and saw his aunt crying. He quickly wiped her away and said, "Aunt, aunt, don't cry. Chang'an will build you a big house in the future."

Wu wiped away her tears with her sleeves and hummed in a low voice.

A group of people came to the ancestral hall and saw the clan leader and several clan elders sitting on both sides of the incense table in the ancestral hall, looking at Song Baqi with a serious face.

"Song Baqi! Kneel down!" the clan leader shouted.

Song Baqi didn't hesitate and knelt down directly.

He knew that what he did today was a bit excessive, but for the sake of a better life in the future, he had no regrets.

The son was distantly related. Since he decided to live with the eldest son and let his step-grandfather take care of him in old age, he had to give up the interests of his other two sons.

The patriarch looked coldly at Song Baqi, who was kneeling silently, and said: "Song Baqi, you ignore human relations and treat your son and family harshly. Now you burn down the house just to force your son's family to leave so you can occupy the well. There are elders like you in the world. ?"

Song Baqi frowned and argued: "Brother, I burned the house because Sanshun was disobedient and unfilial. This is all my family matter, I will take care of it myself."

The patriarch sneered: "Song Baqi, Song Baqi, you are almost at the age when you know your destiny, why do you speak and act so absurdly? Chickens and dogs can protect their young, how can you be worse than them?"

Song Baqi lowered his face and said nothing.

The clan leader continued: "Although our Song family is not a clan of Dingshi, we cannot allow people like you to ruin the reputation of the family. Today, the clan elders and all the villagers are here, and the clan has decided to expel you from the clan to prevent outsiders from thinking that I The people of the Song clan are as ignorant of right and wrong as you are. As for your arson, I will truthfully report it to the inspection department and let him determine whether you have committed a crime."

Song Baqi became anxious when he heard this: "I just burned down my own house, what's the crime?"

"Humph, it's not you or me who has the final say on guilt or innocence." A clan elder said.

Afterwards, several people burned incense and prayed. After explaining the reason to their ancestors, they asked the family tree to be published. The clan leader personally wrote and erased Song Baqi's name from the family tree.

In addition, the names of Song Erxiao and Song Sanshun were re-transcribed, directly added to his grandfather's name, and annotated.

Song Baqi watched helplessly as the clan leader and elders removed his name. He suddenly felt fear and couldn't help but burst into tears.

Was he wrong? He is right!

It was Sanshun, an unfilial son, who forced him into a dead end.

Song Baqi wiped away his tears and looked at his third son fiercely: "Now that I have been exterminated, are you satisfied? Treason! What will happen to your family if I lose the clan? Why don't you die?"

Song Sanshun ignored him, kowtowed several times to the ancestral tablet, and said: "Song Sanshun, the unfilial grandson, asks my ancestors to allow me to sever the father-son relationship with my biological father, Song Baqi. I am willing to shorten my life by twenty years."

After that, he kowtowed several times.

Song Baqi's hands trembled in anger, "Okay! Okay! It's a good idea to sever the father-son relationship with your father! In that case, you and your wife will move out of the old house today! You are not allowed to take another step in the future! From now on, we will never have any friendship!"

Song Sanshun didn't even look at his biological father, but looked straight at the clan leader and elders: "Uncle, please bear witness to this matter."

The clan leader pondered for a moment and asked several clan elders in a low voice.

Several clan elders argued quietly for a few words, and finally agreed.

Now Song Sanshun's house was burned down by his biological father, and last time he was almost killed by his biological father and his stepbrother. With each incident happening one after another, the relationship between father and son has long since disappeared.

Moreover, Song Baqi went too far, even if he accepted a foreign bastard as his eldest son, he still suppressed his own son in every way, which was very confusing to people. The clan elders had long been dissatisfied with him.

"To sever the blood relationship between you and your son, you must sign a severance document."

An elder of the tribe stroked his beard and said: "The documents must be sent to the Yamen for filing, and the kinship affiliations in the household registration should be changed. Sanshun, once you propose to break off the relationship, you may have to face dozens of slaps."

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