Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 70 The well is no longer producing water

In the evening, Song Sanshun saw that all the villagers had left, and he and his wife came to the well.

He tugged on the rope and said, "Slowly let me down, and I'll come up with something."

"What to take?" Wu was puzzled.

"You will know when you bring it up." Song Sanshun tied one end of the rope around his waist and asked his wife to turn the windlass to release the rope.

He descended to the shrine, took down the statue of the Dragon King made by his niece, put it in his arms, and then asked his wife to shake him up.

Climb up to the well platform and take another look inside the well.

At this time, there was already a lot of water inside, and I didn't know if my guess was correct.

"What did you take?" Wu asked again.

Song Sanshun took out the Dragon King statue from his arms: "This."

Wu was speechless, but she didn't say anything. She and her husband looked at the vegetable garden, feeling extremely reluctant to leave.

This was all dug out by me through hard work. My husband also picked a lot of it from the river and mixed it with the soil to cultivate the fields. As a result, the family was disadvantaged.

"It's okay, we will open a vegetable garden later." Song Sanshun comforted his wife.

Mrs. Wu wiped her eyes: "When we move, we will move all the vegetables here."

"Yes." Song Sanshun looked around and said, "The jujube and persimmon trees have also been removed. Don't leave anything behind."

Wu glanced at the two fruit trees and sighed: "There are a lot of fruits on them. I wonder if they can survive if they are moved at this time."

Song Sanshun was speechless.

Even if he can't survive, he must be removed. Anyway, he can't give it to his stepmother and his family easily.

When I returned to the front yard, I saw little Changan playing with Huahua and Bai Huahua on a cat rope.

Goudan asked her if she was going to the temple fair.

"I'll go when uncle and auntie go." Chang An squeezed Huahua's soft fleshy pads and felt it was fun.

Goudan turned to look at Song Sanshun: "Uncle Third, are you and Aunt Three going to the temple fair?"

Song Sanshun shook his head: "We are not free at the moment. We can go after the third uncle's house is built."

His things are all stored in the yard, and someone needs to keep an eye on them.

Wu suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month is Chang'an's birthday. We have to cook a bowl of longevity noodles."

Song Sanshun also remembered and patted his forehead: "Isn't it today?"

He bent down and picked up his little niece, and said apologetically: "Uncle went to the county town and forgot about this. If I had known better, I would have brought some delicious food back from the county town."

Chang'an comforted him: "Uncle is injured, Chang'an doesn't want delicious food."

Yesterday, my uncle couldn't walk when he came back. I used Xiaozhuzhu to treat him, which cost half a leaf.

Song Sanshun patted his niece gently and sighed softly: "When uncle builds the house, I will take you to the county town. We will buy whatever Chang'an likes. It will be your birthday gift from uncle."

"Yeah!" Chang'an nodded fiercely, smiling with crooked eyebrows: "I want to eat pig's trotters."

Song Sanshun was stunned and said with a smile: "It's not easy to eat pig's trotters. I'll buy two and stew them for you in the next episode."

"Okay." Chang'an's mouth watered when he thought of the delicious taste of pig's trotters, and he swallowed several times.

During the evening meal, Changan ate less than half a bowl of noodles and a poached egg.

I also had a dream while lying on the bamboo bed at night. I dreamed of a lot of pig's trotters dangling in front of my eyes, including sauced pig's trotters, braised pig's trotters, roasted pig's trotters, and spicy pig's trotters.

After waking up in the morning, there seems to be a variety of pig's trotters aroma lingering in my nose.

After the family had eaten the morning meal, the old couple Song, Ba and Qi came over with ten guan of money.

"I'll give you ten guans first, and the other 20 guan will be paid within one year!" Song Baqi raised his chin and glanced at his son with contempt from the corners of his eyes.

Song Sanshun said expressionlessly: "Pay it all in one lump sum, otherwise we won't sell it."

Song Laoliu added to the anger: "Sanshun, just sell your well to me. I have discussed it with several people and we will collect the money together to give it to you. I will pay it off in three days!"

"You!" Song Baqi was so angry that his teeth itched, he turned back and took out his last twenty guan.

Mrs. Zhao felt very sad when she touched the money, but thinking of the severe drought in the future, she still reluctantly handed it over.

Song Sanshun took the money with an expressionless face and asked the clan leader to write a sales contract. The money and goods will be paid in full and he will never regret it.

Just as Li was bringing people over to measure the land, Song San used the money to buy eight acres of wasteland and paid the deed tax.

The wasteland was not valuable, and it was not as much as the deed tax. Most of the thirty dollars left were used by him to buy materials for building a house.

He still built a thatched house, but the walls were made of bricks and stones. It was much taller than the house in the original old house, and he built five rooms at a time.

There are three main rooms and two side rooms. The kitchen is located in the side room.

The doors and windows are all made of the strongest jujube wood, and the roof beams are also made of the best bamboo and fir.

Song Sanshun also used the money to buy a lot of rice, grains and beans for the villagers who came to help.

Of course, before building the house, he and the villagers also dug a well overnight, which was deeper and larger than the one in the old house.

It turned out that the well did not produce any water for two days, until Song Sanshun put the dragon king statue made by his niece into it, and a drop full of clear water came out the next day, which surprised him.

The water level is just below the Dragon King Statue.

Now Song Sanshun was sure that her little niece really had something magical about her, and the clay statue she made was like a divine object.

As water came out of the well here, there was suddenly no water in the old house.

Old Zhao only collected money for a few days, totaling less than a hundred wen, but there was not a drop of water in the well, which horrified her.

"Master? Why is there no water in this well? Is someone deliberately causing trouble?" Old Mrs. Zhao pulled her husband's sleeve with a frightened expression.

I spent thirty guan on this well. How many days has it been? There is no water!

"No way?" Song Baqi didn't believe it, so he followed his old wife to check, and saw that the well was dry like a cellar, and even a brick at the bottom of the well could be clearly seen.

"How could this happen?" Song Baqi was surprised.

Is it too strange that the water in this well has stopped? It's like being cut off from the water source by a human being, it's a bit weird.

Mrs. Zhao was so anxious that she slapped her thigh: "Ouch! Get someone to take a look! This well cost thirty guan!"

Song Baqi also panicked.

The well at home suddenly ran out of water. It was not just a matter of money, but also a matter of future survival for the family.

Isn't it because the well at home can produce a lot of water that I forced my son away regardless of shame?

If this well is abandoned, shouldn't I slap myself in the face?

no! He wanted to find a few people to come over and dig the well deeper.

But who can I ask for help?

People in the two surrounding villages are at odds with their own family over the payment of money for fetching water. If they know that the wells are out of water, it would be fine if they don't laugh at them. Where will they come to help?

How about we invite my brother-in-law and his family?

"Yinzhi, go and call your brother and nephew. Let's dig the well deeper. Maybe the water will come out." Song Baqi said to his old wife.

Old Zhao shed tears and said, "Okay, I'll call them over now!"

After that, he put on his straw hat and went out.

The sun outside is also too strong. If the well does not produce water, let alone recover the original income, my family will not be able to survive.

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