Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 87 The family is knowledgeable

Song Sanshun picked up his little niece and went out to the outside of the village to show her the color of the ground.

The areas outside Songjia Village were still dry and humid, and only the area within Songjia Village was humid.

Even the pond outside the village is half dry and half wet. Unfortunately, the rainwater has seeped into the dry soil of the pond and does not store water.

Chang'an stared for a while with his eyes wide open, then looked at the sky, feeling incredible.

Could it be that my own clay statue could really summon rain? But why don’t you put it down when you leave it at home?

At this time, many people from other villages ran into Songjiacun to see the strange things.

Because the newly dug ponds are already filled with water, many people are eager to take the opportunity to carry water to water their fields and gardens.

Of course the people in Songjia Village refused to agree, and they stopped the people from other villages and refused to challenge them.

"No one was around when we were digging the pond. I'm thinking of good things right now, so get out of here!" Song Laoliu didn't tolerate them, so he called a few men to guard the pond.

The people from other villages had no choice but to go home in despair.

Within a few days, the wild vegetables and weeds in Songjia Village grew wildly, and the greenery was everywhere. Even the vegetable seeds they had just sown started to sprout.

This made the people in the village so happy that they immediately took the whole family out to dig wild vegetables.

In early spring, shepherd's purse is not the only thing that can be eaten. Malanthus, dandelions, gray cabbage, thistles and plantains can also be eaten.

Malantou is divided into green stems and red stems, and the red stems taste better.

Chang'an likes to eat shepherd's purse and young wolfberry heads the most. These two have a more fragrant and unique taste. However, the young wolfberry heads must be blanched in boiling water to wash away the bitter taste, then minced and mixed with some miso and sesame oil. It is a delicious dish. Beautiful side dishes.

Mrs. Wu took Little Changan to dig shepherd's purse around the yard and prepared to make shepherd's purse dumplings.

"Aunt, when will uncle come again?" Chang'an asked while shoveling wild vegetables.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, my uncle went home with his mother-in-law Weng Weng. He promised to come back in the spring, but he has not returned until now. Chang'an misses him a little.

Wu: "Your uncle wants to send him to school, but he can't come for the time being."

Chang'an pouted: "I can also teach my uncle how to read."

Wu smiled and touched her niece's head: "That's different. If you want Chonglou to take the imperial examination, you have to enroll in a school."

In the future, to participate in the county examination, you must be recommended by the school teacher, and there is a joint guarantee, which all needs to be handled by the school teacher. If you stay at home to study, you will not be able to even apply for the exam.

"Oh." Changan was unhappy.

After the first lunar month, even Brother Goudan was sent to the village school by his father, leaving little Hoe alone.

Little Hoe doesn't like studying very much. He prefers to make clay statues to earn money, so his family has no plans to send him to school. After all, Chang'an can also teach him to read a few words.

After digging a basket full of shepherd's purse, Wu took Chang An home.

Before reaching the door of the house, I saw a young man wearing a long gown standing there from a distance.

"Master Lu, why are you standing here?" Wu greeted politely.

This young master went home a few years ago and has just returned. He doesn't go out much, but he likes to come to her home to talk to Chang'an and the little hoe.

But Chang'an didn't treat him warmly, and Wu just kept away from this young man.

The children of the noble family were alone outside. They couldn't afford to offend them, so they could only respect them.

Lu Jingzhou smiled and said, "Nanny bought some pastries from the county town, and I will send some over for you to try."

He said and handed over the food box in his hand.

Wu shied away: "How embarrassing, you should keep it for yourself."

Lu Jingzhou said: "My master and servants have also collected a lot of vegetables from your house here. Today Jingzhou only sent a few snacks to express his feelings, which is not worth mentioning."

Seeing what he said, Mrs. Wu had no choice but to take it: "Thank you very much, young master. Come in and sit down."

Then he pushed open the courtyard door and asked the young man to come in.

Lu Jingzhou was not polite and walked into the courtyard.

Chang'an looked at him curiously, then ran to the kitchen to get water to wash his hands.

The more he looks at this person, the more familiar he looks. His facial features and his stern appearance don't look like a teenage boy at all. I seem to have seen him somewhere before, but I can't remember it.

After washing his hands, Changan ran to the backyard again.

The backyard is a large vegetable garden, in which various vegetables have been grown.

After a rain, the vegetable seedlings are growing upwards. After a while, the vegetable seedlings will be planted separately.

Lu Jingzhou also walked to the vegetable garden and said softly: "Chang'an, I heard that you have learned to read, so I bought two children's books for you."

As he spoke, he took out two books from his arms and handed them to Chang An.

Changan shook his head and put his hands behind his back.

She could see many interesting books at Xiao Yuyu's place, but she couldn't finish them all, so she didn't want other people's books.

Lu Jingzhou paused and retracted his hand.

Chang'an ignored him and shoveled wild vegetables and weeds with a small shovel and threw them to the two geese.

Now the goose has grown so big that it will quack when it sees her, and will rub its long neck into Chang An's arms to act coquettishly.

Chang'an pushed the goose's head aside, grabbed a handful of goosegrass and fed it.

The geese like to eat this kind of grass and all kinds of wild vegetables, but now there are so many hungry and anxious people outside that they dare not let the geese and hens out to pasture.

Even the dogs at home seem to feel threatened by the outside world and don't want to go out for fun.

However, the big cat Huahua doesn't seem to be affected. It sleeps during the day and sneaks out to hunt at night. From time to time, it comes back with a mouse or half a pheasant.

Once, it took a headless mouse to Chang'an's bed and put it under her quilt, which frightened Chang'an so much.

Lu Jingzhou put away the books, pulled out a piece of grass from the ground and fed it to the goose, and said softly: "Is your uncle going to school?"

Chang'an nodded: "My uncle wants to take the exam to become a scholar."

Lu Jingzhou watched the goose peck at the grass blades and said, "I'm going to take the exam next year. Why don't you ask your uncle to come over and study with me?"

In his previous life, he was a Jinshi and became an official. Although he was only a second-class scholar, it would not be a problem to guide a studious young man to become a scholar.

Chang'an looked up at him and said, "Auntie said that uncle has to go to school to take the scientific examination."

Lu Jingzhou pondered for a moment: "I'll tell your uncle and aunt later that your uncle can register in the school first, and then spend half of the time studying with me every month."

Changan had a question mark on his head.

She didn't understand why this man insisted on letting his younger uncle learn from him. He was not even older than his younger uncle.

But I can't make the decision myself, I can only let my uncle and aunt decide.

After Chang'an finished feeding the geese, he went to pick up three eggs from the chicken coop and happily put them into the straw basket.

As the weather gets warmer in spring, the three hens at home start laying eggs, one every day, never slacking off.

There are already a lot of eggs stored in the straw basket, just waiting for the hens to nest, and then hatch a dozen chickens and raise them.

In the afternoon, when Song Sanshun came back from plowing the fields, Lu Jingzhou told him his suggestions and said that his family was knowledgeable and could help Wu Zhonglou grow up as soon as possible.

After discussing with Wu, Song Sanshun felt that this move was feasible.

Therefore, Wu Zhonglou went to school half the time every month, and took sick leave for the other half to come to Songjiacun to study with Lu Jingzhou.

In the blink of an eye, it’s March and it still hasn’t rained.

Except for the crops grown in the fields of Songjia Village, Taiping Township is a piece of loess.

This also resulted in their crops being often plucked secretly and eaten as wild vegetables.

There was no other way, so the clan leader had no choice but to organize people to patrol the fields day and night.

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