Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 98 A bunch of shameless people

"It's not good! The big dog eats people!"

Several children ran out of the village, shouting: "Someone is coming quickly!"

Changan ignored them and looked around for chicken shit, but couldn't find it.

It’s no wonder that the villagers keep chickens in their own yards to prevent them from being stolen by people from other villages fetching water. Naturally, there will be no chicken droppings outside.

"Chang'an, let's leave quickly." Qiangwei was a little scared and pulled Chang'an back.

Chang'an had no choice but to call the big black dog: "Go home."

Dahei turned his head to take a look, raised his hind legs, and peed towards the crying child lying on the ground.

This kid is so stinky that he needs to be covered with urine.

After peeing, Dahei happily followed his little master and ran home.

When people from Zuo Village arrived, they saw a large puddle of urine left on the ground, but no sign of the child.

"Where are the people?" Du Wu asked several children: "Where is my big hair?"

The children hesitated and blamed each other, and finally Chunshan stood up and said: "The big dog must have taken it away."

"What?" Du Wu's eyes were about to burst, and he grabbed Chunshan's neck: "Whose big dog is it? Take me to find it quickly!"

Chunshan was frightened and cried: "It was Song Chengye's big dog, and he was later snatched away by Chang'an."

Du Wu naturally knew who Chang'an was, so he pushed Chunshan away and ran towards Song Sanshun's house.

When he came to the door, he beat hard: "Open the door! Open the door!"

Chang'an had just returned home with Qiangwei, and before he could tell his aunt what had happened, he heard someone banging on the door.

Dahei and Baihuahua rushed to the door and barked wildly. If there was not a door blocking them, they would have rushed out to bite someone.

Wu quickly walked to the door and asked: "Who is it! What do you want to do?"

Du Wu thumped twice more and shouted loudly: "Open the door quickly!"

When Mrs. Wu saw that the visitor was so arrogant and unreasonable, she couldn't even open the door, so she raised her voice and said, "If you have anything to say, just tell me!"

"Your parents allow evil dogs to hurt people! Open the door quickly! I want to find my son!" Du Wu yelled.

Wu turned to look at Chang'an.

Chang'an was not afraid at all, he put his hands on his hips and said, "Dahei didn't hurt anyone! I don't have your son in my family either!"

Qiangwei helped: "That's right! They were the ones who provoked us first, and they even cursed us, huh!"

Du Wu didn't believe it at all, and started beating the door wildly again, crying loudly as if his own son had died.

Wu was very confused when she heard the commotion outside, and quickly asked what was going on in Chang'an.

Chang'an told the whole story honestly, and then burst into tears: "They said I didn't have a mother, and they said I ate candy and chicken shit. Wow wow wow wow wow."

Qiangwei also started crying when she saw this. She was frightened by the banging on the door.

Mrs. Wu quickly picked up her little niece and coaxed Qiangwei, "You go to the house first, and I will open the door."

Since her dog has not bitten anyone, she is not afraid of people outside.

Chang'an refused and hugged his aunt's neck and refused to let go.

If a bad guy outside dares to hit her and her aunt, she will beat him hard with small beads!

Fortunately, the villagers from Songjia Village came over soon.

"Du Wu! What do you want to do?" This was the voice of the patriarch.

Du Wu howled loudly: "My son was eaten by a dog, wuwuwuwu. It was Chang'an who instigated it."

"You fart!" The clan leader was furious and pointed at Du Wu: "Du Wu! You must have evidence for what you said!"

When Wu heard that the clan leader had arrived, she was heartbroken and immediately opened the courtyard door.

When Du Wu saw the door open, he rushed in like crazy, holding a pole in his hand and looking for someone.

When Dahei and Bai Huahua saw many people coming in, they stopped barking and stood beside their master obediently, watching many people rush into the backyard.

Du Wu searched everywhere but could not find his son. He still refused to give up and continued to lie down by the well and look down.

The clan leader and the people of Songjia Village couldn't bear it any longer, so they grabbed him and threw him outside the yard.

"What on earth do you mean?" The patriarch pointed at his nose and cursed: "Even if your son threw himself into a well, he would not throw himself here!"

Du Wu was not convinced and jumped up and down to beat the dog.

Behind him were people from Zuocun who didn't mind the trouble, threatening to beat Dahei to death and drag him away.

The people in Songjia Village didn't understand their intention. They just wanted to take the opportunity to kill the Song Sanshun family's big dog and coveted the dozens of kilograms of dog meat.

"I think you are just burping bitches. You have eaten too much feces, right?" Jin Osmanthus already knew what was going on from her daughter's mouth, and she jumped on her feet and cursed: "My own children are not doing things for others, and they want to accuse others falsely." ? What a shameless bunch of dung beetles wearing masks!"

"That's it! All of them are so uneasy and kind-hearted that they turn their backs on our village's water pond and deny anyone else? What a bunch of white-eyed wolves!"

"No one from Zuo Village will be allowed to enter our village to fetch water from now on!"

The people in Songjia Village were filled with indignation and pushed Du Wu and others to leave.

When Sanshun went out to dig a well and was not at home, people from Zuo Village came to bully him. This was unbearable.

Du Wu refused to leave until he found his son, and started fighting with the villagers of Songjia Village, shouting: "Give me my son's life! Give me my son's life!"

It seemed as if his son had died in Songjiacun.

The clan leader was furious and pointed at Du Wu: "You keep asking for your son, but you keep pestering me here. What's wrong? Do you think the Song clan members are soft persimmons?"

The villagers from Zuo Village shouted: "Clan Chief Song, you are not biased like this, are you? Several children have testified that Da Mao was bitten by a big dog ordered by Chang'an. Xiao Shuanzi said that Da Mao's head was bitten off. Now he can't see anyone alive or dead. Du Wu will naturally look for the corpse, but who knows if you destroyed the corpse and wiped out all traces of it?"

"You fart!" Madam Wu was angry, pointing at those people and said: "It's clear in the sky, you are not afraid of retribution for saying such things!"

Zuocunren: "Then why did your good child suddenly disappear? There is still a large puddle of urine on the ground. Wasn't he bitten to death by a dog and dragged away?"

Chang'an was furious and shouted: "You are all bad people! He stinks so much, Dahei shouldn't drag him!"

If the Zuocun people wanted to say anything else, a young man squeezed into the crowd and said coldly: "You must have evidence for what you said. If there is no evidence, it is slander. The Song family can go to the Yamen to accuse you of deliberate slander."

The people from Zuo Village turned around and saw that the person coming was a child of a noble family living in Songjia Village, and felt a little frightened.

But Du Wu was not afraid. He roared angrily: "It was Chang'an who ordered the big dog to bite my son to death. I will kill her today!"

Seeing what he said, Wu subconsciously hugged Chang An tightly.

Lu Jingzhou glanced at Zuo Cun and others coldly: "If this matter is wrong, how will you treat it?"

Du Wu patted his chest and said, "If I wrongly accuse someone, let me die without a burial place!"

"Your life is worse than that of a dog!" Jin Osmanthus cursed.

Lu Jingzhou said softly: "What does it matter to others whether you die or not? But there is a price for slandering others. So, as long as your son is well, you must give a stone of food to the Song family to make amends."

Du Wusi had long been misled by the villagers of Zuo Village, and his mind was filled with images of his son being dragged away and eaten by a big dog.

He immediately shouted: "Okay! If my son is fine and not injured at all, I am willing to give a stone of grain to Chang'an to make amends. But if something happens to my son, I will make Chang'an pay for his life! Song Sanshun still has to pay me fifty guans, no. , one hundred guan."


Lu Jingzhou gave him a cold look, turned around and said to everyone, "Did you all hear this?" (End of Chapter)

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