Chapter 1104: Blessing, Help

Qian Wanjin had a dream, and the dream was still beside Qinghe.

Xue Qinglian was barefoot on the bank of the river, jumping and scolding at him. Every time she tried to rush up to him, he was kicked back by his extremely precise corner.

In the dream, the sick cat Jin completed the perfect anti-bullying counterattack.

Laughing pigs.

It ’s so cool. It ’s so cool. It makes you bully Lao Tzu and let you threaten Lao Tzu with poison at every turn. Hahaha, cool, so cool.

In the hot weather, this kind of cold makes people feel physically and mentally relaxed and ecstatic.

Oops, why is there a fire in front of me? The flames changed from small to large, and the speed of the fire was very fast.

The heat wave brought by the fire light flew over him, and there was a feeling of heat. Qian Wanjin turned to want to go further. The tongue of fire behind him seemed to follow the shadow.

The burning sensation is getting more and more intense, and finally it has become hot, lying down, this is the posture to burn out the blisters!

Go, go! I want to go into the water!

"Hot ... Xue Qinglian, your uncle, get away! Grandpa wants to launch ..."

Standing with arms folded in front of the bed, Xue Qinglian sneered again and again, this girl dreamed of scolding him.

Kicked the shoes and stepped directly on the face.

Roll Laozi clothes? Very proud?

Anyway? Your second uncle.

The detective stripped the clothes of a certain golden body, rolled it, rolled it into a ball, and threw the foot of the bed, and the feet slaped on someone's face again. Xue Qinglian decisively turned back to the room and slept.

As for the guy who shouted hot and then called cold afterwards, he didn't care.

I thought that poisoning you was just a slogan.

Tonight, let this guy who knows nothing about heaven and earth have a good taste of what is called Ice and Fire!

It ’s not big for me to go to your brother-in-law!

I slept well at night, and when I got home, my spirits were very different from those outside. Liu Yusheng got up very early.

When he woke up, the man was still asleep, and it was rare that he got up earlier than her.

Stealing a scent on the man's face, admiring the beautiful beauty, Liu Yusheng crawled up quietly, missing the slight curvature of the man's mouth.

Put on your clothes and open the door. Just outside the sky, the lush green bamboo leaves in the corner of the courtyard are still covered with crystal dew.

The wooden shelf under the green bamboo was still there, but she was not at home, no one was here to dry the herbs, and the bamboo sieve was stowed away by grandma.

Walking to the wooden shelf, his fingers stroked the wooden lines on the shelf, Liu Yusheng smiled and sat down on the stone bench.

Fingers also swept across the stone tabletop, clean and dust-free.

It should be wiped every day, in addition to grandma and mother-in-law, as well as second wife, do not think of him.

She went to the capital and the small yard was still cleaned up. When she came back, she didn't need to worry about these.

Breathing the fresh air in the morning, Liu Yusheng's smile was softer.

"Fukuo, help!" Outside the courtyard, suddenly heard Qian Wanjin begging for help. He was weak and rushed in after him. His expression was dark, and the dark blue under his eyes was very thick.

"What's wrong with you?" Liu Yusheng was surprised.

He shuffled over and came across, sitting opposite Liu Yusheng. His head was instantly weak and pulled on the stone table. Qian Wanjin began to complain, "Xue Qinglian, the eighth lamb, conceived Laozi, quickly, detoxify me ..."

"Xue Qinglian?"

"Detoxify first, I will tell you slowly after detoxification, Grandpa can't support it anymore!" Binghuo Tiantian, 1991 reincarnation. He was tortured all night.

Wang Bajiao was too cruel, and he didn't feel embarrassed to say that when he woke up from a nightmare, his body was clean and slippery. That girl stopped taking medicine while he was asleep, and stripped him off, taking revenge! Undercover hands! Despicable and shameless!

Liu Yusheng's mouth pumped, "You haven't eaten a hundred poison pills, can you pour medicine?" Even so, his hand still reached Qian Wanjin's wrist.

She had to know what poison was in him to get the right medicine.

"That's a special drug-producing agent. What poison Baidu Pill can't prevent him from clearing it up!" When he scolded, he saw Qian Wanjin taking a snoring slap, and he was just a little pale and suddenly fainted. It was flushed and his eyes were watery.

Liu Yusheng, "..." She remembered.

One hundred poison pills can prevent one hundred poisons, only one kind cannot.


That's not a poison, it's just an exciting potion.

Look at Qian Wanjin's appearance again.

These guys, playing aphrodisiac, is really crazy.

"Oh, lie ... his uncle!" The numbness suddenly rushed up to make Qian Wanjin almost call out, holding on to the idea of ​​not being ashamed in front of Liu Yusheng, gritted his teeth, Qian Wanjin burst into tears, "Fu Fu You hurry, Grandpa can't support it! "

This night he was extremely ecstatic, and in his dreams, he held his little stone many times toss and toss, knowing that something was wrong but he couldn't wake up, and when he could easily open his eyes, the sky was bright.

Really **** ecstasy all night, he was a werewolf and he couldn't bear it!

Liu Yusheng silently retracted his hand, with a shame on his face, "That, little gold, I can cure this medicine, but when I get the antidote, the time limit may have passed automatically. Otherwise, you next to it?"

Aphrodisiac can't be solved by general Jiedu pills. Even if it comes out of Lingquan water, it won't help. Lingquan can eliminate harmful toxins. Too mechanical, without intelligence, so Lingquan can't filter stimulants.

And this is a medicine developed by the ghost doctor Xue Qinglian. Her medical skills are so powerful that it takes a bit of effort to break Xue Qinglian's medicine in an area that she is not good at.

It also takes at least half a day.

According to her observations, Qian Wanjin's medicinal effect was just half a day left.

The timing of Xue Qinglian's medicine application was very tricky. It is estimated that Xiao Jin was looking for her for help, so that she could not help Xiao Jin to detoxify.

After hearing the bad news, Qian Wanjin stayed for a while, and then turned his head and snarled at the second courtyard. "Xue Qinglian, you **** out to Lao Tzu, Grandpa fights with you!"

"What about the soul?" Ying Jing said, the inattentive figure was immediately appearing in front of the courtyard, "Isn't it a good night? Don't worry, you still have three hours to enjoy."

Three more hours? !! Qian Wanjin shook the wind and rain above his head, freezing with trembling, and his face was as pale as ever. Fingers trembled and pointed at the person who walked slowly, he was speechless.

Almost out of breath.

"This **** enmity came too suddenly, can I know what happened last night?" Liu Yusheng looked around, his face was serious, if the eyes were not so bright, it was quite serious.

"Sheng Sheng, come back." Not far away from the room, at this moment the man cleared his cold voice, "Let those two brains play by themselves."


"Feng Qingbai your uncle!"

"Wind Cypress, your second uncle!"

(End of this chapter)

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