Chapter 1110

"How is yours this year? Is it estimated that you can produce more than last year?"

"That must be no less! What village is this? We are blessed! Let me tell you, the rice in our village will definitely not be worse than you this year."

"It's a big deal, when your village rice was robbed, you were still at the lowest point. What's comparable? Down to earth!"

"Hey! You still don't believe it! If you don't believe it, we can exchange points, which is better than whose rice it is!"

"Come on, you want to make our rice!"

On both banks of the river, I drank and drank like this, accompanied by the river water, accompanied by the rising sun, the voice was dumb and still could not hold down the enthusiasm of the big guy.

In the past 20 years or so, the quality of rice in Xinghua Village has not decreased, and the output has always maintained an output of 10-20% more than in other villages. When rice is harvested every year, Xinghua Village is the busiest year in the year. This kind of bustling even exceeds the annual wine festival welfare.

The land is the roots of the crop people. The joy of harvesting the crops planted by yourself is incomparable to any other harvest.

On the other side of the river, Downhill Village has gradually begun to merge with Xinghua Village in recent years.

From the opening of the branch of Xinghua Village Winery, the people in their downhill village also got a place in the winery, and the downhill village began to change little by little.

Get your money and improve your life. Save money and rebuild your house. The more the day goes by, the more motivated, with the motivated work, the more serious and vigorous. Downhill villagers still haven't changed the nature of the gangsters, and they still have rogues and lower bounds, but their attitudes to life have changed dramatically.

The two villages have become more and more harmonious due to frequent contacts.

The Liu family is also a lively addition at this time.

The old and young men of the Liu family were with their family members at this time. Xue Qinglian, the laziest in the family, could not hide away, wearing a short gown, holding his trousers tube, holding a sickle in his hand, sweating like rain, his face was bitter.

Feng Qingbai's brocade also faded, and he replaced it with coarse clothes suitable for rough work. However, Xue Qinglian did not take the trouser tube to his knees as boldly, and his long sleeves covered his wrists. The aristocracy's temperament is not diminished at all, like the nobleman who erred in the wrong place, when the partiality is fused with the surroundings, it looks like there is no contradiction.

The two strong laborers are here. Although they are not as skilled in crop farming as they are in crop farming, they are younger and younger and have accelerated a lot of progress.

Farmers are busy. Farmers are busy, they are rushing to harvest, the sooner the better.

Liu Yusheng was responsible for delivering water to the people during the busy period of the farm. It was the lightest, and it was not easy to follow Qian Yi and Mu Qiu.

The three young women wanted to help more and were disapproved.

Violation of the Liu family rules.

Sitting in the shade on the side of the road, looking up at the sun rising above his head and starting to warm up, and then looking at the young and old men who were so busy on the ground that bright pearls of sweat were hanging on their brains. Liu Yusheng took the sweat from the bamboo basket. Towel, walked with a bag of water, "Grandma, father and mother, two uncles and two wives, rest for a while, wipe the sweat and drink saliva, the sun is getting high, and I will go home for dinner later."

"No busy, not so much in the morning, you can talk more, you will not come out when the sun is the strongest at noon." The old man smiled, picked up the sweat towel hanging on his neck, and wiped his face at will, After receiving the water bag handed by the little granddaughter, I drank a few mouthfuls.

After drinking, pass the water bag to those around you and drink them one by one.

When the family was drinking water, Liu Yusheng walked to Feng Qingbai and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "You can rest for a while, but if you are tired, you can sit on the field next to you."

"Well." Feng Qingbai should. To cut the rice to squat, look up in this position, and let the woman wipe the sweat for him, with her narrow eyes raised slightly, condensing the woman to wipe her sweat seriously, and the bottom of her eyes is shattered with golden light.

Like the Jinyang spilled from the sky, filtered out that layer of warmth, and then refracted it, all are gentle and gentle.

His figure was wrapped in golden light, her figure. From the top down, Liu Yusheng looked straight into the man's eyes. Unconsciously, the corners of his eyes overflowed with laughter.

When he wasn't prepared, he raised his hand and brushed his forehead.

Eye-catching, eating her tofu.

Liu Yusheng's small face fainted two red clouds, but he couldn't bear to turn around and walk away. The subconscious sweatshirt stayed longer on the man's face.

"In a blink of an eye, my grandmother was two children, and I wanted to be older when I went to Shimoda with my family for the first time. How old was six?"

There was a sigh from the village's mother-in-law in the field next to her. Liu Yusheng quickly drew her hands back as she was awakened, and walked along the circuit with a blush. what."

There was a coquettish laughter in the field, "Ha ha ha, yes, I haven't changed much since childhood. Most people are still Asho. When they were young, they didn't like to deal with people. Now they are much better than before. As long as he is there, when will they go to Liu Jiada? He drinks with us in the hospital. "

"Just because of your drink, it is not enough for our family to repair Xiu. We will come to my house at night and allow you to take turns to play. My family will go to Xiu and Qinglian and Zhiqiu, set up the dragon gate, dare you!" .

"Longmen formation is longmen formation, I'm afraid you can't do it!" Someone next to the challenge immediately, finished drinking and drinking wind Qingbai and Xue Qinglian, "A Xiu, Qinglian, Zhiqiu, don't be too anxious when drinking at night, let me know Uncle. "

"Hahaha! I still want to intercede with each other, look at your virtue!"

"Roll! I'm so drunk that my wife won't let me in!"

The laughter spread across the river.

The three young men in the field looked at each other and raised their eyebrows.

Longmen array? The elders of the village have allowed them to come by fifty.

Hearing an appointment on the side of the road, the only thing I was worried about was Qian Yi. Seeing that Liu Yusheng and Liu Muqiu both smiled, they asked unshamefully. Often, there are at least 20 people at a time. There are only three of us. Why don't you worry about it? "

Liu Yusheng laughed without saying a word, pretending to be mysterious, Qian Yi became curious and caught her like a cat, and finally Liu Muqiu gave her a solution.

"The last thing our family guys are afraid of is to fight wine."


"Unique secret technique, hangover pills. Take one capsule before drinking, and don't pour a thousand glasses."

"Ouch! I'm relieved!"

Both Liu Yusheng and Liu Muqiu were stunned, and then laughed wildly.

"Oh, hello" is the tongue of their old lady's mouth, and the big things and small things will start with a sound to make an opening statement, Qian Yi clearly learned the old lady's mantra.

I thought I could code three chapters in four hours, and I overestimated myself. I only wrote two chapters hahaha ~ I wrote one chapter and then sent it out. I'm not sure when it is, so don't wait for the big guy at night to finish sleeping Come on, what? ~~ Three chapters will be updated during the day, and debts will be repaid! I decided not to sleep late in the morning ... I will not sleep, I will get up at 10 o'clock, this is a flog ~ The debt is a bit huge, red duck ~~

(End of this chapter)

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